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You felt a sting on your eyes as the sun shines upon you. You slowly opened your eyes and slowly get up as you don't want to disturb him sleeping. After done doing the morning routine and walked out of the room. You suddenly remember that your first friendiversary with them is today so you get excited and ran downstairs as you heard a noise coming from the kitchen.

"Good morning Oppa!" You greeted jin who is cooking. The scent of the food making you drooling over and felt hunger for it. "Ah y/n, good morning!" Jin smile while looking at you and you smile back. "do you know-" you get cut off by jin. "Y/n, could you help me called the others up as I am cooking breakfast for them?" jin said. "Sure, I will!" you replied and you left.

You went back upstairs to called them up as jin told you to. The first room you enter is rap mon's room.

*Rap mon's room*

You knocked on the door before entering the room. But you didn't get a response from him, all you can hear is his loud snoring. You then slowly opened the door while opened his curtain letting the sunshine in the room. Rap mon felt the sting of light shine on his eyes and quickly grabbed the blankets to cover him. "Oppa, wake up already." You called him multiple times.

"hmm.." rap mon hummed in a sleepy tone. You can see that he hadn't completely woken up so you decided to use your phone and placing onto his ear. Rap mon then quickly woken up as the screamed part shook him. Rap mon was pissed off about to throw your phone out of the window but you immediately stopped him from doing that.

"Oppa, Oppa, mianhae, jinja mianhae!" You begged him not to throw your phone out. Rap mon is shocked that you are in his room. "Yeah, why the hell would you do that?" Rap mon said. "Well, I called you up multiple times but you can't seem to wake up so I use the sound to called you up...mianhae" you explained and apologize to him.

"It's alright. don't ever do that again" he forgives you. "now that I'm up, I suppose you have to call the others right?" rap mon raised his one eyebrow. "yes, and go downstairs, jin already made breakfast." you told him and you left his room. You went to the next room which is suga's room that just beside rap mon's room.

You can already felt goosebumps before entering the room. You knocked on his door but no one responded so you took a deep breathe to gain some courage and entered his room.

*Suga's room*

You entered his room but there is no sight of him. Suddenly, you flinched as the door shut itself loudly causing you to look back but there is no one there. You then looked around the room looking for him.

When you turned around, suga appeared in front of you causing you to get jumpscare and almost slapped him as you were in the horror movie. Suga holds both of your wrists to stop. "Yeah, it's me," suga said and you stopped. You can tell that suga have frustrated.

"Aish, what a bothersome. I'm already woken up. Thanks to his scream who have ruined my peaceful dream of torturing human's miserable soul." suga said it coldly as he is pissed off and he stopped after what he had just said after knowing that it was you. You were shivering in fear by his word until Alex came to the rescue.

"Noona!!" good morning!" Alex came to hug you. Suga ruffles his hair in panic and apologizes to you with sincerity. "No no, it's okay and jin wants me to tell you that he has made breakfast so come downstairs."Suga nodded and chuckled at your reaction while you left and went to the next room which is jimin's room while Alex came to tag along with you.

*Jimin's room*

You knocked on his door. Jimin is brushing teeth while opening the door looking at you. "Sup?" jimin said while brushing his teeth. "Good morning, hyung!" Alex said with a happy tone. "Jin told me to called you to come downstairs as he is making breakfast," you said.

"On it!" jimin said. "well that was easy to call him up" you mumble. "probably rap mon hyung's voice has called everyone up," Alex said. "You were up by that?" you asked and Alex nodded. You then arrived at jungkook's room which is next to you and taehyung's room.

*jungkook's room*

Before you could be knocked, Alex opened the door and revealing jungkook doing some push-up shirtless. After jungkook did doing push up, jungkook tired and drink lots of water while he is sweating.

"Hyung!! good morning!" Alex greeted him and jungkook greet him back. You quickly look away. "Yah! put some shirt on!!" you said. "what if I say no?" jungkook teased.

"Yeah, just put some god damn clothes on!" taehyung appeared out of nowhere and handed him the shirt after hearing you yelling. "Aish hyung, thank you for the shirt." jungkook revealed to the bunny while your eyes are focusing on his tone abs.

