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I was sitting on Mindy's bed as her and Cass changed. It felt like their good girl cheerleader selves completely disappeared as they changed.

They both were wearing short skirts and tops. It felt like a complete transformation.

The boys all walked in, Scooter made himself comfortable on Cass's bed as Cole and Rick went to their girlfriends. Adam sat next to me, "Hey, so. How was the first Varsity game?"

Adam looked like he was fuming, "J.V. iced our clothes. I didn't even do anything to them."


"I'm just lucky that I had an extra pair of clothes in my bag that didn't get iced."

"Why would they do that?"

"Are you two done whispering or are we ready to go?" Rick interrupted.

We both looked up, "I think we're ready."

Mindy laughed, "Uh, no, you're not. Wren, you are not wearing a sweatshirt to this party. You'll die."

I looked down at my clothes, "I mean, I can go up to my room and grab a shirt or something."

Mindy shook her head and dug around in her closet until she pulled out a black cropped tank top and threw it at me, "Just wear this. I'd put you in a skirt but I have to wash the rest of my clothes." I looked down at the shirt, "Oh, come on. Just put it on. The boys will look away."

"Fine." I stood up and walked away from the boys so my back was facing them and pulled my sweatshirt off.

Mindy was standing in front of me, "Cass, wouldn't she be a perfect cheerleader? She's so pretty."

I felt my face burn up at the compliment as I pulled the tank top over my head. Mindy spins me around, "Adam, tell her she'd be a pretty cheerleader."

Adam's face burns up too as he looks me up and down and then down at his hands, "You'd be a pretty cheerleader, Wren."

I roll my eyes and move to look at myself in the mirror, my mouth drops open as I look at myself, "Do I really have to wear this? I mean my tits are practically falling out and this shirt is more like a bra than a shirt."

"Wren, you look hot. Besides, we're going to be late if we stay here any longer." Scooter cuts in.

Everyone stands up and leaves the room, I start to follow but Mindy pulls me back and grabs something. She shows me the lipgloss and then starts putting it on my lips, "Ok, now we're ready. Let's go."

She grabs my hand and we leave the room, following everyone else down to the parking lot.

We meet up with another guy as we split up. The new guy, Lucas, Scooter, Adam, and I all move to Scooter's car as everyone else goes to Rick's.

Adam walks next to me and opens the door for me, "I need to get drunk." I say as I slide into the car. Adam moves next to me.

Scooter laughs from the front seat, "Well, there'll be plenty of drinks there. But for now, here." He tosses me a can of beer and I catch it.

"You are amazing." I open it and take a sip.

"I know."

By the time we reach the party I've finished the beer and I'm ready to go.

We step out into the cold air, the sound of music and laughter coming from the house as we walk into it, "Hey, Scooter. Who's house is this?"

He looks back at me over his shoulder, "Welcome to the Riley house."

I sigh and cross my arms, rubbing them, "Great."

The smell of alcohol hits us as soon as we walk in and the music is louder. Teenagers are dancing, I recognize a few of them from school but a lot I don't know.

Adam seems ready to leave, already standing at a wall. I yell at him, "I'm going to get us drinks." Adam just nods as I leave his side.

I walk to where everyone seems to be getting their drinks from and I grab two, "Hey, hey, hey. Drinks cost a dollar each." The owner of the hand currently grabbing the drinks from me says.

I look up to see both Rick and Henry staring at me. I smile at them, "Well, if it isn't the two Rileys." I reach for the drinks again and Rick just clicks his tongue at me.

"Still a dollar."

I push my tongue to the inside of my cheek before looking back at both of them, both of their eyes not exactly on my eyes, "Well, I think the way both of you are staring at my tits is payment enough. Now, give it."

The boys look at each other, a guilty looks on both of their faces but Rick still refuses to give me the two Solo cups. I smile at him again, knowing exactly how to get my drinks, "Hey Rick, how's Mindy? How'd she feel about you staring at a fifteen year old like that?"

"I have an idea. You take a shot with me and we'll give you the drinks." Henry offers.


Henry pours us both a shot of straight vodka then hands my glass to me. I tap it on the table and then shoot it, not making a face as I set the glass down. Henry shakes his head and we both lick the salt off of our hands, "Now, gimme."

Henry hands me two cups and I walk away, but not before I hear Cole say, "I thought the drinks were free."

"Shut up."

I smile and walk back to Adam, handing him his cup, "Thanks." I nod at him and drink some of mine, "So, what did Rick want?"

"To stare at my boobs." I look over at Adam to see him shoot a glare at Rick, "Kidding, of course," I wasn't, "Henry, his brother, just said I needed to take a shot with him before getting the drinks."

Adam took a sip, "And did you?"

"I'm not a pussy."

The party continued and I continued to get drunker and drunker. It felt like I was back at Illinois right now. I set down my cup and grabbed Adam's hands, pulling him to come and dance with me.

I put my arms around his neck as he put his hands around my waist, "How drunk are you right now?" He yelled at me.

