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I woke up the next day to Julie crying. 

My head was pounding from a hangover so any noise was enough to make me want to die. Before I could yell at Julie for being so loud, I had turned to her to see her face which was red and puffy from crying. 

I sat up, "God, what happened to you?" This just made Julie hysterical and she started crying louder. I winced at the noise but decided a hangover was less important than a sobbing friend. 

I climbed into Julie's bed and wrapped my arm around her shoulders as she leaned into me, still crying, "Ok, ok. It's alright. You're ok. Just take a minute, try and breathe." I tried to comfort. 

It took a minute before Julie had gotten control of herself, "Wanna tell me what happened now?" 

Julie sniffled and rubbed her nose as she moved away from me so she was fully sitting up again, "The board is going to take away our scholarships. I like it here, I don't want to go home yet." 

"They're what? Can they even do that?" 

Julie shrugged, "I don't know. But they're doing it." I shook my head and got off of Julie's bed abruptly, "Where are you going?"

I stopped when I opened the door, "I'll be back, I just have to call someone." 

"Wait, Wren," I stop and turn back to Julie, "What's on your neck?" 

I instinctively reach a hand to my neck as I remember last night, "Let's not talk about that. I ahve to go." 

All of us were standing in the board room. Ducks on one side of it, and Varsity on the other. Adam was standing next to me, with the Ducks. He had decided that Varsity wasn't for him, especially after he learned that his scholarship was at risk too. The Alumni sat in the middle, at a table, all high and mighty. 


"Do I have a motion for reconsideration?" Dean Buckley asked, bringing my attention back to the meeting. 

The alumni mumbled to themselves and I looked across the table, making eye contact with Scooter. He quickly looked away. Not shocking. 

The Board sat quietly, clearly stating in their opinion in the silence. Adam squeezed my hand tightly. 

"I'm sorry, Coach, but unless there's a motion from a board member and a second, the decision must stand." The Dean continued. 

"You leave us no choice but to bring in our attorney." Orion retaliates. 

Adam looks down at me and I smile at him and mouth Gordon. Adam smiles and the looks over to the Varsity team, smirking. 

My brother walks into the room, "Dean Buckley, members of the board." Gordon greets, "As counsel for Coach Orion and the freshman hockey team, I'm here today to set forth your legal options, so that you may make the best possible decision for all parties concerned." 

"Mr. Bombay, this isn't a legal proceeding." 

"Not yet, but I can assure you that it will be." I smile, knowing exactly what's about to happen, "Do you mind?" Gordon hands the Dean his briefcase and pulls out a file, "These scholarships...an offer...became a binding contract upon the signature of the recipients, an acceptance by the Ducks. They cannot be voided except for cause which, I guarantee you, you have none. Should you decide to pursue their cancellation, I will slap you with an injunction. I will tie this matter up in court for years, until long after these kids have gone on to college. And I will collect damages. I will win...because I am very, very good. You know why I'm so good? Because I had a good education. You gave it to me. And you're gonna give it to these kids." 

"He always was a good lawyer." I whisper to Adam. 

"Now, some of you may be snobbish enough to believe that these Ducks don't belong at Eden Hall," Gordon continues, "Let me tell you, you are dead wrong. These are remarkable young people. You give them their full shot, and I promise you they will succeed, not only on the ice, but in the classrooms as well. These people are my friends, and I know what they can do." Gordon pauses and takes a moment to look at the Ducks, or his friends should I say, "Accordingly, I demand that you reinstate their scholarships, for their benefit and for your own." Gordon's speech ends and he makes his way to stand next to Coach Orion, shaking his hand. 

The Ducks smile around me, seeing their victory before it's promised. 

An old lady in a red shirt sighs and begins, "I move that the scholarships...be reinstated." Her voice is caked with annoyance. 

"Is there a second?" The Dean asks. The man next to red shirt raises his hand, seconding the motion. "All in favor?" All the members of the Board have their hand raised. 

Ducks win. 

"Scholarships reinstated." The Dean announces. 

The Ducks cheer around me and Adam kisses me quickly and then throws his hands in the air, celebrating the moment. 

I laugh as I watch them celebrate. 

I follow Adam out of the board room, his practically vibrating with energy. I just laugh quietly at him. 

"Congratulations, on destroying our school." Rick's voice calls out from the front of the group. I roll my eyes, I can already see the shit show that's about to start. 

"Hey, look. It's our school too." Kenny defends. He's come so far. 

"It's everyone's school, you stupid jock." The girl next to Charlie antagonizes. 

"No, it'll never be your school. Don't you get it?" Rick asks. Clearly the question is not one meant to be answered, "You're our own little affirmative action, brought in for color to entertain us. But you couldn't even do that. Your fancy lawyer kept you here on a technicality, but you'll never belong." 

"You'll never be anything more than a bunch of rejects here on a free ride." Cole cuts in. 

Well, excuse him. I'm not here for free. The fancy lawyer pays for me. 

"Free ride? Look at you, rich boy!" Russ's voice raises, "Mummy and Daddy gave you everything, huh?" 

"Hey, J.V.-Varsity game's on Friday. Then we'll show the whole school what a joke you really are. Then maybe you'll leave on your own." Rick reaches forward to grab Charlie's tie but Charlie hits him away, "It'd be...the only honorable thing to do."

The whole varsity team starts to smile tauntingly at us, "You know we're going to hurt you." Cole threatens. 

Charlie scoffs, "Listen, you guys had an unfair advantage last time. You had one of us: Banksie." I squeeze Adam's hand and I see him smirk.

"Oh, well, keep him. He never had the heart of a Warrior anyways." I roll my eyes at Rick. 

"Hey, Biff," Russ interrupts, "one more thing. After we beat you, the Warriors die and the Ducks fly." 

"Hey, anything you say, loser. Hmm?" Rick says, clearly dismissing the comment. The Varsity team leaves, everyone mumbling jerks or, in my case, something ruder, in their departure. 

"Good move, Russ. Make 'em even madder." Averman jokes, "Charlie, we gotta do something, man." 

"Yeah, you're right," Oh shit, is he? "We've gotta get to work." 

I sigh, knowing that means I'm about to lose my boyfriend to hockey for a week. 

I don't like sharing, Charlie. 

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