‖𝟶𝟷𝟽‖ 𝙶𝚁𝙴𝙴𝙽 [☓] 𝙸𝙳𝙸Ø𝚃

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The moment Yuna entered Gon's room, a spikey haired boy launched himself off the bed and towards her just like he did a few days ago. This time around though, Yuna had been prepared—unlike when it first happened, and had lifted her arms to catch the boy.

Only for Gon to be grabbed by the back of his tank top by the whitehead, left to hang in the air as he sent a questioning look towards his friend.

"You are both injured now, first get healed before catapulting into each other." Killua voiced bluntly, sounding like a father scolding two of his immature children.

Yuna actually felt herself getting offended at his remark. "I didn't do anything though..." She murmured to herself with a huff, a light pout on her lips. Which was unfortunately heard by the ex-assassin.

Killua carefully placed Gon on his feet, before turning to the girl with a raised brow. "Where were the hands you raised to catch him?" Struck with realization, Yuna turned her head away with pink cheeks. "That's what I thought." Killua concluded with a smirk screaming victory.


That was three weeks ago. Within the time that had flown by, the three pre-teens have fallen into a peaceful regular schedule of practicing 'Ten' and taking things easy for now

Yuna knew she wasn't supposed to be holding back her training like she was, especially to something so basic, but she also knew she had to recover from her injuries before getting into any drastic fights. Being careless can easily risk her life in the 200s after all.

Wait, isn't that what I want in the first place...?

With a contemplative look on her face, she leaned back against Gon's bed frame from where she was sitting on the floor. She brought a hand towards her face, holding her chin as she comically thought of her situation. She closed her eyes, deep in thought.

Injuries equal being weaker than usual. Being weak equals getting killed off. Getting killed equals my freedom. Why didn't I think of this sooner?!

With a dumbfounded expression on her face, she snapped her eyes open. Her gaze immediately locking on Killua sitting in front of her, with closed eyes and crisscrossed legs as he concentrated on his 'Ten'. "Hey Killua-kun, why did you ban me from registering for fights?"

Killua opened his right eye, silently staring at the look on Yuna's face before closing them again. "What do you think?" He murmured, knowing Gon was busy practicing Ten in his bed as well.

Yuna tilted her head, hand slipping from her chin to fold them over her chest as her thoughts wondered off yet again. "Hmm...?" Her gaze travelled towards the ceiling in contempt, furrowed brows and pursed lips making an appearance.

I wonder...

She wasn't aware that Killua had opened his eyes to watch her with a deadpan as she finally came to a conclusion. Her head slowly fell down with wide eyes, making eye contact with the white head. "Is it because of my injuries?" She tilted her head at him, making him deadpan even more.

"That too. But the main reason was to keep you away from suicide." He finally revealed. Making Yuna dumbfounded.

"Huh?" She softly let out. "Now why would you do that?" She asked with a tone of accusation. Giving him a look as if he had threatened to kill her cat.

Letting out a well needed sigh, Killua eased his stance. "Because I don't want to see you dying. If you're going to die, do it where I can't see you." He stated with a flat tone and dead gaze set on the girl in front of him.

We need to do something about her suicidal tendencies...

Initially he wasn't okay with her sitting on the floor with her injuries—he is still not okay with it—but, Yuna was too stubborn for him. In the end he had to give up even if he won the verbal fight between them.

Much to his disappointment, Gon was totally okay with it as well so the chances of him winning was easily reduced to zero. It was one of those top ten betrayals he had felt in his life.

Speaking of the green cinnamon roll, the boy had his eyes closed and concentrated on his 'Ten'. Only that a part of his mind was focused on the conversation between his friends. Honestly, at this point, he had gotten used to the daily banters between Killua and Yuna. However, once in a while—like now—he can't help but sweat drop by just listening to them.

They argue like Kurapika and Leorio...

Yuna and Killua had been having a silent staring contest when the former received a text—letting her know of it by the vibrating pattern she felt. Dread instantly settled in her chest and she unconsciously held her breath.

Killua was quick to notice her change in expression—with the color draining from her face, while Gon too noticed the change in air surrounding her.

"Yuna?" Gon called out, moving over to get on his knees and one good arm, to lean forward in hopes of seeing her face.

"What? Did one of your wounds reopen?" Killua had asked, shifting to get up from his sitting position.

Yuna didn't respond, only swallowing the lump in her throat as she sat up on her knees to grab her phone from her pocket. With visible hesitance, the girl brought it up to her face and unlocked it—opening the text notification while dubious whether it was okay for her to check it when the two boys are around.

She couldn't help the silent sigh of relief she let out after seeing what her trainer had sent her. "I'm not surprised she knew..." The girl whispered to herself.