"I could drink more." I yelled back.

He rolled his eyes and smiled at me, I started singing along to the song, which was Everybody by the Backstreet Boys. I let go of Adam and kept dancing, making sure he was still with me.

When Mindy found me, she screamed and led me back over to the drinks, making me take two shots with her, I pulled Adam along and he took one shot. He was getting drunk too and starting to let loose. He left me to go talk with some of the Varsity players.

Mindy screamed again as a new song played from the speakers, it was a Spice Girls song, clearly Wannabe when the lyrics started blaring.

Mindy pulled both me and Cass onto some counter and we were all dancing and screaming the lyrics. Mindy's hands were on my waist as we were screaming. I looked down to see Scooter laughing at us, I bent down and grabbed his hands, pulling him on the counter with us.

"It's your song!" I screamed at him.

I made him dance with us and he held his hand like he was holding a mic when he started to sing with us. I put my hands on his shoulders and kept dancing.

When the next song came on we kept Scooter on the counter and kept dancing.

This was the most fun I'd had since starting at Eden Hall.

I could feel eyes on us as we kept dancing but I didn't care. I bent down and grabbed a bottle of vodka then stood back up as I took a drink from it.

I was in almost a squatting position as I kept dancing, bouncing on the counter as I kept drinking. I almost fell and Scooter pulled me up to a standing position and yelled in my ear so I could hear him, "I think you should get down!"

"No!" I kept dancing but he grabbed the bottle from me and put it back as he jumped off of the counter. Mindy, Cass, some other random people, and I kept dancing on the counter. Singing the lyrics off-key, but we didn't care. We were way too drunk to care about it.

At the end of the song I saw Adam and climbed down off the counter, dancing my way to him.

He wasn't as drunk at me but he was still drunk, he put his hands around my waist as he talked to Rick.

"Hey, Wren! Do me a favor and don't drink everything." Rick said when Adam stopped talking.

"Will do! And hey, Rick. I don't hate you!"

Rick threw his head back and laughed, "This is news to me."

"I know, I don't hate you. You just annoy me. But you're actually kind of fun."

Hot in Herre by Nelly started playing and I turned around, grabbing Adam. I pulled both of us away from Rick and into the crowd of sweaty, dancing teenagers.

"I was like, good gracious ass is bodacious!" I yelled as we started dancing.

Adam was laughing at me as we danced but I just smiled. I grabbed his shirt when the song said "It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes." I tugged on it lightly as shirts started flying around the room.

"No!" Adam called to me. He eventually took it off after a couple more seconds of the song and I stopped to stare at his stomach. I knew he had abs but like c'mon. Greek god much? "Eyes are up here!" He yelled grabbing my chin and pulling it to look back up at his eyes.

I laughed and kept dancing after yelling back, "Sorry, you just look like a fucking god!"

Eventually, my arms were around Adam's neck again as his arms found their way around my waist again, they were dangerously close to my ass.

Promiscuous started playing and we kept dancing, drunk on both the alcohol and the music. Adam and I had gotten incredibly close, our faces almost touching. I looked at Adam and he looked at my lips before leaning down and kissing me.

We kept kissing, only breaking apart to breath and then we would lean into each other again. We kept dancing as we kissed, but the kiss got more difficult to continue as we got tired.

We felt hands break us apart to see Scooter, "We're leaving, it's almost 3."

Adam and I let go of each other as we followed Scooter and the Lucas kid from before out of the house.

We crawled in the backseat, I was still singing lyrics as Scooter drove off to Lucas's house.

I said good bye as Lucas got out of the car. I was starting to get tired so I leaned my head on Adam's shoulder, "Adam, where do you live?" Scooter asked from the front of the car.

I laughed, "If Adam goes home his dad will beat his ass red."

"Where should I go? The school?"

"No, no, no. Go to my house. We can stay there."

Scooter laughed, "Wren, I don't know where you live."

"Good thing I do." I gave Scooter directions to Gordon's house and we got there quickly. Scooter breaking the speed limit, showing off his car on the empty roads.

Adam and I got out of the car, I slightly stumbled to the passenger side window as Scooter rolled it down, "You can stay here too. There's beds and a couch."

"I'm not sure."

"You'll be fine."

Scooter turned the car off and followed me to the front door, I lifted a rock in the flower pot by the door to grab the key. I unlocked the door and the two boys went in as I put the key back. I closed the door behind me and then grabbed my stomach, "I think I'm gonna throw up."

I ran to the downstairs bathroom and pulled my hair back from my face as I threw up into the toilet. When I was finally done being sick I wandered back to the living room to see Adam and Scooter sitting on the couch, Scooter turned and laughed at me, "Drink to much?"

I nodded, "I'm never drinking again."

"There's another party next week."

"Ok, I may be drinking again." Scooter laughed again, "I'm going to shower. You guys can stay down here or upstairs, I don't really care."

I left the two and went upstairs to shower.

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