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The team had gathered on the steps of Eden Hall, reconnecting with the players who didn't live here, "Wren, when did you even move here?" Julie was asking me.

"Literally two weeks ago. Still feels like a dream sometimes. I was just-"

"Wren!" Charlie called out, storming towards us.

"Oh fuck." I stood up, "What's up, Charlie?"

Charlie pushed me when he came close enough, "Your brother's leaving us and you didn't even bother to fucking tell us?"

Adam stood up quickly, "Don't fucking push her."

Charlie quickly snapped his attention to Adam, "Oh of course, you always come to her defense. Wren this, Wren that. Shut up. Listen, Wren, you thought you could just get away without telling all of us that he was dumping us in this dumbass school and leaving?"

"Charlie, I didn't figure out until yesterday. Why are you even taking this out on me? That's not fair."

Charlie shook his head and laughed humorlessly, "Figured out yesterday. Yeah right, bullshit. You just didn't want to be the one to tell us that Gordon's abandoning us. You're sitting there without a care in the world. Exactly what you would do."

I got face to face with him, our chests almost touching, "Back down, Conway. You think I'm ok with him just leaving me too? This doesn't just affect you. It feels like I just got my brother back and he's leaving me, again. Do you know how it feels to lose all your family members? Do you know what it feels like to beg God to fix everything? Fucking hell, Charlie I don't even believe in God. I get that you see him as a father figure but back the fuck down. This stings for me too and it sure as hell stings everyone else," I gestured to the rest of the team, "Especially because they had to find out because you couldn't keep your cool."

Charlie stuck his finger in my face, "Don't put this on me."

I hit his finger away, "I'm not. This is on Gordon. So, using your words, don't put this on me."

Charlie just glared at me, his nose crinkling in anger before he backs away, leaving the team alone on the steps.

I turn around to look at everyone, their eyes wide, "Coach isn't staying?" Dean asks.

I sit back down and put my head in my hands, trying to ignore my burning eyes, "Yeah."

I hear a pair of feet get up and walk away, I look up to see Dean walk away, "Fuck fuck fuck." I slam my hands into my forehead with each word then I stand up and walk away from the group.

I can get why the Ducks are upset about this, this is someone who has been in their lives for so long, someone they love and it would definitely feel like some form of betrayal to them. But for me it feels like a stab in the heart.

I had been trying to keep my cool around Gordon, I didn't want him to know how much this actually hurt me because he seemed so happy but the emotions were eating me up inside. It felt like I was a bomb about to explode at any moment.

"Wren..." Someone's voice says from behind me.

I turn and start to wipe my face as I see Adam, not even realizing that I had been crying, "Sorry. I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing. Don't apologize."

Adam started to walk towards me, arms opening to hug me but then he stopped, "Just hug me you big idiot." I said as I walked to him and wrapped my arms around him.

I started to cry again, "Sorry. I'm sorry. I hate crying. Sorry, I'll stop."

"Wren, you have nothing to apologize for. You're upset. That's valid."

I laugh-cried into him, "Yeah...I just, why is he leaving me? Again? I don't understand, what did I do?"

Adam pulled back, cupping my face with both of his hands, "You didn't do anything. He was offered a job and he took it. You did nothing to make him leave you, I promise."

He started wiping the tears off of my face with his thumbs and I laughed again, "Don't get your hands wet."

Adam smiled down at me, "It's alright. Just tears. No harm done here." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "C'mon, I'll drive you home."

"You drive?"

"I'm 15, can't drive yet."


Adam's mom drove me home. Really sweet, she kept telling embarrassing stories about Adam which made his face turn red and made laugh until I couldn't breath. I think she could tell that I was upset.

"Thanks for the ride again." I said as I moved to get out of the car.

"Oh, no problem honey. Adam never lets me meet his friends anyways."

Adam groaned, "Mom, don't lie."

She pinched his cheek, "I'm just joking."

Adam brushed her hand away gently and turned to look at me in the backseat, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'm so excited." I got out of the car, "Bye, thanks for the ride."

"Bye!" And then I closed the door, walking into my house.

Gordon wasn't home yet, he had told me before the big press event that he had some stuff he had to deal with after.

I grabbed an apple and went upstairs to my room to see Dean laying on my bed, reading a book, "Dean, what are you doing in my room?"

Dean looked up from the book and then back down at it, "Hold on, I'm about to finish the chapter."

I sat down on the bed next to him, taking a bite out of my apple, "Didn't know you liked to read."


"Sorry, jeez."

I waited thirty seconds before Dean set the book down, "That's really good, you know."

"You can take the book, Dean. So, why are you in my room?"

"I'm leaving."

"What?" Please no. I can't deal with someone else leaving me right now.

"I don't want someone to coach me unless it's Bombay. He knows my strengths and weaknesses. He knows me."

"Dean, I'm sure the new Coach will get to know you too. It'll just take time."

Dean got off the bed, standing up, "I already told Coach. I can't take it back now. I just wanted to say goodbye to you before I left. Please don't try to convince me to stay."

I sigh then looked up at him, "Ok." I got off too and hugged him, "You know, I'm really gonna miss you."

Dean felt uncomfortable with the hug so I pulled away, "I'll miss you too."

I grab the book, putting it into his hand, "Take it."

"Wren, I can't."

"Take the fucking book."

Dean finally grabbed the book, pulling it to himself, "Alright fine."

I looked at him, "Can I hug you again?"

Dean rolled his eyes and then opened his arms, "Fine." I smiled and hugged him again, hugging him tighter because I wasn't sure if I'd ever see Dean again, "Ok, that's enough."

I stopped hugging him, "Ok. Go. Before I beg you to stay."

Dean smiled and started to walk away, stopping at the door, "I'll miss you."

"Yeah yeah, I'll miss you too."

Dean finally walked away, closing the door behind him.

I sighed and buried my head in my hands for the second time today.

God, I was getting really tired of everyone leaving me all the time.

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