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A red clad man with a single metal leg hopped towards this fellow two disable friends, quite satisfied with himself because of what he'd accomplished. Catching his figure easily, the one with a mask like face smiled—a quite creepy smile that is. "How did it go with Gon-Chan?"

"Perfect." Red replied, a smile in his tone. "He's registered for the 30th."

The mask face let out a laugh at that. "That's three wins. Too easy."

"Three?" It was Gido's turn to be confused, since they had initially agreed to fight two boys and them only. The only other person that would have people thinking they were easy target, was that pink-blond haired girl hanging around said two. Realizations struck him at once. "You don't mean..."

Mask face let out his weird laugh again. "I know you lost against Yuna-Chan, but with my technique, it'll be an easy win." He voiced, before turning to the third man—the wheelchair man.

"She's physically weak. All I have to do is to get her with my whips. It'll be an easy win. I don't even have to use Nen." The most normal looking person of the three stated, sounding sure of himself.

Red doesn't share their views though, because he had blanched with sweat dripping down his face at the realization of what his friends have signed up for. He had warned them beforehand, having had the firsthand experience of battling against her. He had specifically told them not to fight her if they wanted a win. Seems like his words went right over their heads after all.

"I told you already! She's not an ordinary child! She has a dangerous Hatsu!" Gido was reminded of the conclusion of their fight from about a month ago. Easily remembering Yuna crouched before him, sending him a calm smile as if she did not just disassemble his prosthetic leg.

He knew she must have excellent vision to be able to figure out how his leg worked when he had been spinning around, and figuring out how to dismantle it within seconds would mean she had the smarts for it as well. Her precise control over the weapons she has as if they were just another part of her body, was downright scary.

What takes the cake though, is her Hatsu. In his entire lifetime, only once did he feel completely helpless against something, and that was during the 'Initiation' he received which left him disabled. However, in that fight against that innocent looking girl, he experienced it again.

As if he was stripped naked in front of something he can't see, unable to escape, and under her mercy.

He had accumulated enough trauma after losing his legs. Hence, the girl who managed to make him feel completely helpless, who gave him the same feeling as what he experienced back then? He wasn't willing to ever face her again.

"You're probably worrying too much." The wheelchair man voiced, not getting Gido's fear. Sure, he had seen Gido lose to her, but she was still a child. She was bound to make mistakes. That was what he believed.

Gido clicked his tongue, disappointed that his friends didn't acknowledge worry. Not that he can't understand their point of view—after all, experiencing it first hand only, can a person be convinced of how scary of a Nen ability she has. Especially to people who are dependent on Nen.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. You can go ahead and fight her, but leave me out of it. I don't want to get involved with her ever again." He warned, sounding completely serious.

And for a moment, his companions wondered whether they have made a mistake. They wondered the gravity of the situation, which would lead Gido to react that way. Not that they can do anything about it now. The date has been set. The fight will take place.


Not killing people is pretty hard...

Killua let out a sigh, which caught the attention of the pink-blond walking next to him. "Clean living's tough." He voiced, his steps as silent as ever despite the weight of Zushi on his back.

Yuna briefly stared at him with a hint of curiosity, before finally understanding what he is thinking about to say that out loud. "Is it really that hard?" She had wondered out, her curiosity dripping from her words.

Killua turned his head to send her a look of furrowed brows as if confused about the said curiosity. "It is when killing is the only thing I've been trained to do." He reasoned, tone coming off slow, trying to figure her out.

The girl merely hummed, blinking as she turned to face the path in front of her again. "Good point." She murmured, still looking to be in thought.

Imitating the boy who still had his thoughts occupied by her previous reaction. It put him off, as if it was off for her character. Her reaction and question sounded as if she was a normal person trying to understand how the underworld worked.

She's involved with the Underworld so there's no way... But... why did she look as if...

"You..." Killua's eyes widened, trying to process his racing thoughts. Yuna turned to him with a raised brow, which only increased his disbelief as he finally reached to a conclusion. A conclusion he couldn't quite believe. "You've never killed anyone before..." He doubted his own words, but his voice came out as a statement.

Yuna blinked twice at that, finding the look of disbelief on his face a bit unnecessary. "Uh... is that a problem? Why're you staring at me like that...?"

No way... Is this why I never sensed bloodlust from her even once? Even if she was on the brink of death, or back when she showed hostility to me...

"I thought you were roped into an Underworld business?!" The alarm in his tone was obvious, and that had Yuna finally figuring out where Killua was getting at. His dumbfounded reaction made sense.

An awkward chuckle left her lips, turning away to stare at the path as a way to avoid eye contact with Killua. "It's unbelievable isn't it... sometimes I can't believe it myself." Her voice was lower than usual, eyes turning somber and unfocused, as if she was relieving a distant memory. "It's not that I don't have to kill..."

"Killing is the easiest way to complete your missions you fool..."

"It's something I really don't want to do... I'm not the one who gave them life so I shouldn't be the one to take it away. So, I'm careful not to kill anyone, even accidentally." She shrugged her shoulders, closing her eyes in an attempt to forget the picture that appeared in her head.

A picture of her younger self surrounded by piles of corpses. Her people. All mercilessly killed. Massacred. 

The sound of Killua's scoff thankfully took her out of that image, and it disappeared into the back of her head as quickly as it appeared. She turned to the culprit, only to see a dubious look on his face. "Says the Suicidal Maniac. You're such a hypocrite." The boy spat.

Yuna huffed out a breath. "Exceptions are there in everything okay. In this case, my life is the only exception. I'm not willing to kill anyone but myself."

Killua's small frown deepened, just barely enough to be caught with human eyes. His eyes further narrowing on Yuna's figure as she moved her eyes away from him again.

