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*Author Pov*

It was Saturday after what had happened with the bullies. Y/n always feel alone and has hatred that why no one will ever gonna help or people keeps calling her a freak.

At the moment she kept thinking it while tears have left on her cheeks.

At this time, y/n decided to wake up and doing the morning routine. While doing her routine, y/n look at the mirror and feeling desperate for all her bruises to have revealed all of her body.

Y/n tried to cover all of it but it won't help her change anything. After done her morning routine, she wanted to have a walk outside to get some fresh air. y/n went toward the closet to see what outfit she could wear.

"I think this one." said y/n as she already chose the outfit. "now for the hairstyle" as shetried to make a new hairstyle to match the outfit.

After she had done making her hairstyle and went to the kitchen to make her breakfast.

"mmm, delicious," said Y/n as she was proud of her cooking skill. Once she had done her eating. Then she was ready to have a walk outside.

Y/n take a step outside as she feels the fresh air within. Y/n found herself getting very peaceful. "no bullies, no stress, just peace...oh how I wish my parents will be here." y/n stopped herself as her memory started to have flashed back.


*Author Pov*

"Mommy, look! I draw a picture of us" said little y/n with a smile while showing the drawing to her mom.

"Aww, what a beautiful drawing u have there, Sweetie. Look, honey, y/n have drawn this beautiful picture." said Y/m/n while showing to her husband. "indeed it is, I am so proud of u. my little sunshine." said y/f/n while patted her head causing her to have a giggle.

"so, what do you want for your reward," said father while asking. y/n think a little while and said "I wanna go to the amusement park with my family". Little y/n's cuteness causes both of them to laugh with joy.

"Alright, sunshine," said y/f/n as he promised her." r-really, yay!! Thank you, daddy" little y/n thanked him to fill with excitement while hugging both of them. "let's go back," said y/m/n as y/n and her father agree.

At night, both her parents, tuck her in bed and kissed her forehead. As they were about to left the room, little y/n stopped them from leaving by asking them" when we can go to the amusement park?" Little y/n asked while curious. "well, it's a surprised~" y/f/n said while teasing her. "oh okie" said little y/n while giggling at her dad's action. They have a wonderful family day until one day has changed unexpectedly for her.

*The day of going to the amusement park*

"Is everything ready?" said y/m/n while making sure. "yes, mommy. All ready to go!" said little Y/n as she is ready to go. "ha-ha, so cute of you" Y/m/n said it while kissing her forehead. "Mommy~," said little y/n/ while whining. "alright~" y/m/n have stopped teasing her. After that, everyone gets in the car and started to have a road trip to the amusement park.

* a few hours later*

They have reached the amusement park. Everyone started to get off the car and walk towards the entrance. "Welcomed to the amusement park, how many tickets would you want sir," said the worker.

"I would like to have two adult and one child tickets please." Said y/f/n with polite. "Alright, that would be 40$ sir," said the worker. Y/f/n hand him the money and got the tickets from the worker. "thank you and have fun sir!" said the worker with that y/f/n left and walk in their direction.

"I got the tickets! "said y/f/n as little y/n could hold her excitement for long. "all alright, here you go." said y/f/n as he notice a smile appear on her face. "yay!!!" little y/n fill with excitement and about to ran but her mom stopped her from running.

"now remember, don't wander off that fast, must be stick with mommy and daddy alright?" said y/m/n while warns her about the stranger and danger. "ok, mommy I will," said little y/n while obeying her mom's words. "good," said y/m/n as she knows y/n have made her promised. With that, they start to having fun together and play together as every family do.

Little y/n having so much fun with her parents and is willing to leave the amusement park. LIttle y/n would never forget how much fun she have when her parent around and also the amusement park. With the joy and satisfaction she had, they leave the amusement park.

*On the way back*

Soon they were on the way back home. There is the driver who drives fast like a flash but it couldn't stop the breaks. As it was almost their turn to go, the driver hit their car at full speed. During that time, little Y/n is lucky that she survived but her parents have not made it. People already called the police and ambulance due to the incident. As for the driver, he gets arrested and in jail for years.

* Little Y/n Pov*

I and my parents were rushed into the hospital due to incidents. The doctors have tried their best to save them but it failed. But I was survived. The doctor came into my room nervously and was guilty.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but we have tried our best to save... I'm so sorry, your parents they... have not made it in time..." After the doctor tells me that my parents couldn't make it in time.

I started to ran toward my parent's room while the doctors chasing me. I couldn't help but refuse. Soon I saw both my parents being covered under the blanket right in front of my eyes, I was crying like a mess.

The nurses trying to comfort me that "everything Is gonna be alright, child". The nurses continue to comfort and hugging me knowing that I have no one else left.

During the next few days, she taught me how to cook delicious food and how to take care of myself.

Unfortunately, She has left for Canada because she has to work overseas. I bid her farewell and promised to take care of myself.

We are like a close friends for years. But soon will be apart. After all those years, I started taking good care of myself no matter what.

*Flashback End*

With all the thought she had kept it for years, she has finally let it all go and start moving on by herself.

"I must continue this journey for my parent's sake," y/n said to herself and cheered herself up.

She decided to go back home and start making her favourite food.

After she was done cooking, she bring her laptop and look at the instruction that she have found yesterday of summoning the king of hell.

