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TW: mentions of sexual abuse & rape!!
dw nothing major happens,
it's just mentioned a little!!


There were various reasons why she had decided to go before Killua.

For one, knowing he was an ex-assassin, she knew he could easily claim victory over simple criminals. They were nothing but mere children to the pre-teen. That's how fearsome assassins were, and she knew that well. She had experienced it well, and had seen it countless times with her own eyes.

Meaning, if he were to go before her, he could easily claim victory. Leaving the pressure of their advancement on her shoulders as everything would depend on her match. One wrong move and she'll not only be sacrificing her own Hunter's license, but the license of the five others in her group as well.

Well, she doesn't really mind Tonpa getting a license or not due to her distaste for him—but the rest were a different matter. Sure, she was still reluctant of Leorio's pervy mind and Killua's ex occupation, but for some reason she found them more tolerant compared to the oldest in their group. Actually, she has to say, she liked the white head more than the raven head—but that was just her girl instincts talking.

That being said, she had nothing against Gon and Kurapika—in fact, she found herself getting comfortable within their presence more than she'd like to admit. Gon in particular, was someone she could never bring herself to dislike no matter what. That's just how he was. So, in the end, she concluded him to be dangerous to have around considering she doesn't want to befriend anyone.

Then again, had Killua and her switched places there won't be much of a difference either. Not when the future of this exam for their group would still end up in Killua and her hands. In the end she concluded she'd have to fight one way or another, and decided to get it over with soon.

Besides, villains usually leave the best for last. As much as I don't want to admit, Killua is stronger than me. So, I'll leave the final boss to him, cause I know he can handle it...

If it worked that way that is... if not, then I don't mind this being my grave.

That was her last thought as she silently slipped off the small black backpack on her back, making sure the cloak kept her body hidden as she did so. The rest could only silently watch, one way or another hoping to get at least a glimpse of what's underneath her dark curtain, but to no avail. "Here, I can hold that for you!" Gon offered excitedly, taking the weight off her hands and into his.

Why? Because unlike the rest of them, he didn't really mind her decision to hide herself—he respected her wishes. Instead, he was more excited for her match itself. He had yet to see her in action as she had always found a way to disappear one way or another after all. So now, he was looking forward to witness a fight that involved this mysterious person he already considers a friend.

The girl could only watch from the shadow of her hood as Gon step back with her bag, wishing her luck right after with that bright smile of his. She didn't heed mind to Killua rolling his eyes to Gon's right and instead sent a grateful nod before turning her back to the group of five. Not hesitating a second to cross over the bridge and on to the platform, where her opponent already stood.

With a sound of a click, their cuffs fell from their hands, leaving them free to calmly strip off their cloak. They were instantly greeted by a fit body clad in their prison clothes, and a handsome face fit for a model. The cloaked girl silently judged the character as he moved to run a hand through that red hair of his, before sending her a charming smile. "You are... a lady, are you not?"


Killua instantly deadpanned, staring at the charming male with indifference.

He probably saw her shoes and figured it out like I did.

As expected by all, he never received any response. Only silence stretched on, the awkwardness being felt by everyone except for the two standing in the middle. "Hmm? Are you not willing to take that unsightly cloth off?" He questioned, the results no different compared to first. Waiting another full minute within loud silence, he couldn't help but feel his eye twitch—instantly, Leorio and Killua knew what the criminal was experiencing.

Yep, it's frustrating to talk to her alright.

"You are not a talkative person, are you?" Silence greeted him again, making a nerve pop on his temple—instead of taking out his frustrations though, he inhaled, letting his anger dissipate. "Before we get to anything, may I have your name? Mine is Leroy Rainsforth. You may call me whatever you please."

From the sidelines, Gon's group were watching the one-sided talk with either deadpans or sweat drops, actually feeling bad for the guy. "If you are uncomfortable with sharing, I am completely fine with it. It is understandable considering I am a criminal. Instead, let us discuss about the kind of match we will be having, shall we?"

The usually composed criminal found himself perking up when he saw her covered head nodding—realizing soon after and coughing to pretend that never happened. "Right, then. I would like to suggest a normal match where the only victory is surrender. Is that all right with you?" This time, he managed to hide his emotions when she nodded—proceeding to nod after her with a proud charming smile.