I'm just glad it wasn't a mission request...

Meanwhile Gon and Killua were both staring at her screen. The former from over her shoulder from his bed while the latter was standing in front of her, towering over her. Both boys exchanged glances—the hazel eyed boy showing visible worry, while the whitehead was frustrated.

Knowing what she is dealing with... there's no way she can disobey that.

Killua noted to himself, glancing back down at the text before flickering his gaze over to the girl in question. Eyes boring into the way Yuna have calmed down, as if what she was being told to do wasn't something out of ordinary. His hands clenched by his sides.

I thought they wanted her alive... they aren't even giving her time to recover... she'll get her dying wish granted at this rate...

There on small screen of her phone, were two ominous sentences. An order and a threat at the same time. A threat and an order so very unreasonable when its directed at a person still recovering from a life-threatening injury which had opened up in her last fight against Hyakkimaru.

'Yuna-Chin, I think you got enough rest yeah? You are not allowed to leave that tower unless you win at least Seven matches, so you better get back to it if you want to free your time.'


It was March 12th when Wing forbade Gon from studying Nen.

With April 5th being the day Yuna gained a message from her Nen trainer—to which she ended up registering for a fight for April 20th.

A week after that message—on April 12th, a match between Hisoka and Kastro takes place.

A match, Gon wasn't allowed to attend because Wing had said watching a match would be included as practicing Nen as well.

Yuna thought it was funny watching Wing surprise them like he did, she had been silently snickering at the two from behind them as she had sensed Wing's presence long before they saw him. That's how she was introduced to both Wing and Zushi, after a month of hanging around Gon and Killua.

Fortunately, within that one-month period, Gon had fully recovered from his previous injuries which was initially said to take four months to recover.

Unbelievable... he's not normal... how did he manage to heal that fast?!

It's been two months and a half since the Hunter Exam, and I still haven't recovered from Killua-kun's attack...

Yuna silently mused to herself as she made her way towards the arena with Killua by her side. "Too bad Gon couldn't watch it with us..." The whitehead trailed off, staring ahead as he remembered the scare wing gave them earlier that day. He suddenly appeared in front of him out of nowhere after all.

"I'm still bothered with how fast he managed to recover." Yuna voiced, sparing him a single glance from a corner of her eyes. "It's unusual but pretty incredible at the same time..."

Killua shrugged his shoulders, hands in the pockets of his pants. "What can I say? Gon's as much as a Weirdo as you, so I'm not surprised at this point."

I have a thing for befriending weird people... I'm a hundred percent sure of that by now.

It didn't take long for the two to be settled in the stands, looking down at the two oddly dressed individuals as the announcer called them on stage.

The fight that happened before them, was properly understood by Yuna only—as Killua has yet to learn Gyo. She didn't bother explaining to Killua because he had once claimed to wait for Gon, so she silently judged the fight while Killua emitted confusion from besides her.

Yuna had to say, for a person with 9-1 wins, Kastro was nothing when compared to how Hisoka fought. Had the white-haired man went straight for the kill with his first attack, then he could've had the slightest chance—instead of doing that, Kastro took it slow and boasted about his accomplishments.

She thought he was extremely stupid, letting Hisoka get to him using psychological means, which ultimately led to his end. The man didn't even try to use Gyo. She was honestly wondering how he managed to win those nine battles.

She was also wondering about Hisoka, and what his full potential is, because his Hatsu seemed simple but incredibly crafted to convenient him and him alone. Only he knows the true extent of his abilities. His true strength is not something anyone else can guess.

The fact that he knows a huge secret of hers—which is only known to her family members, concerned her—because there's a lot he can get from that information alone. At the same time, she is scared, because there are absolutely no actions taken against him by her said family. Not yet anyway.

Exactly how did he find out about it...? Did I accidently activate it when we fought in the Hunter Exam...? No, there's no way... I was threatened by him but there's no way...

Even if he did, what connections does he have with that family to be able to live freely like that? How is he alive right now?

"You never looked surprised with how that fight ended." Killua commented from besides her, making her snap out of her consuming thoughts. It was then did she realize, that they were already making their way back to Gon's room.

Yuna glanced at the boy, making eye contact. "Well... from my perspective, the fight wasn't that hard to understand. I got what Hisoka did, and how Kastro lost." She voiced, as if it was normal. It was indeed normal for someone like her who knew more about Nen compared to him.

"How?" Killua couldn't help but ask, making Yuna sweat drop with how he was narrowing his eyes at her. She knew the boy didn't know what happened in the fight they had just witnessed.

He was facing a complete other side of the world, a side he knew nothing about until now. He was put off by it, but seemed to accept it. For once, he was calm after witnessing two people stronger than him battle things out—because he knew he can get stronger than he is right now, after truly learning about this so called Nen that is.