Y/n found so much research about the king of hell while eating her food.

After finding, y/n finally found the instruction of the ritual. y/n felt nothing more but wanting to try it out whether can be true or not. The instruction said:

"Summoning the king of hell"

The photo u has seen is the item of preparation for the ritual

To summon him u must draw a satanic symbol on the floor and place the candles on each part of the star.

Afterwards, place the mirror in the middle of the star. Make sure to dim all the light except the light of the candles.

This ritual can only be performed at 3.00 a.m. Take the needle to pinch the blood from the fingertip and touch the mirror. After that, u need to say the ritual words

"Oh hail the king of hell! Oh, hail the king of hell! I honour welcomed you to my house and make yourself presence"

However, this ritual can only perform in one person. If more people perform it will never work.

Once you successfully summon him, the king will grant any wish no matter what but if u refused to break the rules there will be death for you. However, it will cost a price to exchange.

To remove the ritual, break the mirror and said " by the power of the god, I demand you go back to where were you belong!" with that spit the saltwater three times. And the ritual will be over. If not, you have to be with the king forever.

Y/n felt shocked at the last line of the instruction but it doesn't stop her from curiosity so she decided to wait until 3.00 a.m.

which is the devil hour. While waiting she takes a few naps for that since she is tired but she already put on the alarm. With that, y/n have felt asleep tiredly.

(Forgot to mention that y/n have this ability when she can hear the ghost or see the ghost.Y/n get this ability with special. so she have it when she was born. That mentions it until here. let's continue!)

* 3.00 a.m.*

*Y/n Pov*
*alarm rings*"hmm..." I get up and close the alarm and back to sleep. After I realised...I forgot about the ritual. I quickly get up and went to the basement to start the ritual.

I went down the basement where usually puts the old stuff but now I'm going to use it to start the ritual.

"what do you think you're doing?" The ghost asks with mischievous behaviour." None of your fucking business" y/n snapped back.

"you think you are so tough huh? well guess what, u wouldn't even defend yourself from them not to mention the king." said the ghost as y/n heard him mention the king.

"Why do you care about it and what do you know about him?" y/n asked as if the ghost know something about him.

"well, he is-"the ghost stopped talking as he sense the ghost warns him not to talk about the king.

Y/n notice the ghost have been spacing out and decided to call him" HeLlO ArE YoU DeAf?" y/n asked him while getting annoyed.

The ghost finally responded " Dude, I'm already deaf" said the ghost with the weird look on her. "whatever, it's stupid talking to the person who is getting annoyed.

"with that, the ghost left y/n alone dumbfounded." rude" Y/n mumble. Y/n started to place the item according to the internet.

*Unknown pov*

All the ghosts are starting to whisper to each other about The king of hell since he is the most powerful and the ruler of hell.

while all the ghosts watching secretly as y/n started doing the ritual. All of the ghosts have fear in the eyes as they thought y/n would successfully summon him although y/n waited for the result of the ritual.

y/n have done waiting as about to clean place. y/n felt disappointed in the ritual as if it's her only way to get revenge on the bullies because of what they did to her.

After Y/n is done cleaning, she goes back to her bedroom and starting doing her and their homework cause she doesn't want to get in trouble.

*Y/n Pov*

"Guess it didn't work after all, why am I hoping this ritual would help me..." I sigh while doing homework.

I'm hoping this ritual would help but turns out it's just a rumour. "I guess I have to prepare to avoid them even I try to.." just the thought of that I could even help myself anymore.

"Finally I have finished my and their homework," I said with the sight of relief not wanting to get in trouble at school.

I lay on my bed while looking at the ceiling blankly. "hopefully a miracle would have happened to me" I said it while I have fallen asleep.

*In hell*

A man ran quickly into the palace's throne room where the king is and reported to the king.

"My king, there is a portal that has opened from the other world." said the man while panting.

"well, well, well... looks like the person has been wanting to see me.." said the king while chuckled.

"What should we do with the portal, my king." said the man waiting for the king's command." I will handle this situation, suga.

Thank you for your report, I have appreciated so you may leave." the king command suga with a cold tone. "yes, my king" suga have left the throne room. As soon as suga left the room, the king noticed the prince has been hearing all of their conversations.

" Hyung, is this true? about the portal" the prince asked as he waiting for the answer. " yes it is true, jungkook" the king replied without hesitation. "should I go and take a visit to the human world?" jungkook asked as he been wanted to visit for so long.

"no, you should not visit that world because it is dangerous," said the king not wanting the prince to go and visit.

" But hyung.." said jungkook as he is trying not to get on his nerves. "are you trying to disobey me? I am the king here not you," said the king with a serious tone.

as the king realised he had been rigorous to him not knowing that jungkook is stunned by his hyung.

"look... I'm sorry, I know u have been wanting to visit that world but it's just too dangerous for you there." the king patted jungkook's shoulder with a gentle tone.

" it's ok, I understand" jungkook accept his apology and have left the throne room. The king stared at his wine and wondered "I think I would be considered to visit that world." the king chuckled at his thought.

"ready or not, the king is coming for you.." the king smirked as he knew what would happen next. "this is gonna be fun," said the king while laughing maniacally.


Edit: don't forget to vote and follow me for this story. I will do my best to write it better :3

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