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The sky only wanted to hold the stars and help them shine brighter. If you don't know who I am my name is Hope Mikaelson.

I'm the daughter of a werewolf, a vampire and the granddaughter of an evil witch. They call me the tribrid. And I'm the only one of my kind.

All of my life, I questioned why my family sacrificed themselves for me. Why was I born ? Well, I found that out the hard way when I jumped into the pit's of Malivore.

But lot's of stuff have happen since that. Lizzie and Josie survived the merge, me and Landon are happy, and the school was at peace.. well so I thought.

I was lying asleep in my bed which is when I felt something was wrong. I'd had the feeling that something was lurking within the school. I

jolted awake when I heard the yells of people coming close from the school.

"Oh crap." I said as I grabbed my shoes along with my jacket and hurried to go get the others...


"So you call us all out here just because you heard some noises." Lizzie said to me, I was sure she was mad that I woke everybody up, but I was personally to tired to deal with her tonight.

"Something's wrong and I know it." I said to them.

It was me, Lizzie, Josie, Dr. Saltzman, MG, Rafael, Landon, Dorian, and Kaleb.

"Sure, you heard some screams, but that's normal for us. That doesn't mean we bang on each other door to look for the source." Lizzie said as I rolled my eyes at her as Dr. Saltzman said

"If there are any screams around the school, we need to check it out." as his crossbow and other weapons were close to him.

"Who would be here this late ?" Dorian asked weapons close to him as well.

"Maybe it's another monsters." Landon suggested, hands in his pockets.

"Don't say that dude, we've been through enough this last couple of weeks." MG said as he sighed "That's impossible, let's just see what it is." Dr. Saltzman said which is when were heard some rustling causing us all to stop as we all looked around.

"What was that ?" Josie asked as I felt myself step in something warm, in fact I thought we all were which is when I looked down and saw my shoes stained with red liquid.

"I think were standing in blood." Kaleb said as MG looked up and flashed his light as he eyes went wide which is when he said to us "Guys check this out !"

We all shined our flashlights which is when we caused all of our breathes to drop.

We saw over 30 people drowned in blood women, men, and even kids, they looked like people who had just come to looked around but ended up being someone's lunch, some of them were missing heads, other hands and legs, and some even missing eyes, noses, and fingers.

"Oh my god." Dr. Saltzman mutter as Landon said "Gross."

I walked up close towards them as I lifted up one of the women's who's head was still on her body as I saw bloody bites on her neck, once I'd put her back down her head rolled off and came towards Lizzie who gave a disgusted looked and said


"Who would be so cold-blooded to murder all these people ?" Rafael asked seeing one of the younger girls was tied up to a tree.

"I have no idea." Josie said looking at the same tree.

"Obliviously, It's a vampire and one with a big appetite." Dr. Saltzman said, as I said "I wonder how old it is." which is when we heard a twig snap as we turned to see nothing as Landon singed "I don't think were alone."ย 

That's when I saw something go fast behind the trees as Dr. Saltzman pointed his crossbow and said "Kids. Behind now."

"I think, you should be getting behind us." Josie recommended to her father as he narrowed his eyes which is when we heard something like eating, hissing and slurping which is when we looked to see the vampire feasting on a man as all our eyes went wide.

The vampire sucked the blood out of his neck as threw him to the side, as if he was just junk as it rose it's eyes at us, it's true vampire face showing as blood ran down the side of it's mouth.

The vampire who was responsible for the death of all these people, was just a eighteen year old girl.

She looked around the age of eighteen. She was of average height and had a a light complexion with olive undertones. She had dark brown almost midnight straight black hair with intense steel blue eyes which matched perfectly with her dark eyebrows and eyelashes. She also had a bad girl smile. She also seemed that she favor dark colored clothes. She was wearing a regular royal blue shirt with black jeans, a leather jacket, black heeled leather boots and a daylight ring that looked very similar to a certain pair of vampires.

Her eyes were like most vampires, were red eyes with the sclera of her eyes black as dark veins appear under her eyes as she had razor sharp adult like vampire teeth.

"You have got to be kidding me." Lizzie said which is when she put her hair behind her ear as she said "Who h*ll are all of you ?!"

"Oh, she curses fun." Dorian said.

