Royal Fam Sketches

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I'm trying to get better at drawing characters of different ages, and I think it's kinda working??
Anyway here's the fam:

The notoriously tyrannical King Aedion ^

Crown Prince Caelestis, who inherited his father's devilish charm ^

You probably already know who this bbg is ^

The gentle Queen, mother of Lunie & Cae ^

Warning: little lore dump 😻
The King has like 10 other children, though. Mostly sons, mothered by his many concubines. He grooms each of them to be the future king, just in case one or more of them get assassinated. This man is determined to keep his grip on the throne in one way or another.
Aedion is aromantic, like his son. He just needs the concubines to produce future heirs, and does not have romantic feelings for them. They understand this, and they don't mind. It's considered a great honour to share the king's bed, and raises their status, so they get riches and servants taking care of their every need.
The queen also doesn't mind. She is more of a figurehead and "business partner" of Aedion, and takes great pride in raising the future rulers. She loves her kids with all her heart.

Edit: here are some older concubine-born kids :)

They don't have names yet but I like them

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