Taehyung notice where your eyes were looking at and jungkook close the door. "noona are you okay?" Alex looked at you innocently noticing your face have begun red.

"a-ah? o-oh I'm fine, I am totally fine. well uh oh! I need to go called j-hope up so gotta go." you said it awkwardly and quickly run to j-hope's room.

*J-hope's room*

You opened his door after not getting a response, revealing j-hope doing some dance moves while listening to music on his headphone without noticing you.

You quietly watching j-hope dancing and saw happy he is while he is dancing. You somehow wondering what song did he dance to. You then approached him but j-hope stopped dancing and remove his headphone after saw you.

"yah, can't you knock? how long you have been watching me?" j-hope surprised that you're here. "Long enough to watch you dancing happily." you smile while clapping hands.

"thank you. y/n for being the first audience to watch my dancing!" you smile at j-hope and he smiles back at you. "Jin said to head downstairs as he cooking breakfast," you said to him. " Oh! I gonna go, see you at the dining room," you said and left his room.

(Mature Content 16+)

While you heading to your room, someone pulled you to your room with quick speed. You tried to scream but he covered your mouth preventing you to screamed until you heard the familiar voice whispering to your ear.

"it's me, milady" his deep husky voice have made you shivered down to your spine. Taehyung then let go of you and you gasped for air to breathe. "Yeah, are you trying to kill me?" You panted.

Suddenly, Taehyung walked closer to you and you went to the door but it won't budge then you felt a hand slammed beside you causing you to froze as you don't want to face him.

"Then why are you scared~ hmm?" Taehyung purring at your ear. You then turned around to face him but your legs have failed you. Taehyung went to sit on the bed looking at you while you stared at the floor.

"Come here" taehyung signal you to sit onto his lap. "No, not today. Tae, not toda-" you denied but taehyung pulled you causing you to sat onto his lap. You were embarrassed and taehyung notice your expression and he chuckled. "Milady...Y/n...why are you blushing~" his deep husky voice making you driving crazy over him. You then felt his hot breath on your neck.

'Aish, this king' You thought but you immediately snapped out of it. "Yeah, what do you want?" You asked. "I want you, jagi.." taehyung said and slowly form a smirk. "What do you want me to do the-" you turned around to face him but he smashed his lips to you. You tried to deny it but his kisses are more passionate so you give up and kissed him back. Taehyung smirked at you between the kiss knowing that you have given up. Both of you kiss until both of you gasped for air. "Your lips taste good. Makes me want more" taehyung said.

"T-tae, we're got-?!" You pulled him away but taehyung pulled you closer and kiss on your neck which you're sensitive it. You accidentally moan and you quickly covered your mouth but taehyung have heard it."Guess I have found your weakness~" Taehyung smirked widely and you blushed very hard and taehyung use his. "Yah, jin has been cooking breakfast and they are waiting!" You said trying to change the topic while ignoring him and quickly ran to the dining room while taehyung followed you.

(Mature Content Ended)

*Dining Room*

You and taehyung made it to the dining room while others are waiting for you. "Yeah, what the hell took you guys so long," Suga said. "Sorry.." you and taehyung apologize. "At least everyone is here now so let's," Jin said. You and taehyung sat with jungkook and Alex.

Suga and j-hope sat on the opposite side with jimin and rap mon while jin sat on the front seat facing everyone. Everyone then began to eat as they are starving. After eating, everyone thanks jin for cooking such delicious meals. "I'm bored.." Alex said it out of the blue while everyone except Alex look at him with confusion. "Why?" jin asked. "There's nothing I can do here, everyone seems to do their stuff.. that's why I'm bored" Alex pout. "Why not go hang out today!" Alex said with puppy eyes. "Please~," Alex said.

"no, I'm lazy to go out," Suga said. "Hyung, please~" Alex look at him while whining. "no, you can play video games with jungkook." suga said. Alex then began to teared up as suga keep reject him. "Why are you making that face.. yah stop that, I'm warning you" suga began to panic as he doesn't know what to do. "Yah don't just stand there, help me," suga asked for help. "hyung, you're so bad at this." taehyung said. Suga sighed at Alex as he is crying but he doesn't know was that he is faking it. "Yah yah, I can't stand your terrible scream. you wanna go out that badly. Fine then" suga said. "Yayy!" Alex smiles happily.