"We should be asking you the same question." Josie said to her which is when she rolled her eyes and said "That's know of your concern. Your interrupt my dinner. And unless you want to become my new dinner, I suggest all of you leave."

"That's not happening, until you tell us who you are, were not leaving."

"What Hope said." Landon said as I turned to him and blushed while grinning.

"Then if you won't leave, I will." as she turned around and walked away from us which is when Dorian shoot his crossbow firing off a wooden stake as she catch it without question as she turned back to us and said "Such a shame you humans don't go down without a fight. That's fine I do have room for dessert." as she broke the stake in half flipped it into her hands as her vampire face showed as she hissed and vampire speed towards us.

She then used her strength to push Dr. Satlzman and Dorian towards a tree causing the two to groan as Josie shouted "Dad ! Dorian !"

"That's It ! I've had enough of Little Miss Ripper right now." Lizzie said as she put her hand out and yelled "Stella bun day." as she hit the tree with a loud bang as she narrowed her eyes and mutter "Witches. I hate witches." as she jumped to a tree and jumped off and went towards Rafael, Landon Kaleb and MG.

They fought her off, but once she pushed the four back they were just as knock out as the others.

She then came towards me as I blocked her hit with my arm as I lifted down her arm as I saw her vampire face, which reminded me of a certain someone.

"Damo- I was about to say the whole name when she cut me off guard and kicked me in stomach sending me to a tree.

"Hope !" Landon said which is when MG sliced her leg with his claws which is when she let out a painful yell as she kicked MG to the side as she went towards Lizzie which is when she was about to say a spell when is when she flipped off a tree and sended Lizzie towards the others.

"Lizzie !" MG said as he crawled towards him along with the others to make sure she was ok.

"Man, she's good." Landon mutter.

It was Josie left standing as Josie took in a deep breath which is she wiped the rest of the blood from her lip as she licked her lips and said

"This should be easy." as Josie said "Passim." sending her flying towards a tree as she hissed and vamp speed back towards Josie and kicked flipped her causing her to fall to the ground as she flipped on top of her and pined Josie's down.

There bodies touched. They were inhaling the same air. As if they were about to do something together.

She hissed at Josie showing her fangs as Josie trembled which is when the girl noticed her scared face and stopped hissing which is when Josie reached for her hand and touched it and placed the other on her cheek as there noses touched as Josie said "I don't wanna hurt you please. Just stop fighting and let us help you."

Her eyes faded which she mumbled "I-"ย  is when she gasped as she looked down and saw a wooden stake in her stomach as her skin turned pale as black vanes started to fade on her skin as she toppled over Josie as Josie looked and saw MG holding the crossbow as she yelled "MG !" which is when the rest of us got up and rushed over towards the to.

"What ?! She was about to kill you !" he defended as she picked her up and placed her head on chest and said "No she wasn't, I was talking to her saying how we could help her and you just shoot her !"

"My fault." MG said as his eyes dropped and noticed the young staked vampire which is Dorian came and took the crossbow out of his hand and said "He did the right thing."

"What do you mean he did the right thing ?!"

"We don't know who she is, and she killed all theses people."

"Plus, she's seems uncontrollable." Dr. Saltzman said.

"She's not, and she's a supernatural like us and needs to come to the school."

"Um, am I the only one saying that's a bad idea." Rafael said as the rest of us nodded which is when I said "I think Josie's right ?" as she smiled at her.

"Are you crazy, we can't have her here !" Lizzie said as I rolled my eyes and said "It's not safe to just leave her here, let just take her and wait tell we feel like she's ready to you know ? Wake up."

Dr. Saltzman sighed and said "Let's bring her, for some questions, she'll stay in the cells and I decided if she leaves or stays."

Josie smiled at her father as she said "Thank you Dad." as Lizzie groaned and walked away which is when Kaleb helped Josie's carried her as we all walked back to the school as I thought

"Who are you ?"



I woke up early the next morning to go check up on our vampire friend.

I had to say, she was very pretty. She was dressed in the same clothes she was last night when we found her. She slept peacefully, her hands were wrapped around her. We decided to unstake her last night and wait tell she woke up.

I was dressed in my school uniform, as I was just sitting on the ground playing with my thumbs waiting for her to wake up, I'd been with her all night and I didn't want to leave her side.