Yuna raised a hand to slip it under her long hair, rubbing the back of her neck as she moved her gaze to stare at the path before her. "It's related to his Hatsu... I think you should wait until Wing-san explains it to you... It'll be easier to understand."

The whitehead merely hummed, his curiosity still there as he watched her from a corner of his eyes. The boy slowly trailed his eyes to direction Yuna was facing as well, letting his thoughts consume him.

I wonder how far ahead she is with Nen... she knows a lot more than us that's for sure...

Does that make her stronger than us...? No way right, I easily managed to overpower her in the Hunter Exam... I am almost a hundred percent sure she could use Nen even back then...

Both light-haired children made it back to Gon's room where said boy had been training 'Ten' on the couch. Only opening his eyes when Killua and Yuna entered his room. "Killua! Yuna! How was Hisoka's fight?" The boy immediately questioned.

"It was boring." Killua proceeded to answer, walking past the couch and towards the large window in the room. Meanwhile Yuna had stopped besides the glass side table, sending a look of confusion towards Killua's direction. Obviously knowing he had been lying.

"Eh?" Gon stood up from where he stood, letting his eyes trail away from Killua's back and towards Yuna. "Did Hisoka win?"

The girl nodded. "He did."

Killua spared a glance to his friends from over his shoulder, before looking back outside the glass window again. "I was lying." He immediately gained the other two's attention. "It was an incredible fight. I hate to admit this, but I have no idea how Hisoka won."

Gon looked taken aback. "You couldn't tell?"

Killua turned his head to look back at them again. "Gon." A smile slipping on his face, which sent Yuna into a momentary state of shock. "We need to learn more about Nen." His gaze trailed over to Yuna. "Isn't that right, Yuna?"

Yuna was currently malfunctioning. "D-Did you just smile? And say my name at the same time?" She stared at him with wide eyes of horror, making Killua's smile fade instantly. "Who are you?! And what did you do to our Killua-kun?!"

Killua's mood changed from day to night within a matter of seconds as he swiftly turned his entire body towards her. "I'M A HUMAN TOO YOU IDIOT!" Nerves popped all over his temple, neck and clenched fists. "AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY 'our Killua-kun?'" The boy mimicked a high-pitched girly tone, and Yuna gasped in offence.

"I totally don't sound like that!"

"You do!"

"I don't!"


"I DON'T!"

Poor Gon was left standing in the middle, sweat dripping from his head as he attempted to stop them. "N-now guys—"

Both heads snapped towards him. "SHUT IT GON/ GON-KUN!" 


April 20th arrived not soon afterwards—the date scheduled for Yuna's fight. She wasn't going to lie, she was a bit disappointed Gon won't be there to witness her battle, especially since her fight was with the man who injured him in the first place.

However, she knew Killua would be there to witness her revenge for Gon, even if he told her he wasn't going to be present.

He thought he was slick. I saw the ticket sticking out of his pocket—

Yuna let out an amused chuckle at her thoughts, walking out of the tunnel as the announcer girl introduced her.


Yuna ignored the cheers of the crowd, only proceeding to turn left—instantly making eye contact with the boy who said he wasn't going to be attending. She sent him a teasing smile, to which he reacted by turning his head to a side with red tinted cheeks. Sitting back in his chair with arms folded over his chest like a spoiled child.


Her eyes made contact with the yellow eye looking slits of the red clothed male, smile already erased and expression changing that to a neutral one.

There it is... she always has that expression in battle... face blank, and expressing nothing in particular...

Killua noted from the stands, just as the referee started the match off. Gido, much like the match with Gon, didn't waste a single second to summon his tops atop the wooden walking stick he uses. The small tools spinning above it violently.


"Here we go... Battle Waltz!" The top man threw his weapons towards Yuna, and she was instantly surrounded by the violent spinning tools.

First it was a fishing rod, then card and pins, and now tops? What else am I going to see people use as weapons? Yoyo's? Are real weapons outdated these days?

While she was thinking about something entirely unrelated to the current fight going on, she felt one of the tops hit against another one, sending it straight towards her middle—specifically, where Killua's had once stabbed her.

Fortunately, Yuna instinctively stepped back to let it pass by her, and she instantly knew what the man was up to.

He saw my last fight didn't he...? He's going straight for my unhealed injury...

Yuna noted, while Killua too stiffed in his seat when he realized Gido's dirty plan. That was before he realized that the girl with pink-blond hair—now tied into a high ponytail—wasn't looking phased one bit.

Well... that's also fair in a fight... it's my fault for getting injured in the first place, and I'll be responsible for it because I still dared to register for a fight.

