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I was still pissed off about the jackass who I had dumped milk on in the cafeteria as I was walking back to my room alone. He deserved worse, honestly. People who catcall or just do shit like that are awful.

I was still thinking about it when I ran into a body.

Not a dead one, at least I hope.

Both of us fell to the floor, clearly neither were paying attention to our surroundings.

When the both of us sat up from our separate places on the floor we just glared at each other and stood up again, "Wait, I know you," I realized when I got a closer look at his face, "You're from the Iceland team."

The tall kid looked me up and down, "Yeah?"

"I'm Wren," I offered my hand to him, "It's nice to meet you."

He hesitated before shaking my hand, "Gunnar."

I smiled at him and let go of his hand, "Alright, well it was nice to formally meet you, Gunnar. I've gotta go though."

"Wait...I'm sorry if this is rude but I don't remember you."

"I'm with the U.S.A. team. I saw you when you guys sort of interrupted our interview."

Gunnar ran a hand through his hair before his eyes widened, "Oh! I remember now. You weren't in the usual get up for your team though. That's probably why I didn't recognize you."

"Yeah, I'm not a player. My brother's the coach so he dragged me out here with them."

Gunnar furrowed his eyebrows, "You're Bombay's sister?" I nodded at him, "And you don't play hockey?" I shook my head no at him, "Why?"

"Uh, it's just not my thing. More fun to watch, I guess."

Gunnar smiled, "You should come to one of Iceland's games."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "You sure? I mean for all we know, I could steal your team's secrets and plays."

He smirked, "I don't think you would do that."

"Oh? And what makes you say that?"

Gunnar shrugged his shoulders, "You just don't seem the type of person to do that."

I squinted at him, "You hardly know me. I bet that if I asked you to remember my name you would've already forgot it."

"Wren Bombay."


Gunnar furrowed his eyebrows at me again, "How was I wrong? Your name is Wren and your brother is Bombay. Wren Bombay."

I shook my head at Gunnar and smiled, "You've got my last name wrong. He might be my brother but the only thing we share in common is a mom. My last name is Queens."

Gunnar smiled at me, "Alright, Wren Queens, I still think that you should come to one of the Iceland games. Our next one is tomorrow, noon."

"I guess we'll see if I-"

"Wren!" A voice calls out, both of us turn to look at Charlie as he jogs towards me, "I've been looking for you."

"Could've guessed that, Charlie." I say as Charlie wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh, I needed to show you something, come with me."

Charlie starts to pull me away from Gunnar, "Charlie, I was sort of in the middle of something."

"I know," He whispers, "I came over to save you. That's Gunnar Stahl from the Iceland team." I'm not stupid Charlie. I already knew that.

"Oh." I look over my shoulder to see Gunnar still looking at me I mouth I'm sorry to him and he just nods that it's ok at me.

I let Charlie pull me away until we're outside, "Charlie, why are we outside? It's cold."

"Keep walking, Queens." He ordered.

"I don't like the attitude." Charlie just rolled his eyes at me.

He keeps me moving until we get to a small, empty area. I have no idea what's going on, "Ok, Conway. Why are we here. It's dark and cold and I would like to go to sleep."

"Aw, so you don't want to look at the stars with us?" Adam's voice asks from behind me.

I turn around and see the rest of the team carrying blankets and walking towards me and Charlie, "Wow, that really hurts us." Julie says as she walks by me smiling. Everyone lays out their blankets on the grass, sitting or laying down with each other.

Adam turns around from his blanket, "There's room here." He says while patting the spot next to him. I smile and shake my head as I move to go sit next to him.

"Are we really watching the stars?" Jesse asks.

"Yes. You're already here so you can't argue anymore." Connie says, "Besides, I do this every time I go somewhere with my mom. It's like a tradition."

"Can't break tradition." I say.

Connie nods in my direction, "Wren knows what I'm talking about."

We all lean back to look at the dark night sky, looking at the stars. The blanket next to me is Dean and Fulton, they're making up stories about the stars. They've decided that the stars were once humans on earth and we're talking about their past lives. I nudge Fulton's arm and point up at the sky, "See that one?"


"I bet that one was an old lady who everyone loved. She'd walk around her little city and give out caramels to the children. But if she saw something happening she didn't like, she'd hit them with her purse. Everyone loved her."

