A new Purpose

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Written on 25th November 9 AM

Percy's P.O.V.

Percy felt no pain. Neither ease. He remained in his own position seeing a replica of himself falling to the ground before burning into ash. All he could think of was 'What's happening?' 

Then he saw Lady Hecate giving him a small wink. The mist. He understood. It must have been a powerful mist, much like the Labyrinth. Why did she save him though?

Poseidon's threat had made everyone shake in their seats. After he left the throne room, Percy noticed Artemis. She had a sorrowful look in her face. Then his attention turned to Hades, who was smirking at where he supposed the real Percy was. Hestia was smiling too, at Hecate. They knew that Percy was still alive. 

The meeting had ended, and after everyone left the hall, Hecate removed the mist. Only she, Hades, Hestia and Percy were there. A lot of 'H' gods if you ask. 

"Why did you do it?" Percy asked. He wanted some rest. "I just told everyone that I am dangerous."

"Well forget about that. Now tell me. Do, you want a new purpose?" Hades asked.

"But, I needed to DIE! If I keep going like this I'm gonna be a danger to every one of my world!"

"And that's why you won't be with your world any more. If you agree to this, you will be going to another different world, far far away from gods. Well there might be a very very few numbers of demigods or legacies, like the usual, without any idea of their heritage, but gods won't interfere with you again. Besides your current predicament is because the more you are near divine beings, the more divinity you keep gaining. A few years far away from all these will be enough to chill you down and you will be good as new again." Hecate explained.

Percy wondered if this was worth it. Finally he decided that he was gonna do it. If that meant a few years of relative peace and finally him getting healed, why wouldn't he?

"Alright, so what am I supposed to do?"

" Oh its easy. You need to protect another world, and more accurately, a boy. A young 11 years old boy, who will have a rotten luck, much like you, but I must say, a lot better than yours. No offence." Hecate said. Percy shrugged. 

"His name is Harry Potter. And he lives in the Wizarding World." she said.

Percy blinked once on hearing that. Then blinked again. 

"Yea, say again?" Percy asked surprised under the impression that he couldn't hear it properly.

"Yes, the Wizarding World. And you are the Semideus Magus. The demigod wizard. I bless you with wizardry, far better than any other wizards or witches, and bless you with the gift to change your appearance at will." Hecate said, while hitting Percy with a red light beam. His shape changed, and he grew back to my 12 years old self. Just with the battle scars, the ones he was a little proud to keep.

"You will be attending a wizarding school, and the spells are in Latin, so that should not be a problem." Hecate continued. She touched Percy's sword, which changed into a wand. "This is your wand, and it will change into a sword, whenever you use it's Greek name. Now, I have a small story to tell you."

The 3 gods, and Percy got teleported to Hecate's palace. They seated themselves on cozy chairs. Then, Hecate then started speaking.

"Many centuries back, I had a few children. And one of them was named as Merlin. Now, Merlin was the first recognized Wizard. He had a lot of strong magic in his blood. And magic is unlike other demigod powers. It doesn't lessen from one generation to another. In some cases it increases, while in some it does decrease. Now, Merlin had a lot of descendants. And 4 of these descendants were Godric, Helena, Salazar, and Rowena. The four of them founded the first wizarding school in the world. Hogwarts. These 4 founders, made their own houses, and started teaching them

These four houses were Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each had their own qualities. Slytherin's were pride, ambition, their nature to use anything to achieve what they want, and their cunningness. Some of the Slytherins were dark wizards, wanting to take over the wizarding world. And that led to some wars. But none of them were as dark as this one.

He was Tom Riddle Marvolo. He is a direct descendent to Salazar Slytherin. And his cruelty increased so much, that people started to fear him. He is known as Voldemort. A name that the Wizarding World is too scared to speak.

Now, Voldemort rose to power too quickly. He had a lot of followers, named as Death Eaters. These followers, also killed and tortured innocent people for fun. His reign of terror shook the entire world. But 11 years ago, he was killed. By a small boy, none the less. Somehow, when Voldemort attempted to kill him, the small kid destroyed him. Many people believe he is dead, but no, he is not. He is just bidding his time, hiding, regaining his powers. Some people believe this theory though. Like my own son, Albus Dumbledore. 

