More kitties !!

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Ok I think I'm addicted to doing these.

^ Vesper ^

^ Rhydian ^

^ Luster ^
(Originally designed by GIGABITEZ on TH)

I love my little guys <3
I've mostly been doing these as something to help me forget about school and health for a little while- I have math and science in the same semester but I also really want to do well in English, so the assignments are piling up 😭
And also I go for an ultrasound tomorrow morning which is a little stressful because I have to drink tons of water but not use the bathroom?? I'm not pregnant or anything, the doctors just have to make sure my abnormal period isn't cancer or endometriosis or something along those lines. And then in early November I go for my iron infusion, which is sorta nerve-wracking because it's the first time I'll get an IV stuck in my arm for an hour.
And on top of all that I'm kinda stressed that I won't get my Halloween costume quite finished in time because I keep putting it off.
But yeah at least I have colourful cats now!

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