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I hadn't slept last night. I was beyond tired and I had no idea what to do with my free time.

God I was bored.

I was currently eating toast and reading the newspaper at the table, I have never once read the paper before.

Erin walked in, yawning and rubbing her face, "What are you doing up so early?"

I checked the clock to see it read 7:32. I shrugged my shoulders at her, "Couldn't sleep."

"Well, I'd spend time with you but I have work, so you'll be alone for awhile. You okay with that?"

I nodded and took another bite of my toast, "Eh, nothing new to me."

I finished breakfast and went back to my room. I wanted to call Adam again but he was probably busy or asleep. I seriously had no idea what to do.

By the time Erin got home I had watched two different movies, taken a nap, and made brownies, "Mh, what smells so good?" She asked as she set down her keys and sat next to me on the couch. I had just started my third movie of the day.

"Brownies. They're on the table if you want some."

She stood back up and grabbed a brownie.

This began a routine of our lives. I would spend almost all day home, occasionally going to hangout with some of my school friends (the time I spent with them wasn't anything compared to the Ducks, but at least it was something to do), I watched movies, learned how to make new things, called the Ducks, called Gunnar.

Life was just a cycle.

I was bored.

About a month before school started, Erin had sat me down at the table, stating she had big news.

"So, I got a promotion."

"Oh my gosh! I'm so proud of you." I moved around the table to hug her, "That's so good. That's amazing, Erin."

"Along with the amazing news comes some...not so good news." I pushed my lips together, not knowing what to expect, "One of the terms of the promotion is that I have to move out to France. It's so I don't have to leave for months on end and then come back."

"Wait, I'm sorry, what?"

"Wren, I already accepted the promotion."

I shook my head, "Wait, wait." I laughed shortly, "You're telling me that we're moving. To fucking France? You're joking, right? Please say you're joking cause I seriously cannot tell right now."

"Watch your language, and I'm not joking."

"Wait but, I don't want to go." My eyes were getting blurry with tears. I really didn't want to go, this is not where I was seeing this conversation going.

"Wren, it's not like you really get much of a choice right now. Aren't you happy for me?"

"I don't want to go."

Erin sighed, rubbing her face, "Well, I just...I just don't see any alternative to this situation."

I started to wipe my tear stained face, "Why don't I ever get a say in anything? It's always what you want. I never get what I want."

"Don't say that." She started to reach for my hands and I pulled away from her.

"Don't touch me."

"Wren, I-"

"No! Please, stop. I don't," I was starting to hyperventilate, "I don't want to go. I-I, no!" I left, running to my room. I locked the door behind me as I continued to cry, running my hands through my hair.

Erin started knocking at my door, the handle rattling as she tried to get in, "Wren! Open your door."

"No!" I screamed back, "Go away!"

"Wren I want to-" I stopped listening.

I looked towards my window and moved to it quickly, opening it and pulling myself through it. Thanking god that I was on the first story.

The air was cold and was starting to burn my throat as I was sucking in air, trying to breath. I could still hear Erin pounding on my door as I started to run.

I was probably being over dramatic but I seriously did not want to leave America. If I did, the chances of seeing my friends ever again diminished significantly.

I wanted to scream as I ran.

I finally stopped when I reached a payphone, breathing heavy as I dialed memorized numbers. I heard the other side finally answer, "Gordon." I breathed out.

"Wren? Why do you sound so out of breath? Are you ok? What's wrong?"

"Erin's making us move to France. I don't want to go to France, I can't fucking go to France. I can't, Gordon I can't do this. I don't know what to do. I'm...I'm panicking here. I can't go to France Gordon, please."

"Wren, Wren! Slow down. I can hardly understand you. Take a deep breath." I did as I was told, "Calm down, and tell me what's going on."

"Erin's making us move to France. She got a promotion and I don't have a choice. She said I didn't have a choice. Gordon...I can't go to France. I-What do I even do?"

"I don't know. Can I talk to Erin? Can you give her the phone?"

I looked around at my surroundings, finally realizing where I was, "I'm not home."


"Yeah, no. I'm not home. I kinda just...left."

"You left?"

"That's what I just said."

Gordon sighed on the other side of the phone, "Right, yeah. Um, listen. I'm going to call Erin. Just go home, kid. Please."

"I'm not going home."

"Wren, listen to me. You being out so late isn't safe. Go home. Please, for me. I'm gonna talk to Erin and we're going to figure this out but I can't do that if I don't know you're safe."

"I know where I am, Gordon. I'm fine."

"Go home. This isn't a one sided deal, you go home and I call Erin."


"No, promise me you're going home and I'll call Erin."

I sighed and bit my thumb nail, "Fine. Just promise me that I won't have to go to France."

Gordon didn't say anything, "I can't promise you that, but I'm going to try."


"Ok. Go home."

"Yeah." I put the phone back and sat on the ground for a second.

I got back up and started to walk home, shivering against the cold.

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