Now, Voldemort has gained a lot of energy, and is going to kill this boy, who is now 12 years old. Harry Potter. And your job is to protect him at any cost. Else the wizarding world will collapse, leading to the death of many people. You will go to Hogwarts, as a first year, same age as Harry. But go incognito. Don't let any one else know you. The 3 of us will not speak a word of this anymore, but I will go to you often to know what is happening." she finished. 

Okay. Nice story. Percy thought.

"How, will I go and where will I stay before going to Hogwarts?" Percy asked.

"You will go to Hogwarts on September 1st, from London, where the train Hogwarts Express will take you to Hogwarts. And meanwhile, you can stay in my house in the wizarding world. I will go there occasionally." Hecate replied. Percy nodded in understanding.

"And what will I be doing now?" he asked.

"Blessings." Hades said. He came forward and touched Percy's forehead. "I, Hades, Lord of the Underworld, give Perseus Achilles Jackson, control over skeletons, and shadows. I give him the fourth sector of my army at full disposal." Percy glowed a dark aura. 

Then Hestia stepped up. 

"I, Hestia, give Perseus Achilles Jackson control over flames, as well as control over household objects, and jobs." She said, as Percy grew a red flame color. 

"Now, that the blessings are given, hold my hand, and I will take you to your new home." Hecate said. Percy took her hand, and the two of them vanished on-spot.


Percy and Hecate appeared in another house. It was big, but not too big. Almost the size of Percy's old apartment. The thought made Percy cry. Just a month ago, Percy went to his parent's apartment, and had found them dead. Murdered. But Percy did not allow himself to break. He resisted too hard, and managed to move on. But the house reminded him of it.

"Your school supplies are in your room packed. You will find everything there. I must leave now." Hecate said handing Percy a small ticket, named as Platform 9 3/4. Things were so weird they could not just get weirder. Firstly his parents dying. Then Annabeth kissing that Apollo kid. My life is a mess.

He walked out to the balcony. It was a beautiful sight. Houses lined up. And a sign of Diagon Alley was written on sign-boards. It was night here, and the moon was glowing bright in the sky. Percy let myself break down for some times. And he cried and cried, pouring his heart out. 

'Why me? Out of 7 billion (memories of 2021) people on the world, why ME? Why not someone else? What did I ever do to screw up my life this much? Why does the fates hate me so much? Was I a criminal in my last birth? Cause even the worst of criminals does not deserve this.' he said to the sky. 

And in his mind came the answer. "Because you are capable of it. And would you like anyone else suffering from what you are?" the voice said. 

'No. Never. I will never let anyone else suffer from what I am suffering.' he thought back.

He gazed longingly at the moon and the stars, and slowly fell asleep right in the balcony, not before muttering to the stars, the words, 'Bob says hello'.


Percy started writing a new diary, from the next day. A diary to keep him companion. His only friend. And his first entry in Greek was-

27th August, 20**

Dear Diary.

I know this is the first time I am writing a diary. But right now, the only thing I need is friends. 'Cause i got none currently. My love of life is with someone else. And she is happy. All I want for her is to be happy. And if he makes him happy, I am happy. Annabeth, I forgive you. Our love was never to be lasted, and so, I forgive you for it. 

My life is a mess. Messier than ever. 2 wars. 2 freaking wars, and then all I want is a little peace. What do I get in result? 

Myself 'fake' dying, leaving camp, leaving my world, and coming to a totally new world. Wizarding World. Weird right? I couldn't agree more.

I miss Nico. Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Thalia, Chiron, the Stolls, and everyone else. But I can't go there. Because they must probably be hating me now. And I am pretty sure, Mr. Thunder pants, fed them with lies about me. 

My job is to protect a boy named Harry Potter, and stop Voldemort from killing him. Dam these idiotic quests. Hecate, saved me and in return wants me to do this. Like, Seriously?

I want to die. And go to maybe Elysium. Stay with Luke, Charles, Selena, Zoe, Bianca and others. I want to leave this constant misery behind. What did I ever do, to get this? Dam.

My life is a living hell. That's all I get to say. 

Logging off

Percy Jackson.

Originally published in 24th Nov, 2021.

Edited on 13th May, 2023

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