"Your pretty." I grumbled.

"Please tell me your not flirting with a vampire ?" Lizzie asked me as I rolled my eyes which is when the others walked in as I said "No, I'm not."

"Jo, were you here all night ?" Hope asked me as I nodded as Landon joked "She's munch more peaceful when she sleeping."

"I know, she kinda has a baby face." I blushed which is when Lizzie grumbled "Flirting." as I rolled my eyes and said "I'm not flirting."

That's when my dad walked in along with Dorian as he asked "Has she woke up ?"

"No, she just been sleeping."

"Well, we need her to wake up. Because we have alot of questions."

"Did you all bury the bodies ?" Hope asked as they nodded which is when Kaleb said "She's fierce."

"Yeah and going to be angry at you MG for shooting her."

"Look, it was a reflex, plus I thought she was going to hurt Josie."

"Well thank goddess she didn't." my dad said as I sighed and turned back to see the sleeping vampire.

"She look so familiar." my dad said which is when her eyes shot up as she jolted awake and then turned to see all of us which is when my dad said "Hey, Hey, It's ok. Were not going to hurt you-"

She vampire speed over to us and clenched her hands on the bars as her vampire faced showed as she hissed loud as we all backed away as Lizzie said "Josie, go ahead and work your magic." as she pushed me towards her as I slowly walked towards her as she continued to hiss at me.

"Hey, Remember me ? Please we just want to help." as I put my hand inside the cells and slowly put my hand on her cheek like I did before as she stop hissing and just looked at me.

"Hey, I'm a friend." as her eyes faded and leaned her head on my palm as she let go of the cells and backed away as I pulled my hand away and smiled at her as she rose her eyes back at us as my dad said "That works to."

"Now, who are you and why were your outside our school feeding on the innocence ?" he asked as she gave a wicked smile and said

"Oh yes, may I add there were blood was delicious." as she wiped the remain blood on her lip as she turned to MG and said "You shot me ?!"

"I know and I'm sorry, but hey you were about to eat my friend."

"I was not, she was talking to me and I was about to stop until you put a wooden stake through my stomach !"

"Again sorry."

She rolled her eyes and groaned and asked "How long was I out ?"

"Just for the night, we unstake you this morning." Hope told her as she groaned and fell to her knees as I asked her "Hey are you ok ?"

She rose her eyes at me and said "I don't know for sure, my heads killing me."

She then noticed the special "๐•พ." on my uniform as she asked "S ?"

"Yes. Your in The Salvatore Boarding School."

She laughed and said "Salvatore ?"

"Yes, the school was name after Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore, it's a school for the supernatural." as she rose back to her legs and said "Great, well I'm not staying for a detour so let me out so I can go back home."

"Not until we get some answer out of you." as she narrowed her eyes and said "Not happening, until I get my phone call."

"Phone call ?" Lizzie asked as she chuckled and said "I am in prison, so I wish to speak to my parents."

"Who are your parents anyway ?" Dorian asked her as she groaned "How many times do I have to tell you people this, that's not of your business."

"Well without a name, we don't know who to call." as she narrowed her eyes and rolled them as I said "Just tell us who you are."


"You can stay at our school." I suggested which is when my father said "I decided whether she leaves or stays."

"Dad." I mutter which is when Hope looked closer at her daylight ring.

It was a lapis lazuli ring with a sliver band and was uniquely shape with the initials "๐‘บ."

"Your daylight ring, it's very unique." Hope asked her as she rose her eyes at Hope and said "Thanks I guess."

"Yeah, It looks alot like a-"

"Salvatore Ring." my dad said as we all turned back to see the girl smirking as my father walked up close to her as he asked again and what to seemed to be the last time "Who are you ?"

The girl gave her usual bad girl smile as she put her hands back on the bars and said "Wow, took you awhile to noticed the ring, even if it's pretty similar to my mother's."

"Mother ?!" I asked her as she showed her ring off and said "Yeah, she was a legend around here."

She then titled her head while she asked "I know you heard of the long history of Vampires, knowing the original family, but another close family The Salvatore's and Gilbert's."