"Finally, the scream stopped," suga said while rubbing his ears. "So you finally give up to a kid." j-hope said. "Oh STFU. I don't give a fuck for any damn shit of this." Suga cursed. "Yah, Suga. You better watch your-" jin get cuts off by suga. "language, yea I know. you don't have to say it multiple times. I will take the kid to go outside." suga said annoyingly.


"HYUNGGGGGGG!!!!!!" Alex screamed causing everyone to flinch. "What the heck was going to this kid-" jimin gets cut off by Alex's scream. "YOU SAID THAT YOU GUYS WOULD WANT TO HANG OUT WITH ME. WHY ARE YOU TAKING ME OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE AND LOCKED THE DOOR!!!" Alex screamed loud enough for suga to laugh out loud. Everyone looked at him while he is still laughing. Suga wiped his tear after laughing so hard and finally stopped after meeting everyone's gaze. "What, he said he want to go out but he didn't say that where to go," Suga said while everyone is speechless by him.

"YAHHH OPEN THE DOOR, I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE" Alex yelled. "Okay okay, guys let's go or else I will grab my sword and chopped you guys like fresh meat and feed it to the wild animals," Suga said and everyone followed. Suga then went to the door and meet Alex's death glare. Suga then laughed at him again. "YAH, what the hell was that funny to you?!" suga can see that Alex is mad. "yes, it is." suga show his gummy smile at him. "cmon kid, this time let's go" suga trying to make it up with Alex. "okay!" Alex smile back.

'What did I just sign up for this shit' he thought. Everyone went to the car and having a road trip while he is driving. Everyone is singing and having fun in the car. They were having fun especially Alex who is having the most fun after everyone promised him.

*At The Mall*

You arrived at the mall with bangtan and Alex. Alex's eyes were blinking like stars as he saw how massive the mall was. Everyone then walked around the mall seeing many people came by. Everyone walking around until Alex stopped by at the toy shop.

*Your Pov*

I see Alex standing there looking at the toys. "hyung, can I have these." Alex asked rap mon to buy for him. Rap mon gave him the dimpled smile. Alex then grabbed rap mon's arm and went into the shop while I and the others stand outside waiting for them. I look around the mall until I see a familiar figure. I rub my eyes and I look back it is gone. 'who could that be' i thought. Suddenly, I heard a voice calling and I look back and see rap mon and Alex have bought a toy for him. "happy?" jin said. "More than happy."Alex smiles which make my heart go softened.

*Your Pov Ended*

You began to felt a rumble coming from your stomach knowing that you're hungry. "let's go find someplace to eat." you nodded as jimin have read your mind. Everyone then began to search for a suitable place to eat for lunch as the time for more people to come for lunch. You then finally found a place where it is suitable for everyone's taste so everyone decided to enter the restaurant. You and bangtan entered the restaurant, everyone laid their eyes on you and bangtan but look back at the food afterwards. The waiter came to you and lead you guys where to be seated. You sat between taehyung and Alex on the right side, jimin sat with rap mon and jin while jungkook sat with suga and j-hope on another table. After ordering the food, everyone was waiting for their food to come.

*Time Skipped*

After being done paying for the food, everyone went out happily and jungkook saw a person playing a VR game and run towards it crazily. "Let's play!" Jungkook smiles happily. Everyone enters the place and is amazing.

"Hi, Welcome! would you like to play?" the cashier greeted. "that will be (Imagine the price cause IDK how much) please," the cashier said and you paid for it. Everyone enter the room after the worker lead and left. Jungkook then wore the VR headset. "WOW!!!" jungkook said while looking around. "What game do they have?" j-hope wondered. "they have tons of it" You look at the various selection on the tablet. Taehyung then selects the random game to let jungkook experience it.

"Oh, the elevator" Everyone looking at the screen. "wow, don't you feel dizzy?" rap mon said. "nope" jungkook replied. In the game, jungkook has reached the top floor. Once the elevator door opened there is a cake at the end of the plank. jungkook went towards the cake. Instead of eating the cake, what he did that makes everyone laugh. "BRING ME CHOCOLATE CAKE!!"jungkook throw the cake but failed to cause everyone to laugh.