"Anything is permitted to be used to make each other give, but killing is not permitted since a dead man cannot surrender. If anyone of us ended up killing, that means we will have a draw and none of us will receive the point." The smooth criminal sent her close eyed pretty smile rivaling that of a charming prince, a smile which hid a thirst he had been forced to contain ever since his capture.

"The rules state there will be no draws." Lippo's voice sounded from the speakers.

Which didn't seem to faze Leroy one bit, as if he had known that fully well beforehand. "Can we not make an exception with the condition of both of us agreeing to these terms?" He continued to smile up into the camera, looking at the examiner right in the eye-eyes failing to hide its mischievous intentions.

In the monitoring room, Lippo momentarily paused snacking on his chips to actually consider the man. "What do you think number 100?"

"This is bad." Killua voiced, narrowing his eyes to the criminal suspiciously. Making Kurapika nod to agree with the boy.

The green clad pre-teen turned to his friends with a tilt of his head—expressing his confusion. "Huh? Why? Isn't it a good thing none of them will be aiming to kill?"

Kurapika shook his head. "No, think about it. Suppose he mange to kill her, both sides will end up with a draw."

"Meaning, we can't win and they will still have seventy-two years taken off their sentence." Killua continued on the explanation. "Getting a draw and winning will practically become the same thing cause either way we'll be losing."

"We can't effort to lose any point, much less give a chance for a draw." Kurapika muttered out.

Leorio on the other hand, didn't hesitate to shout out loud. "OI GIRL! DON'T AGREE! YOU'LL JUST FALL FOR THEIR TRAP!"

He was completely ignored though because soon, her soft voice resonated through the silent atmosphere. "Sure."

I mean it's not like I ever planned to kill anyone to begin with... and I don't feel like letting Leorio order me around after what happened in his match...

"If both parties agree, then I don't mind approving the chance of a draw. Just this match." Lippo finally gave his go, making Leroy deceitfully smile in his head while a polite smile was plastered outside—showing his thanks to the examiner with a graceful bow of his head.

On the other hand, her group had loose jaws. "That idiot." Killua couldn't help but mutter out, resisting the huge urge to facepalm.

"THE HELL?!" Leorio raged, going on a shouting rampage which was promptly ignored—agitating him even more at the blatant disrespect displayed by her.

"Now that the rules have been decided. Shall we get this show started my lady?" The smile he sent her along with his words didn't just affect her, it sent disturbing shivers down the spines of all those who witnessed it.


Surprisingly, despite keeping silent while he did all the talking—the one who first moved to attack was none other than the cloaked figure, having appeared right in front of him with a strong push of her legs.

She's fast!

He barely had time to dodge a fist aimed to his diaphragm, and before he could gather his bearings, she spun to deliver a fast kick towards him. Leroy had barely managed to block it with his forearms, stumbling back yet managed to stay on his feet. His eyes narrowed, seeing that the girl had turned to lung at him yet again without giving him time to counter.

She is fast I will give her that, but she lacks brute strength to back it up. The only reason her attacks are effective is because of the speed behind them.

The close exchange went for a while, with Leroy switching to fight back after prolonging the fight as he used it to get used to her speed. Both of them fell into a striking dance of attacking, dodging and blocking attacks—the male's under experience shining through as he was soon forced to just barely dodging and blocking.

On one side, Leorio and Tonpa stared at the scene with hung jaws and wide eyes, while Kurapika displayed his surprise as well—in a more reserved way than the oldest two. Meanwhile the younger two continued to stare at the cloaked girl with either curiosity or excitement. Gon being the latter as they refused to take their eyes off the fight.

The exchange lasted mere three minutes though, jumping back from each other after her kick clashed against his forearm raised to block her. The girl backed up, visibly taking quick and shallow puffs of air to get back her breath, observed from the way her covered shoulders moved up and down through that cloak of hers.

Leroy smiled the instant he noticed this. No, not the sweet charming smile he'd always showed—this one seemed closer to a dark and sinister grin, sending a kind of look that sent shivers of disgust down her spine. "Ya 've low stamina don'tcha?" Gon's group was sent to another surprised stupor when they realized the way he talked completely changed as well.