"Oh my god." MG said as the girl smiled and titled her head back up as she said "My name is Stefanie Salvatore Daughter of Elena Gilbert, Damon Salvatore and niece of Stefan Salvatore," as her face faded back into her vampire one as she said

"And If I were you, I would let me out of this cage." as she smirked as all of our eyes were wide.

"Stefanie." My dad said as he said "I'm going to let you out of the cage." as she rose a brow as he said "๐ˆ ๐ค๐ง๐จ๐ฐ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ฉ๐š๐ซ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ฎ๐ง๐œ๐ฅ๐ž, ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ ๐ฐ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ..."



I couldn't believe it.

Damon and Elena's daughter Stefanie was here at our school. I've heard of Stefanie before, she as just like all the rest of us, but I knew that her parents were know legends in Mystic Falls.

She also looked alot like Damon, and even fought like him. She looked little of her mother, but also had Elena's stubbornness, I knew her vampire face looked familiar, speaking about that she was a vampire as well. And a strong one at fact.

I stood outside Dr. Saltzman's office along with the rest of us. She was inside there along with Dorian, who was on the phone with what sounded like Damon and Elena.

It also sounded like Elena was scolded her for feasting on the innocence, which is what MG told us with his vampire hearing.

"Man, Elena's is angry." he said uncovering his ear as Josie paced around as I said "She's a Salvatore."

"Not just a Salvatore ?! She's the Salvatore, her parent's are Elena and Damon. The OG's of Mystic Falls, plus she's Stefan's niece. She particularly own's this school." Kaleb said to us as she rolled her eyes as Lizzie added

"She's like our cousin, it you think about it."

"Yeah, she is." Josie said as Lizzie joked "Nice's Going Jo, you brought a Salvatore to our school." as Josie turned around and said "I didn't know."

"And, you flirted with her." as Josie rolled her eyes and said "I wasn't flirting."

"That sounded like flirting to all me." which is when Dr. Saltzman stepped out of the room along with Dorian as they sighed and leaned on the wall.

"What's going on ?" Landon asked them as they sighed and shook there heads as we could all heard not just Stefanie yelling but what sounded to be both Damon and Elena.

"Man, there both angry." Rafael said .

"I would be to. Her parent's said she snuck out last night and went to feast."

"They spent hours looking for her." Dr. Saltzman added as I sighed as Lizzie asked "Wait, she lives in the Salvatore House to."

"Sick." Landon grumbled which is when I heard Stefanie yelled "You two don't know what's best for me !"

"Were your parents of course we do !" Elena yelled back.

"Were coming to get you !" Damon yelled to her as I feel Stefanie rolling her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes over the phone Stefanie." Elena said

"Stay put tell we get there !" I then could heard the phone hang up only to be followed by loud groan as the door busted open as Stefanie handed Alaric his phone and walked off.

"Stefanie !" Josie said to her as she continued to walked away from us.

"I'll go get her." Josie said as she followed her as Lizzie said "Or are you trying to flirt again."

Before leaving Josie rolled her eyes and went to follow her as I said "I can't believe I'm saying this but I think Josie's trying to flirt with her..."



I could hardly believe that Stefanie was the Daughter of Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore.

Now that I thought about it, she looked alot like Damon and Elena.

I followed Stefanie all the way towards the forest, where I could see her rushing to get away from me.

"Stefanie ! Please don't run, Your parents are already as mad as it is." as she turned away to faced me and clenched her fists and said "I don't care, I'm not going back home."

As she walked away again until I grabbed her hand as Stefanie pushed me to the ground and was now on top of me again as she screamed her vampire face showing "STOP FOLLOWING ME !"

"No." I said to her as Stefanie narrowed her eyes as her face went back to normal as she brought herself back to her feet and said "Don't follow me Josie because I don't wanna hurt you."

As she brushed herself off and asked "Why don't you wanna go home ? Don't you love your parents ?"

Stefanie turned back around and said "Of course, I do. Why wouldn't I ?"

"Because, it seemed like you guys don't get along."

Her eyes dropped as she found the nearest wood log to set on as she groaned which is when I walked over and sat down next to her as Stefanie said "I love my parents I do, but it's like I have no freedom to be who I am a vampire."

"You can be a vampire, at our school. You belong here Stefanie along with me and the others."

"Others ?" as I nodded and said "Yes my twin sister Lizzie, my friends Hope, MG, Kaleb, Landon and Rafael."

