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Adam's POV

Coach had ordered a practice right after his argument with Wren. I was trying to get myself ready and pumped for practice but my mind was overwhelmed.

Usually, all I could think about was: hockey hockey hockey hockey.

It was different now. It was weird.

Wren, Wren, Wren, Wren.

I wanted to run out and find her but I didn't want Coach to work me the hardest at practice. Who knew what he would do after how far they took their sides of whatever happened. 

Coach had given us five minutes before practice so that we could at least catch our breath after our loss against Iceland. As much as I appreciated the five minutes, I loathed the next hour. I knew I would be exceptionally sore from being thrown around the ice and the extra practice. Besides, my wrist was aching.

Wren knew I lied. She always knew.

Wren, Wren, Wren, Wren, Wren.

Is she ok? Where did she go? Should I go after her? I definitely should.

I start to stand up when Charlie walks right in front of me, stopping my mission, "God, I can't believe Coach is making us practice. I think the defeat was a good enough punishment."

I glance quickly at Charlie, to the door right behind him, and then back at Charlie, "Yeah, it just totally seems unfair."

Charlie sighed, "Wren just made it worse for us. Pissing off Coach like that, who knows how long this practice is going to be."

I felt my body go stiff, "What? You're blaming Wren?"

Charlie's eyebrows furrowed, "I mean...she just added to his bad mood. If she had just backed off-"

"Shut up, man." I quickly interrupted. I could feel my anger start to rise at the thought of someone being upset with Wren for how she reacted to Bombay. Her reaction was completely valid in my eyes. I was getting so upset that I felt like I was going to punch something, or someone, if I didn't cool off.

"Adam-" Charlie started.

"Alright, everyone out on the ice!" Coach ordered. His voice almost shaking with rage. Either at us or Wren, I couldn't tell.

I started picking up my stuff, slowly. I really didn't want to go to this practice.

"Pick it up, Adam." Coach called from the door.

"Yeah, I just...I have to use the restroom. I'll be out in like two minutes." I started to set my stuff down but was interrupted by a heavy sigh from Coach.

"I gave you five minutes for that." I was clearly not helping his mood.

"I know, I just, I didn't have to go then. And now I do. I can't really help my bodily functions, Coach."

He held out his hands in front of him and waved them, slightly turning his head away from me, "Alright, alright. At the end of practice you owe me four laps. Just...hurry up."

"Yes, sir."

I started to move to the restroom until I was certain that Coach had left. Then I quickly left the locker room, in search of Wren.

I had to find her quick. I moved through the hallways quickly, trying to find my friend.

I almost walked right by her when I did find her.

She was in a long hallway, she was sitting down against the wall, 3/4 of the hallway away from me. I could tell it was her from the sweater she was wearing. Wren had told me this morning that this specific green sweater was her favorite one.

I almost missed it because the sweater was almost hidden by a much larger body. I started walking towards her, until the larger body turned their head, only slightly, but just enough for me to make out who it was.

I wasn't expecting Gunnar Stahl to be holding a sobbing Wren in his arms.

And I certainly wasn't expecting him to lean down and kiss the top of her head.


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