The girl casually dogged his attacks with bare minimum efforts, until she was finally cornered. With a sigh, she came to a full stop, erasing her Ten completely much to Killua and Gido's shock. She stood straight as she gazed into Gido's eyes, listening to his weird laugh while a top came hauling at her from the back. Seeing this, Killua instinctively yelled out her name.

Ah he used my real name once again... I should probably get this over with...

Within a millisecond, her Hatsu extended out around her. Encasing the tops including the one which was just about to hit her. She proceeded to turn around, snatching the top that attacked her from mid air, just as the rest of the tops stopped spinning to drop dead motionlessly all around her.


Confused murmurs spread across the entire arena, while a white-haired boy was seen leaning forward in his seat with furrowed brows—not knowing what happened for Gido's tops to stop like it did. However, he did sense something surrounding her right now, but wasn't able to make out what it was.

Leaning against a wall, facing the fight, stood a certain jester. He was certainly amused that's for sure.

Ah that's an interesting Hatsu to have~♤ She's growing at a rapid pace~♧ The unripe fruit is ripening perfectly~

Yuna ignored the confused crowd, simply turning to Gido while tossing one of his tops up and down in her hand. "Huh... that didn't take as much as effort as I thought." Yuna murmured to herself.

While Gido was also as confused at the audience. "You, what did you do to my tops!"

Why can't I control them anymore?! My Hatsu disappeared?!

"I'm not someone whose very fond of revealing my techniques... so let's put this to a quick end, shall we?" Yuna's dead gaze stared straight into him as she dropped his top to the ground. With the echo of it hitting the ring, her steps were completely silent in contrast as she started walking towards the man.

She's not normal... did I underestimate her? No, she's still a child...

"You haven't seen everything yet!" With a huff, the red clothed man started spinning around, literally turning into a human top spinning at a rapid speed with Ten surrounding him.


Completely undeterred, Yuna continued to walk forward—her face staying neutral and gaining a lot of anticipating stares. Only the Nen users realized what happened when her Gido stepped into her Hatsu, instantly draining away his Ten as if it never existed to begin with.

This obviously had Gido panicking, and for a moment, he doubted his victory. That was the only opening Yuna needed.

When his spinning slowed down for just a few seconds, Yuna had taking out three shuriken's in her right gloved hand. With a turn, the blue-eyed girl threw the sharp weapons in a slanted angel as if throwing a curve ball. Perfectly aiming them to go under his red clothing and clash against the main metals holding his single leg together.

Much to everyone, including Gido's shock, the prosthetic led came undone and he uselessly fell face down before Yuna's feet. "It wasn't easy to figure it out at first, but the moment you started spinning around, I saw where exactly I should aim to take you down. Literally."

She crouched before him, placing her elbows on her thighs and cheeks in her palms as she finally broke out of her blank façade to smile down at him. "That was my way of avenging Gon-kun." Yuna murmured to him, before giving him a close eyed smile.

All while Gido was left to helplessly look up at her, his hands supporting his upper body's weight as he stared at her with clear fear. Why? Because for some reason, within her presence, he can't use his Nen at all.


"Are you able to continue to fight?" The referee asked, approaching the impaired Gido while Yuna stood back up. The answer was clear, but he had to ask just in case. Indeed, he gained the answer to his question when Gido hung his head in defeat, and the referee finally called out the winner. "Gido can no longer stand! Yuna wins by a knockout!"

The audience burst out into loud cheers, almost two third of them having never expected the outcome. Meanwhile Killua stared at the girls disappearing back as she exited the stage, completely spotless as she had first stepped into it.

She's... on a completely different level... She's stronger than I thought...


Within a cozy living space, sat Wing and his disciple. Both of them staring at the short petite child who had easily won the match against the man who broke Gon's arm.

"That's Killua-kun and Gon-kun's friend, Yuna-kun... was it?" Wing uttered out, making Zushi send him a wide-eyed glance.

"She looks around the same age as them, but she's so strong!" The young boy exclaimed, visibly surprised by the outcome.

There is room for improvement, but for her age, her Hatsu is incredible... It almost looks invisible... even when I use Gyo...

_______[]x[]HUNTER x HUNTER[]x[]_______


When this Arc ends, all three of them will officially be 13 in this book.

Yuna's DOB — March 17th [Pisces] 
is compassionate, empathic, creative, intuitive and selfless for the ones in the circle.

Gon's DOB — May 5th [Taurus] 
is hard-headed, down-to-earth, tenacious, reliable, incredibly loyal, and sensual.

Killua's DOB — July 7th [Cancer] —
is intense, incredibly charismatic and attractive, but also possessive and moody.


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