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Apparently school was what I was preparing myself for.

I was sitting in some grassy clearing near some water with the team because Gordon had forced me to go to school.

I hate school.

Everyone on the team was wearing some matching outfit though so I got a good kick out of that at least.

"Ancient Greece was the beginning of western civilization," Miss MaKay lectured, "See, in Greece they didn't have professional sports or wheaties boxes. So the athletes competed for another reason. Anybody?"

"Falafels?" Goldberg offered.

"Falafels sounds good." I said to myself. Connie heard me and laughed but still continued to make fun of Goldberg.

Clearly the answer was pride but I wasn't all that into the whole participation thing.

Charlie raised his hand and Miss MaKay called on him, "Pride."

I literally just said that.

"That's right. The various city-states waved their flags and wore their home colors proudly." MaKay continued.

"Did America always dominate?" Fulton asked. I snorted and shook my head at his question. Everyone scoffed at him too.

"That's a good question." Dean defended his friend.

"No, America wasn't around back then." MaKay informed the young scholar man, "Don't forget that compared to other countries, America is still young, still forming its own identity. America is a teenager. Just like you."

"Like us?" Jesse asked.

Oh my god she literally just said that Jesse.

"You bet. A little awkward at times," How is a country awkward? That doesn't make sense, "but always right there on the verge of greatness." Aw, she thinks I'm great.

Miss MaKay finished with her lesson just in time for Gordon to show up to the clearing, "As we all know, today is our last day in Minnesota, so I was thinking we go for a little ride. Everyone up for it?" The team cheered.

Everyone got ready and Gordon lead the group in a short of golf cart, me sitting in the passenger seat as both of us knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with the skaters. The team sang songs and messed around, enjoying their last day in Minnesota.

I still hate planes.

I was now sitting in, another window seat, a plane again. No one had told me who I was meant to sit next to so I was expecting to sit next to some random people, I was (happily) surprised when it was Adam who sat down next to me.

"Hey Queens."


He settled himself next to me, "Do you know how long this flight is?"

"Someone said around four hours." Averman's voice called down as he sat down in the last seat in our row, "Hiya guys."

"Oh, god." Adam said, leaning his head back against the seat.

I bent over so I could see Averman more clearly, "Hi Averman."

"Wren!" He exclaimed, "See, now I thought I'd have to be stuck with this boring cake-eater for the entire trip."

I suck in a breath through my teeth, "Sorry to be a buzzkill Averman, but I'm not gonna be much fun on this flight either. I hate airplanes."

Averman bent over, practically laying across Adam's lap and grabs onto my hand, "Don't worry Wren, I'll hold your hand every time you get scared. I promise." He nodded his head and did the funny little smile that he does.

I laughed at him, "Why thank you Averman, and I thought there were no gentleman left in the world."

Averman let go of my hand and leaned back into his seat, "Not even Dwayne?"

"Good point. Dwayne's a gentleman."

The cowboy leaned over his seat from in front of us and smiled, "Why thank you."

I looked at him a laughed, "Maybe not when he eavesdrops though."

Dwayne frowned, "Hey, you guys talk loud enough for the whole plane to hear."

"Says you." Averman butts in.

I pat Dwayne's cheek, "I was kidding, Dwayne. You are the most gentleman of the gentlemen." Dwayne's smile widens and then he goes back and gets himself comfortable in his seat. I follow his lead and prepare myself for a long plane ride.

Adam woke me up by shaking his arm lightly, "Flights over, Wren." He said as I lifted my head off of his arm that I had fallen asleep on. I apologized for falling asleep on him and he just smiled at me.

"You know, you never fall asleep on my arm, Queens." Averman jokes.

"Next time I'll be sure to." Averman beams a smile at me.

Once we were out of the airport and packing our bags into a van Gordon announces that the team has a game today, "Now listen up everyone. I want you to keep your energy up because we have our first game today."

"Today?" I question, "But we literally just got here."

"I'm well aware of the Wren but almost all of the teams arrived today. Everyone's probably a little bit jet lagged but use that to your advantage." Gordon goes off on an inspirational pep talk.

I pat Connie's shoulder, "I wish you luck, Moreau."

"I'm gonna need it."

Everyone packs into two separate vans, even with half the team in another car, I still feel squished. I'm practically sitting on Connie's lap at this point.

"Alright. So, room assignments. Dwayne, Luis, Ken, and Goldberg are Room 28. Connie, Julie, and Wren, Room 30. Adam, Charlie, Jesse and Averman are Room 29, Dean and Fulton are 31..." So on and so forth.

On the trip to the dorms and main building, Gordon filled the team that was in my van on the country that they would be playing against, Trinidad. He said that they would most likely be an easy defeat.

I zoned out. Hockey stuff.

When we finally got to the Junior Goodwill building, we all took in our surroundings and took pictures on the disposable cameras that had been gifted to us. I had taken one of Connie riding around on Guy's back. Julie wearing Dwayne's cowboy hat and it starting to fall down her face. And another one of Averman licking Adam's face. That one is my favorite.

The game had started between America and Trinidad. Somehow I had been allowed in the bench alongside the team. Don't ask me how because there's probably some lies in my excuse.

I was watching as we were now 6 points ahead of Trinidad in a shutout.