"So please-" as I grasped her hand as and put it on my heart and said "I know there some darkness in you but please help me bring it to the light."

Stefanie blushed as she pulled her hand away and said "My parent's would never let me go, decides I start school at Mystic High tomorrow"

"Do you wanna go there ?" I asked her as she chuckled sarcastically and said "No !"

"Did you tell that to your parents ?" as she sighed and said "Of course, I did. But my mom's think I should have a chance at a normal life."

"But your not-"

"Normal ?" as she nodded and said "I would love to go to this school and for the most part everybody seems nice."

"They are." I said as Stefanie asked "Do you have to wear the uniforms ?"

I chuckled and fixed my blazer and said "Yes you do, but we have pants and skirts."

"I'm not wearing a skirt." Stefanie said as I laughed and grinned while saying "I think you'll look good in a skirt."

She turned to me while smiling and as I hugged her and said "Please don't leave." as she put her chin on my shoulder and said "I don't wanna leave, but the choice is up to my parent's." as Iย  pulled away and said "I understand but tell them how you feel ok ?"

She nodded as I smiled which is when Hope came and said "Jo, you're dad's looking for you, plus Stefanie he said we need to keep a close eye on you."

I linked my arm to Stefanie as we got up and said "Well, while she's here, let's give her a tour of the school."

Hope then chuckled and laughed "Ok, the school is named after her family, let's show her around." as she linked her arm to Stefanie to as we walked towards the school...



I had to say, my dad really made this school cool.

The school was huge with many stories and floors. It was like a mansion, a home for the rich kids.

My parent's told me that the school was for supernaturals and was run by there friend, I asked them if I could go but since I've been causing trouble so munch and since they wanted me to keep my vampire side on the low I had to go to stupid Mystic High.

I would always groan and it would turn into a argument, but I would always get over it and we would go back to being a family.

I loved my parents alot, but they could they could be annoying sometimes.

I had a pretty strong relationship with my dad. I loved him to death and he loved me, he would call me his "Littlest Vampire." and all I would do is laugh.

He also was said that me and my mom were the only thing on earth that mattered to him. I would also ask him about my uncle Stefan and all he would do is tell me is "He was the best brother I could ask for."

Then there was my mother on the other hand, of course I'd loved her but I wasn't nearly as close to her as I was to my dad.

I love her don't get my wrong but I argue with my mom more then I do with my dad.

My mom wants me to have a normal life and not have to go throw what her, my dad, and my uncles had to, but I would always tell her I needed this and she would tell me she would sacrifice everything for me.

I also had a close relationship with my uncle Jeremy, my aunt Bonnie and my aunt Caroline.

"And this is the common room." Josie said to me as I looked around seeing many witches doing magic, along with the different packs and vampires who look nice, they all also stare at me.

"Why are they staring at me ?" I asked Hope as she chuckled and said "You're dad is Damon Salvatore."

"Oh yeah you're right," which is when we came across Dr. Saltzman as he said "Hey girls, I wanna talk to Stefanie for a little can I ?" he asked as Josie and Hope nodded as Josie waved goodbye to me along with Hope as they went to another room.

I sighed and turned back to him as he asked "Do you like the school ?" I nodded and said "Yeah, my parents always said it was for rich supernatural. See where the rich kid part came from."

He chuckled at me as I gave a slit smile back to him as I asked him "Um Rick or Dr. Satlzman, um how did you know my parents ?"

He sighed and said "I know you're parents very well. We were very close in fact. We always had each other's backs and support each other. I at first hated your father but now I see him as a brother, now me and your mom, I was her history teacher and she saw me as family."

I gave a slit smile as I asked "My uncle Stefan ?"

He sighed and said "You're uncle Stefan, was brave and one of the nicest people, I've meet. He had a special way of justice and he cared about helping people." as he cupped my cheek as I rose my eyes at him as he said "He would love you Stefanie and be honer that his brother name you after him."

Tears welled inside my eyes as I hid my face in Alaric's chest and cried {just trying not to as munch because I hate crying}

"It's ok Stefanie." as I removed my face from him as I wiped a tear from my eyes as I asked "So, say if someone wanted to you know.. um had feeling for you daughter particularly Josie, would you let them date her ?"