"What? Is he Bipolar or something?" Leorio muttered to himself, furrowed eyes observing the disturbing smile he sent to his groupmate. He would have almost gone on a small rant had it not been for Leroy, who suddenly decided to take the fight into his hand.

"Huh?" Killua let out, watching the tables turn as he witnessed his acquaintance switch to dodge the criminal's advances—waiting for the last minute, and escaping from being hit by hairs length. The boy was instantly able to conclude her actions as deliberate, seeing the result in the form of Leroy's irritated expression—another new face he'd revealed in a span of minutes.

The exchange didn't last for long though, because the girl soon found herself stepping on her cloak in the process of stepping back to dodge a punch. "Ah!" Gon exclaimed with wide eyes, seeing Leroy jump straight at her, managing to send them both to the floor.

Killua's didn't resist to facepalm this time, watching with a deadpan as they continued to struggles for dominance on the floor. He didn't know why, but from observing Leroy's movements, his instincts were telling him that the criminal had been targeting for something the entire time. From the moment he'd asked to confirm her gender, he knew he was up to no good.

His guess was confirmed when witnessed Leroy manage to stab the crescent remining's of his heavy handcuffs through her cloak and into the stone floor, effectively trapping her much to the group's horror.

Despite Leroy getting the perfect chance to kill her off though, he proceeded to reach for her hood. His actions conforming Killua's doubts and getting a hint of Leroy's original goal. From their position, they could only see the criminal properly as her head was towards their direction. However, everyone watched with clear anticipation as he pulled off her hood and ultimately freeze the moment, he had a look at her face.

"WAIT HER FACE!" Leorio shouted out, rushing to the very edge of the ledge they stood on—leaning to get a good look at her exposed face from his position but to no avail. "Just a bit!" He wasn't the only one, all of them were curious to see what she hid behind that curtain of hers. No one was an exception to this, not even the examiner who had been observing the fights.

Despite that, Gon's group were forced to face disappointment, because from the position she was strapped down to, only the top of her head and her bangs was to be seen. They were greeted by a pale pink-blond hair, paired with bangs shadowing over her eyes—her front shadowed with the grown male looming over her.

"Hey Gon, wonder why he'd gone silent?" Killua whispered into Gon's ear, staring at the silent scene suspiciously only to get a shake of his head from the green clad boy.

"I don't know..."

Just then Leroy brought up a shaking hand, trying to caress her cheek when she swiftly kneed him on the place where the sun doesn't shine on him. Consecutively, every single male in the vicinity turned to stone, while Leroute giggled at their sour expressions.

The cloaked girl forcefully moved to get away from her bounds, only to be met with the sound of ripping filling the silenced atmosphere. Not that she minded that at the moment. No, she didn't mind, not when she was downright disgusted at the lewd expression her opponent had stared at her with mere seconds ago.

He's dangerous, I don't like the feeling I'm getting from him...

There was a scowl painted over her face as she stepped back near the ledge with her back to Gon's group. She was quick to shrug off her damaged cloak from around her body, throwing it off to a side to reveal her outfit. All while her eyes never wavered away from the person on his knees in front of her.

There's no doubt, he's a pervert. I'm afraid he might try something disgusting with me if I let my guard down... From his expression before... I just know kids are on his radar too...

She proceeded to swiftly take out a thick pair of fingerless gloves from the pockets of her short majorly hidden underneath her pink skirt. Gearing up with her most favorable weapon, she got into a stance with elbows bent and both hands held up near sides.

Her fingers were flexed inwards, towards her palm-all of them from the PIP joints of her fingers, leaving her hands looking like a cat trying to claw at something. From that point, she was prepared to give the match her all, no holds barred. After all, for her, this wasn't a simple game anymore, it was a battle with someone she can't be careless with.

"I don't have a good feeling about you." She voiced bluntly, narrowing her eyes as she moved her thumbs to click a well—hidden button near the knuckle of the pointer finger. Upon doing so, thin chains rained down from each capsule on each finger except for the thumb, long enough to reach the floor and pool a bit loudly.

Back from the monitor room, Lippo felt a smirk crawl over his lips at the unexpected face reveal.