Connie makes her way to the goal, scoring another point for team U.S.A. as they all rush to swarm Connie and celebrate with her. All of us on the bench jump up and cheer for the point, "Alright! Way to go Connie!" I yell out.

"Yeah, high-five some more. Man, my little brother could score on these guys." I hear a voice behind me call out.

Both Jesse and I turn around to see another kid our age heckling us, "Then why don't you go bother him then?"

The kid laughs at Jesse, "I ain't even got a little brother."

Gordon notices the conflict and moves in, "Hey Jesse, quit gabbin' and get on the ice. Show me you want it son, go!" He claps Jesse away.

The kid looks down at Gordon and snickers, "Yeah, show us you want it son. Go!" The boy mocks Gordon.

I let out a little giggle and turn my attention back to the game, yelling out at the team, "Come on guys! Lets go!"

Jesse makes his way down the ice, almost to the Trinidad goal when he gets knocked over by one of the other team's players and slides head first into the goal. Jesse gets up and starts to look around for the other player, "Oh shit, he looks pissed." I say.

"Pissed is probably an understatement." Someone next to me says.

Jesse tries to start a fight with the other player but is taken into the penalty box.

Gordon sends Fulton and Dean out onto the ice, the two enforcers skate around, knocking people down and taking the puck with them. The crowd around us starts to go wild at the duo. They gain another goal for the team.

They bow to the crowd and go crazy with each other, "I think they found their soulmates." I laugh out.

I turn my attention back to the team on the bench when I hear Charlie ask Adam if he's got a girl in the stands. I look over, against my best interest, and eavesdrop on their conversation. Can't blame me, even though I've only had a few conversations with Adam, I can admit that he's good looking.

"No. Scouts, man. Look at 'em."

"Don't worry about scouts, Adam. Just play your best." Charlie comforts.

I walk over and sit between the two, "Besides Adam, if the scouts don't take an interest in you, they're stupid." Adam wraps an arm around my shoulder in a silent thank you.

"Eavesdrop much, Wren?" Charlie asks playfully.

I hit his shoulder with mine, "Maybe you should talk quieter."

"Damn, we lost the puck." Adam says from next to us.

We look back up at the game to see that Trinidad has taken control over the puck at center ice as they make their way down the rink. Trinidad manages to score a goal and they start to scream and play music.

I can't help myself but move a little to the music, "Wren...stop."

"What? It's good music." Charlie just shakes his head at me.

When the game finally finishes, U.S.A. wins 9 to 2.

"Alright way to go! That wasn't a game, that was a statement!" Gordon yells out to his team. The players around me whoop and celebrate before heading back to the locker room to clean off.

I follow Gordon into the locker room as he claps his hands together, "Ok guys, we have one last thing to do today before I set you guys off into the world."

I sit down in the front row for the interview. I have to admit, these matching outfits are just so...yeah you know what I mean. The team and Gordon all file up onto the podium, ready to answer questions.

Tibbles is also up there introducing them, "Ladies and gentlemen, team U.S.A. and the man chosen to lead them to the gold, Gordon Bombay." The crowd claps at the mention of my brother. Tibbles motions to someone out of my eye line, "Let's bring the bear up here. Henry the Hendrix Bear." The bear goes up on the platform and photographers rush to take photos of the team with the bear.

"This is stupid." I whisper to myself.

Tibbles rejoins the team on the platform, "Ok, we're going to open it up to some questions." He points to a reporter, "Yes."

I've got a question. When can I leave and go somewhere with air conditioning? God, I was sweating. I hate sweating. You know, I've noticed I hate a lot of things. Planes, sweat, school, and Gordon. Ah.

A blonde reporter stands up, "Team U.S.A. how does it feel competing on the international level here in Los Angeles?"

The team goes through a chorus of love it and feels good.

A reporter almost directly behind me stand up and asks a question, "Coach Bombay, the Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favorite. Their coach has already guaranteed victory. How are you gonna handle them?"

"Um, hard work." Oh real original Gordon, "I think our team is ready to go up against the best in the world. We're not worried about 'em. Iceland may be tough, but, uh, we're team U.S.A. and we're going all the way." God, can someone come up with something that sounds even cheesier please?

Next to me, Tibbles gives Gordon two thumbs up and then stands up and announces that that's the end of questions. I follow him and start walking up the podium before I am so rudely interrupted, "Team U.S.A.'s going down!"

I turn to look at a group of people. Literally all of them are blonde, does God have no creativity? The coach is a shorter man with hair slicked back so tight that he'll be bald by 40. I make eye contact with one who stands behind his coach, his hair seems to be the longest of the teams, "That's where you're going." I look up at my team and see them all looking around, confused. "See you on the ice, Bombay."

I move up to go to Adam, "Jesus, who is he?"

"Stansson. He was in the NHL. He's...aggressive." Adam starts to follow his teammates off of the platform and I follow along with him. We pass by Julie, Ken, and Charlie on the bottom of the steps.

"Are we supposed to know where we're going?" I ask as I follow the group in front of me, it's much more difficult to see than normally because Adam just happens to be a giant.

Julie walks up besides me, "I don't know about you, but I wanna see what our room looks like." Julie takes my hand and pulls me to Connie.

"Hey Cons. We're gonna go see the dorm, come with us." I say as I grab her hand and pull her along with me and Julie, racing to the big building that contained our new home.

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