"Who's this certain someone ?" he asked as I put my hands up and said "I have no idea." as he said "I just want to person to protect my daughter, love her and make her happy. No matter what gender."

I smiled and nodded as Alaric said "I believe there's someone who has a certain eye on her ?"

I gave a disgusted look and said kinda loud "Who ?! Where do they live ?! What kind of supernatural are they ?! I'll kick there-"

He rose a brow at me as I gave a awkward look as I cleared my throat and fixed my jacket as he crossed him arms and said "You sure do care about my daughter alot you know ?"

I rolled my eyes and said "I do not. I'm Stefanie Salvatore, I don't care about anybody," as I walked away from him as he said "Everybody but Josie."

I turned back to him as I narrowed my eyes as he smiled as I groaned "Ugh !" and walked away going to find Josie and Hope so I could finished the tour.


"And that completes the tour." Josie said to me, which is when we got back to the school main room as I smiled and said "Yeah, this place is epic."

"Also where did Hope go ?"ย  I asked her asย  she sighed and said "She said to had to take care of something, I actual don't know where she went."

"Oh." I said which is when Josie smiled and held my hands.

"I really hope you can stay." as I blushed and grasped her hands to as I gave a slit grin and said "Me to." as I added "Jo ?"

"Yeah ?" as I swallowed past a lump in my throat and asked "Do you-"

Then when the school main doors open as I saw my mother and my father standing at the door as I let go of Josie's hands as I said "Oh crap."

They literally caused a scene really causing everybody to stare at them which is when the others came downstairs.

My dad hadn't even change at all, he still wore his black leather jacket {which he can't go a day without} along with a black shirt, darkened jeans, black boots and black sunglasses as his daylight ring sparkled.

Me and him shared the same intense blue eyes, light skin, black eyelashes and black eyebrow as his hair which shined hanged just over his ears with his typically styled in a casual disarray as he gave me a chill look while holding my mother's hand.

My mom hadn't change alot either.

Many people told my mom she was very attractive and beautiful.

She had a oval face, light olive complexion, almond-shaped brown eyes which are sometimes described as doe-eyes, and long dark brown hair {which had grown since she cut it } She favored wearing dark blue jeans with t-shirts of various colors and Converse sneakers.

Today she was wearing a black leather jacket over a red shirt with jeans and black and white converse. She also gave me a motherly look of disappoint and concern.

"There you are ?!" She said as she let go of my dad's hand and ran to hug me and she tackled me with a tight hug and cried as I hugged her back as I counted to myself in my head.

In about 3 seconds she was going to go from being a concern mother to a mad one.

I'd made it to 3 which is when she started to scream at me, causing everybody's eyes to go wide including myself, but my dad wasn't surprised, my mom must had talked about what she was going to do to me while they were in the car.

"Do you have any idea how worried me and your father was ?! We been calling and texting you're phone for hours ?! No response !? And here we are learning that you killed all of those innocent lives ?!"

I did my best to avoid eye contact, I just looked at the ground while she yelled at me. It was my first day at the school and I was getting yelled at by my mother, man so munch for first impressions.

"Sunshine." my father said as he grabbed my mother hand as she growled at him as he said "You know, how about we finished this at home."

"I think your right. You're grounded for a month." as I gave a slit eye roll as she turned to Dr. Satlzman and said "Thank you for watching over her."

"It's no problem Elena." which is when I glanced back at the others giving me looks which is when my dad said "See you soon Rick." as my mother grabbed my hand ready to lead me to my dad's blue car, but then I glanced at Josie's seeing her sad face even having tears welled inside her eyes.

That made my face fade into my vampire face as I yanked my hand away from my mother causing her and my father to turn to me as I slowly walked back to where I stood as my vampire face faded.

I then grasped Josie's hand causing her to look at me as I swallowed past a lump in my throat wondering if I was going to regret saying it as tears came down my face as I said "I'm not going back home."

That caused Josie to smile at me as I glanced back at her and gave a full smile as I turned back to my parents.

"What ?" My mother said walking back over to me.

I sniffled and said "Mom, I don't wanna go back home. I like it here mom. Dad. I belong here. I don't belong at Mystic High. I wanna stay here and learn how to control myself and stop seeing myself as a bloodsucking monster. I wanna make friends and be happy. Being here makes me happy."