Jungkook then picks up two pieces of the cake and throw them away in a funny way( i think you would remember in Vlive). Jungkook then happily jumped off the building in the game while his legs are shaking. Jungkook then remove the headset and everyone laughed at him. Alex then wanting to try to play the game after he selects the game to play.

Alex then put the headset on and began to look around at first then he began to play the game. Alex chooses the game which is a shooting game. Alex enjoys playing VR games and so is everyone enjoying it. Slowly one by one take turn to play the game and laugh it off watching reaction of themselves. Taehyung recording every memorable moment of this day.

Taehyung then sneakily recording you without you noticing. You felt someone recording and you turned around as taehyung quickly shoved his phone into his pocket. You look at him for a sec and look back to the screen. Jungkook then pulled taehyung from the seat and forced him to play VR games.

"Wae? Wae?" Taehyung wears the headset. Jungkook laughed evilly and select the horror game for him to play. "Aish. You know I can't handle horror right?" Taehyung said and press to start the game.

"I thought you not afraid of it," you said. You can tell that his legs have become noodles despite his facial expression. When the jumpscare scene appeared, taehyung have begun flying around as he is get scared.

"Aish, this ghost. I swear I will kill you in real life" he said. In the game, taehyung's task is to get all 15 items. Taehyung then quickly found the items and went to the next room. "Wow, it's red room!" J-hope also terrified it while holding the pillow as a shield.

"Yeah, don't tell you're scared? Where the tough guy I knew" Suga scoffed. Taehyung screamed as another jumpscare appeared causing suga to flinch. "Aren't you tough?" J-hope mocked him. Jimin on the other hand hugging Alex like a teddy bear trying not to get scared. Only you, jungkook, jimin, and rap mon are barely get flinched nor scared of horror.

On the screen, The lights began to flicker. Taehyung began to panic as he couldn't find any more items in the room. Taehyung then flinched again at the high-school girl standing beside him in the red room. "Yeah, the girl! The girl!" Taehyung went to the door but it won't budge. "I can't get out!" Taehyung is scared as the girl slowly transform into its true form and scream at him while walking through him.

The game has finally over, taehyung removes the headset and death glare at jungkook. "Well, gotta blast" jungkook make a headstart while taehyung was chasing him down. Everyone went out of the gaming room and started to head home.

*Time skipped at bangtan's house*

"Man, that was tired" suga opened the door but it was unlocked. "Yeah, anyone didn't lock the door?" Suga eyeing on everyone. "We did lock the door" jin answered. "Then who is it inside?" Suga said. "Who the hell I know" rap mon panicked. Everyone can felt the spooky vibe from the house even though they are the only supernatural.

Suga entered the house first making sure that there is no one. Suga then give the signal to enter the house and you guys did. Once everyone have entered the house, the door shut itself loud enough for everyone to get flinched. "I swear if any of you guys prank this shit and I will beat the shit out of you, do you hear me" Suga warned. Then you heard someone cooking from the kitchen. "Is someone here?" Jin said. "HELLO?!" Jungkook yelled.

Then you heard the door creaked sound and saw the black figure coming out from the kitchen while the other one is looking at you with the side of the stair. They slowly walked closer to you guys and suga seem to be ready to fight with them. Then suddenly, they revealed themselves by opening the light. It was...

To Be Continued

I admit that I am not good at writing romance in this chapter but I tried my best to write it.

I am shocked that I have written this whole book for about 50k+ wordsπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ. Damn, I write too much;-; and I also find out that the more I wrote the fewer people read. Understandably, I have written too much and some are not related but it's okay.

Thank you so much for supporting me and I get 121 followers on my profile. Hopefully, it won't be dropped. Yayy and I made some new friends too! If I haven't uploaded for 3 days you can check their books too.

Shout out to Mystical_offering_, JennyGenefer,
Forbidden_world_, RoxiC4G8, uzulmelan,-jennierubyj-,warns, Raven_Turkiye1,nidaisteamk.

Be sure to vote, comment on this chapter. Stay tuned for the upcoming chapter! BorahaeπŸ’œ!

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