"What's her name?" Adam asks from besides me.

I look over at him, making direct eye contact, "I don't know, she seems like a...Nellie."

"Nellie?" Dean asks, "Please, that's gotta be a Margaret or something."

Dean and Fulton start arguing about the name of my star next to me. Their name ideas range from Agnes to Yolanda. Where did Yolanda come from?

"Are you cold?" Adam asks me.

I turn to look at him again, "A little bit. It's ok though."

Adam sits up and takes off his sweatshirt, "Here. You can borrow this one."

He hands it to me and I put it back in his hands, "No, you're gonna get cold and I don't want to get blamed for it."

Adam laughs at me, "Just take the goddamn sweatshirt, Queens." and he thrusts it back into my hands.




"Take it." Adam throws it back at me.

"No." I through it back at him.

"Fine." He answers in defeat. I smile in triumph and turn to look back up at the stars. Then I can't see anything. Adam has shoved his hoodie onto my head and pulled it so I can now see again, "I win." He smirks at me.

I sigh and pull my arm through the holes. I quickly started to warm up, this sweatshirt was superior. I laid back down, staring back up at the sky.

About thirty more minutes of being outside, it was almost completely silent besides the normal noise of the city. I looked over at Adam to see his arm was covering his eyes. I sat up to see almost everyone was asleep or falling asleep. As much as I would have liked to join everyone, I knew that we were probably being eaten alive by mosquitoes.

I pulled Adam's arm away from his face and he slowly opened his eyes, "We should probably wake everyone up." I whispered to him.

He looked around and noticed everyone, "Alright."

"I'll help." Kenny said from a couple blankets over.

All three of us started waking everyone up and making sure that they stayed awake. When I went to go wake up Dwayne, he had his cowboy hat covering his face, "Wake up cowboy." He jerked awake and sat up. I moved on.

Connie and Guy were the hardest to keep awake. They kept drifting off as they were incredibly comfortable in each other's arms.

I bent down so my mouth was by Connie's ear, "You're probably being bitten by so many mosquitoes right now."

Her eyes shot open, "I'm up." She sat up and made sure Guy got up with her.

Everyone started to head back to the dorms, either taking the blankets with them or leaving them. Adam was still sitting on one after he had woken everyone up with me, we were the last people left outside.

I grabbed a left over blanket and placed it around his shoulders, "Alright sleepy. We should probably go inside."

"Sit with me," I looked at him and he looked up at me, "Please."  I gave in and sat next to him. He opened the blanket and wrapped the side I was sitting on around me.

"So, what are we doing?" I asked.

"I just wanted to enjoy the outside a little longer. It's prettier than we give it credit for."

I put my head on Adam's shoulder, "Yeah, I guess so."

"I had fun tonight."

I giggled, "You fell asleep for most of it."

"Ok, maybe. But it was still fun." We stopped talking and just sat in silence for a moment until I felt Adam's hand move and point up at the sky, "That's your star."


"Look, that's your star. It just screams Wren."

I laugh and move my head off of his shoulder, "How can a star scream me?"

Adam looks at me and smiles, "I don't know, but that one does."

I roll my eyes at him and then look up at the sky, "Alright, if I get a star, so do you." I looked around at the sky until I saw a really big and bright star, "That one's you. There's your star Mr. Banks."

Adam looked over at the star, I hoped he could at least see it, "And why that one?"

"It's literally you. It's the star, like you, on the rink. You're the star player."

"You flatter me." Adam said, looking over at me.

I matched his action and looked over at him, "We should go inside. It's late." I stood up, the blanket falling off of my shoulder. I offered Adam my hand and I pulled him up.

I grabbed the remaining blankets off of the grass and started walking back to the dorms, Adam trailing slightly behind me.

The whole time we were going to the dorms was silent, both of us fighting to stay awake. When we got to our hallway we heard screaming that sounded like Dwayne and faint metal music coming from the Bash Bros room, "I don't even want to know." Adam said as we kept walking.

We got to my room first, "Night, Adam."

"Night." Adam kept walking. I watched as he waddled to his room, blanket still wrapped around his shoulders.

I got into my room and started to change into sleep clothes. I took off my sweatshirt and pulled on a long t-shirt and some sleep shorts and then I climbed into bed and fell asleep despite the rock music.

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