I glanced back at Josie and said "Being with Josie, makes me happy."

She blushed at me as my mother said "You don't wanna go to Mystic."

"No ! I hate it there, I don't belong in a school full of humans, I'm not human anymore. I'm a vampire. Mom didn't you always tell dad not to see himself as a monster ?"

She sighed as she walked over towards me as she keeled down along with my father as she said "You wanna go to The Salvatore Boarding School ?" as I nodded as my father cupped my cheek and said "My Littlest Vampire. If you wanna go here, you can."

I smiled as tears came down my eyes as I said "Really ?!"

"Of course, I never wanted you to grow up like I did and have to go through with me, your father, your uncle Stefan and your aunts and uncle Jeremy went through. I wanted you to be safe and happy and I thought hiding your vampire side could do that, but I was wrong. You need to embrace it and learn to control it." as she smiled as I bounced on my toes and jumped into the two's arms and said "You guys are the best parents, I could ask for."

They smiled as my father said "Try not to kill people ok ?" as I gave a mischievous smirk and said "You know, I can't keep promise." as he ruffled up my hair as I smiled at him.

My mother than said "Please don't case Rick any problems." as I smiled as Dr. Saltzman said "Yeah, please." as I smiled at him as father put his glasses back on and grabbed my mother's hand and said "Let's go Pouty."

My mother smiled at him as she ran back to me and gave me one more hug and whispered to my ear "I love you." as I cried into her chest and said "Love you to more."

Everybody smiled at us, which is when my dad taped his foot waiting for my mom as he gave a playful yawn which is when my mom rose her eyes at him and said "Come here Grandma."

"But affection isn't really my thing." as my mother gave him a look that said she wasn't going to ask again as she said "Damon. Now."

He took off his glasses as he walked over back towards us and grasped the two of us in a hug as I smiled and thought "Salvatore Boarding School. I'm home..."


"So, I'm staying with you ?" I asked Hope, while carrying my suitcases along with my boxes and bags as I stood in Hope's doorway.

"Yeah, you're my brand new roommate." as I looked around at Hope's colorful room as I saw the brand new bed to the side as I sighed and said "Well, It could be worst." as she chuckled as I walked towards my bed and put my stuff down as I sat down.

"You going to start classes tomorrow, so you have a big day ahead of you." as I smiled and nodded.

"Also where were you ?" I asked her as she sighed and put her hair behind her ear and said "I needed to wolf out."

"Wolf out ?" I asked her as she sighed and said "Yeah. I'm a Tribrid." as I rose a brow and titled my head at her.

"Tribrid ?" I asked her as she sighed and said "Yes. My mother was a werewolf alpha, my father a original hybrid and I'm the granddaughter of an evil witch."

"Wow. The Great Klaus Mikaelson is your father ?"

She nodded as I said "Wow. Your the only Tribrid ?" as she nodded again and said "Yeah, it can get kinda lonely."

"Well I was a only child to." as she chuckled and said "So was I." as I said "I don't even know if I'm going to fit in."

"You well, I know you well. Decides Josie is going to make sure nothing get's to you." as I chuckled and threw a pillow at her as she threw one back at me as we began to have a huge pillow fight.


I couldn't believe I was going to spend my whole year at the Salvatore Boarding School.

I'd hope people didn't look at me wrong and they accepted me. I was also worried about if people were going to like me and If I made the right choice.

I sighed and glanced at Hope seeing she was asleep, as I smiled and brushed the feather out of my hair as I tiptoed out of the room as I walked to the kitchen.

I groaned thinking about my thoughts as I sipped the blood out of the blood bag that the school gave us, really it match with my red stain nightgown which is when I heard something that sounded like growling.

I took the straw out of my mouth as I put the blood bag down which is when my eyes went to my vampire ones as I grabbed a knife and walked outside.

The sounds of wolves howling filled my ears and insects buzzing as I pointed the knife around as I said "Hello ? Is anybody out there !"

I also shivered, it was freezing and I didn't bring a jacket and plus I was barefoot, and the more blood I'd drink I was more sleepy.

I then began to hear growling close behind me as I turned around and dropped the knife as I trembled as I let out a bloody shriek as the creature lunged down at me as my screaming echoed...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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