Serving a 140-year sentence due to acts of sexual assaults and rape, Leroy was a criminal who targeted females of different ages from children to wives.

He managed to figure out her gender with a single glance at her cloaked body, he must feel absolutely elated right now... to face a female gender after a long time...

Meanwhile Gon's group were left to stare at the girl's back, eyes filled with various emotions. Honestly, none of them knew why she had been hiding away when she looks nothing close to ugly. It was only Killua who narrowed his eyes, remembering back to when she told him why she wanted to hide herself.


"Then why do you wear that cloak all the time?"

A brief silence followed by, before she finally parted her lips to answer. "I... want to be a stranger."

His eyes instantly flickered over to her. "Stranger?"

She nodded. "When I finish this exam, I want to leave without befriending anyone."

Killua's eyes widened. "Why?"

He didn't know how to feel, not when the stranger in front of them wanted the exact opposite of what he wanted. He wanted a friend, while she chose to have none.

"Because... nothing good will come with befriending me...


His hands clenched besides him, observing the back of the girl who had her long hair pulled up into a messy bun—leaving her messy bangs and two loose braids to fall over her chest. Her top consists of two layers much like him, inner layer holding long sleeves while the outer layer held short ones. Despite that, the longer ones have cuts along her elbow area, cuffs in white.

Her shoulders were completely exposed, even if she wore two layers. The outer one in a crop top with a large neck while the inner one had straps going over her shoulders. Her shirt was untucked, yet it did nothing so cover the pink skirt she wore from bellow.

Her socks were completely different on both legs, one long while the other short—and to complete her weird clothes were her complex foot wear, so complex that he needs to have a closer look to be able to describe it fully.

Before he could blurt out a comment on her choice of clothes-a skirt—while wondering where the hell she pulled out her gloves from, a breeze from bellow ruffled the pink article along with the rest of her clothes, lifting her skit to reveal black shorts with pouches tied around each of her upper thighs.

That was the moment Killua concluded, that he was never ever going to underestimate her ability to be prepared ever again.

Well... at least she's smart enough to wear something under her skirt...

He was distracted when a chuckle reached his ears. His eyes trailing over to the male who slowly raised to his feet. One would think the criminal would have been annoyed, or angry with her actions—but the large face-splitting smirk on his face was the last thing anyone of them was expecting. "I've been waiting for a long time to touch a girl y'know... Yer more than pretty enough for this craving of mine~ Hehehe~"

The girl instantly shuddered with a face filled with disgust while the group behind her went paper white. "The heck! We have a podophile now?!" Leorio asked, making Killua roll his eyes.

He's not the one to talk...

Leroy's opponent didn't bother responding, only pulling back her arms before reeling her right arm forward to swing towards him. The chains connected to her right launched along with her movement, which was barely dodged by Leroy who dashed to her right side seeing it would taker her time to bring back her arm.

"GOTCHA!" He shouted, almost reaching her side when she jumped—easily doing a front flip before turning her body and sending the chains connected to her left his way, with a quick swing of her arm. Leroy who was too close to escape out of it unscathed, raised an arm to block the attack. Which would be his biggest mistake.

The needle like small daggers along the ends cut though his sleeves and injured his arm as if cutting through paper. Four cuts to four chains respectively. At once, he moved back to regroup, cursing underneath his breath at the long-distance weapon of hers. He was soon to be filled with confusion though, when his opponent relaxed, retracting the chains into its capsules as she folded her arms.

"Huh? 's that it? Seriously?" He couldn't help but ask, watching her tilt her head at him.

"That's it, because I've accomplished my goal." Just as her soothing voice finished echoing through the space, his hand throbbed, painfully so. A pain so searing that he found himself bucking and falling into his knees as he screamed out loud. "You've been poisoned. So, it's the end for you. Disgusting pervert."

In the midst of it all the shock Gon's group was facing, Killua was the first one to fully process the situation and the reoccupations of her direct attack.

Wait poison?! She's gonna kill him!

_______[]x[]HUNTER x HUNTER[]x[]_______


Your author is very dumb.

I realized just now that the MC's appearance is not hidden at all.

I forgot she's literally shown in the book cover itself- <( _ _ )>


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