Prince of Atlantis

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Started writing on 2nd November at 12:11 AM.

Harry's P.O.V. (His words)-

The car crashed in the Whomping Willow. So many many many trees, but the car just HAD to crash right into the tree that attacks back.'

We went to the dining hall, after getting a long lecture from McGonagall. We missed the sorting. Too bad. 

Ron noticed his sister Ginny Weasley sitting in the Gryffindor table, beside a boy who was looking bored, from Dumbledore's lecture. I looked closely. He seemed familiar. Who was it? 

"Hey Ron who's that beside Ginny?" 

Ron looked closely, and recognized it was Peter. Of course I forgot about him. Well, we never had a conversation, although we shared a dormitory. He was the mysterious gloomy hidden American guy. 


After the Howler incident and the lecture from Hermione, Ron and I left the great hall, towards our dormitory. Peter was not there. 

I never noticed the last year, but this Peter is definitely mysterious. I walked towards his bed which was at the end of the row. A small box was there under his bed.

Now, I know it is never good to sneak on other people's things. That's NOT good. Being the good boy I am, I left it there. I noticed an envelope on the bed too. (Percy definitely needed to keep his things properly).

The envelope was opened. I couldn't resist my curiosity, and took out the letter. (he did a dam mistake) 

The letter was written in some other language. Dang it. What language is this? I looked at the paper, but couldn't understand a thing of it.

Αγαπητέ Πέρσι,

Ελπίζω να είσαι καλά. Εμένα και ο Άδης σίγουρα μας λείπεις πολύ. Η Εκάτη μου έδειξε τη νέα σου κοκκινομάλλα φίλη.Μου είπε για μια νέα απειλή και στο σχολείο σου. Βασιλίσκος φαίνεται. Και μια κάμαρα κρυμμένη από όλους τους άλλους ανθρώπους εκτός από έναν Σλίθεριν. Δεν ξέρει τι είναι αυτό. Ούτε που βρίσκεται ο θάλαμος.Μείνετε ασφαλείς και κρατήστε και τον Χάρι ασφαλή.

Από την Εστία

(Here's the English version of it. Google translate definitely helps a LOT. - 

Dear Percy,

Hope you are doing well. Me and Hades are definitely missing you a lot. Hecate showed me your new red haired friend. She told me about a new threat in your school too. A basilisk it seems. And a chamber hidden from all other people except for one Slytherin. She doesn't know what that is. Nor where is the chamber located. Stay safe and keep Harry safe too.

From Hestia)

I need Hermione's help for this. Peter was DEFINITELY suspicious.

I silently tried to pocket the letter. Key word - Tried. 

"You shouldn't steal other's things." A voice behind me said. I turned around. It was Peter. Wait. I didn't even hear his footsteps entering the room. Is he that stealthy?

"Oh- I- I- I, I w-was just just reading it. And I couldn't even understand it." I stuttered. Now what should I say.

"Okay. Just give the letter back, and try not to poke in other people's business." Peter said. I hurriedly gave him the letter back, and muttered another apology before going to bed. 

What surprised me the most was that Peter did not go to bed. Instead he went to the balcony. But sleep grabbed me, and I closed my eyes.

Percy's P.O.V. (His Words. Long time since I did that.)

I walked out the balcony, after reading the letter. It was a Basilisk. Can't they give me some time to myself? 

I vapor-travelled to the Black lake. It was the only place I felt as home. I spent most of the time there. The creatures are also very peaceful and loving. Other than their 'milord' business, they were good company.

I swam to the bottom of the lake. Swimming in the night in freezing cold water was not suggested by most people because of the chill. But it just poured my body with energy. As comfortable as it was, I almost daily slept in the lake. With maybe a few fishes company before sleeping.

"Milord, you came?" David said. I was good friends with David. Well, it was a small 1 month old fish, that was named as David by me. 

"Yeah Dave. Now what did I say about milord?"

"To not use it, milord." I sighed

"You never learn now. Do you?" I talked with him for a few minutes before falling asleep at the bottom of the lake. 

I heard a soft voice near my ears, just before my eyes closed. "All hail the new Prince of the Sea."


On Atlantis (3rd person's P.O.V)-

"I had to do it, father. I needed the throne." Triton whispered slamming against the bounds. He spelled the word father, just like Artemis spells the word 'male'. 

"I expected better of you son." Poseidon muttered. He looked like an eighty years old man. His trident by his side. He had been plotted to be maimed and almost killed by his son, Triton during his sleep. The plan would have succeeded if not he woke up at the last second.

Triton was immediately captured, to be tried in the morning. His mother Amphitrite was also found to be in the plan. And right at the moment both of them, along with all their followers were in Atlantis court.

"You, Triton Poseidon are hereby removed from the title of 'Prince of Atlantis'." Poseidon said. 

"You, Amphitrite Nereus are hereby removed from the title of 'Queen of Atlantis' and also my wife." Poseidon roared. A blue light was removed from the two of them.

"No, you- you wouldn't do that." Amphitrite said, weakly.

"I would. Take the two of them to the cells. They are punished to one millennia of imprisonment." Poseidon roared.

"Please. Have mercy. Please." Amphitrite cried. 

"You have dared break the biggest law of Atlantis. For that, even if I want it or not, I have to punish you. Take them NOW." Everyone flinched. Well, only 1 millennia of imprisonment was easy. At least Poseidon, unlike other gods did not put the prisoners to dreadful punishments like the ones in the fields of Punishments.

Two mermen dragged the two of them to the prisons. 

After an hour as it seems of quietness in the room, Poseidon's dolphin friend, Delphin spoke out.  

"Milord, Atlantis and the seas need a new prince of heir. Otherwise the whole place will crumble into chaos."

"True, true my friend. I do need a new prince of the seas." Poseidon said thinking and stroking his beard. A small smile appeared on his face.

Poseidon cleared his throat, took upon his godly form, with his trident by his side, and stood up.

"I, Poseidon, God of the seas, earthquakes, droughts, and horses, hereby declare the prince of Atlantis and my heir, as Perseus Achilles Poseidon Jackson, twice savior of Olympus, son of mine and Sally Jackson, the greatest hero to ever step on Earth. All hail, Perseus Achilles Poseidon Jackson. The new Prince of Atlantis." 

Poseidon declared Percy as the new prince of Olympus. He aged down to his mid thirties, as the seas glimmered in sunlight (Atlantis and Scotland times are different). Waves clashed happily, as Atlantis chorused in joy. Percy was the already heart of the seas. He had somehow made his way into the hearts of every civilians of Atlantis, as they read his stories, or met him in real. People always favored Percy more than Triton. 

The declaration of Percy being the prince, just made them the happiest they had ever been. Percy was also immortal now, being the prince. 

"We must find our prince, and give him his rightful place." Poseidon said. Everyone knew of the fact that Percy was missing. But now as the Prince of Atlantis, he HAD to be found.


Olympus - 

The power of the seas increased a hundred folds, and it could be felt even in Olympus. More power than Olympus ever had. All the gods were confused. Every gods were there, other than Poseidon, and Artemis. The later was continuing the search for Perseus.

Poseidon flashed right to Olympus. He looked fresher than before, and happier too.

"Explain yourself." Zeus roared. Poseidon grinned cheekily before telling them the whole incident.

Half an hour later, Zeus spoke again. "Fine. I won't kill Perseus. We need to find him as soon as possible." 

Hi guys. Finished the chapter. Made Percy immortal. Hope he is doing well. Can't wait to write the next chapters, but bad luck. I have to attend the classes. U know. Worst luck

See ya later. Goodbye. Have a nice day.

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