Still... the fact that her hands are clean...

His eyes softened ever so slightly, and at that moment, he subconsciously made a vow to himself as he trailed his gaze away from her form—gaze hardening to steel as soon as she disappeared from his line of sight.

For as long as she doesn't want to kill, I'll make sure she's not put into a situation like that...

Because now that I think about it, killing is something that won't suit her at all...

His trail of thought ended just as they caught sight of a familiar door, belonging to Wing's humble home. Yuna had taken the initiative to knock on his door, and stepped aside to watch as Killua handled the talking—carefully handing Zushi over to Wing in the process.

He's impressive... there wasn't a single moment where I felt his bloodlust today... but from what he said earlier, it's obvious the thought of killing them crossed his mind...

Yuna mused to herself, a small smile appearing on her lips at the thought. Her eyes followed Killua as he walked back towards her, eyes narrowing suspiciously at the rare smile on her face. "Why're you making that face?" He had asked, tone a bit wary as if he was creeped out.

Not that Yuna let it get to her though, instead, she proceeded to let out a chuckle at his remark. Which mind you, further creeped him out. The girl's gaze flickered up to stare directly into his electric hues, her cool pools expressing a feel of warmth he had very rarely seen her express. When it comes to him at least.

"You've come so far in so little time. It makes me feel proud of you, Killua-kun." Yuna had blurted out of nowhere, before closing her eyes and turning around to walk away.

Leaving Killua with a lagging mind to process her words. When he did, he let out a loud noise of surprise. "Huh...?! Oi, Weirdo! What was that about?!" He rushed after her, easily catching up with her pace and walking next to her. Looking visibly weirded out as he stared daggers at her face. "You can't just blurt out things like that without a reason!"

Yuna continued to smile as she kept her relaxed pace, eyes half lidded. She never bothered to look at the boy walking next to her as she answered. "Remember what I said to you back in the Hunter Exam? About your old habits?" Killua blinked at the side profile of her face, watching her smile widen just a little. "I'm glad you're improving. You've changed your old ways a lot faster than I imagined."

The boy's mind finally clicked, his steps slowing down as he remembered her words from back then.


 A sound of a soft sigh reached his ears. "You know, I truly acknowledge the fact that you don't want to be what you were trained to become. I also know that old habits are hard to get rid of, especially the bad ones." Killua's eyes visibly widened when he clearly saw the glow of her eyes in the dark, making him go a bit tense.

"But keep in mind that you are trying to change. Let go of your past, and try to ease a bit." With that, the girl calmly turns back to walk away from the boy. "Now if you will excuse me, I need to get this scratch fixed." Her barely heard soft voice was the last he'd heard from her till the end of their temporary ride. Leaving him to think back to her words.


His steps came to a full halt. Eyes long gone wide and jaw loose as he stared at the back of the girl who continued walking forward. Truth be told, he had forgotten about that conversation until she had brought it up tonight. Now that he remembered though, he realized she gave him good advice that would've actually helped him had he listened to her back then.

"That's right... she did say that to me back then..." He murmured to himself.

That was right after my first attempt to kill her...

When Yuna finally noticed Killua had disappeared from her side, she stopped to turn back to him with furrowed brows—her smile nowhere to be seen. "... Killua-kun? Why did you stop?" She slowly made her way back to him, not wanting to leave him behind and wondering why he stopped in the first place.

His steps are as silent as ever. I didn't even notice him stop...

Why did he stop though...? I didn't say anything weird... did I?

Killua on the other hand was stuck with another realization. His eyes continued to stay wide as he stared at her approaching figure, her words from before resonating in his mind. Now that he knew the context behind it, those words of hers had invoked a late reaction of out him.

"You've come so far in so little time. It makes me feel proud of you, Killua-kun."

With flustered cheeks, he instinctively raised his tone. "You moron! Don't say embarrassing things out of nowhere!"

He received a confused tilt of Yuna's head as she finally stopped in front of him. "Embarrassing things?

Her confusion frustrated Killua, and he ended up huffing out a breath as shoved his hands into his pockets, gaze narrowed right into her eyes to hold her stare for a good minute—only to break the contact and walk past her. "Forget it! You're too dumb to get it!"

All while the pink tint remained on his cheeks.


Yuna had slept in as usual, so when she had arrived into Wing's humble abode after wandering around the Heavens Arena in search for two boys—imagine her surprise when she got the news that both Gon and Killua managed learn Gyo overnight.

Wow... both of them are amazing... it took me three days to completely master Gyo...

With them passing their assignments, Wing officially allowed them to register for fights. Not that he needed to allow it though, considering both of them had already registered.

"I've already chosen my day to fight." Killua voiced with a smile, but Yuna had a good reason to believe that smile of his was fake. "May 29th."

"Mine's May 30th." Gon added in, raising a fist. His close eyed smile being a bit off to Yuna.

I wonder... is Gon-kun capable of making fake smiles...

"Weirdo also registered." The girl blinked at the thumb pointed to her direction by yours truly. "On May 31st." She sweat dropped.

That's not important you know...He's not my Master, I'm just a spectator here...

"That reminds me, I have a recording of Yuna-kun's last fight with me." Wing stated out, moving to take out another CD and shifting forward to replace Hisoka's one. "Since Killua-kun and Zushi wanted to figure out how she won her fight, I asked her permission to show this to you."

"No that you need my permission to begin with Wing-san." Yuna voiced smoothly, tone soft and low as if a melody being carried by the wind that happened to catch their ears.

Zushi almost jump out of his skin when she suddenly talked. A considerable amount of time had passed since her arrival and with her saying absolutely nothing after all.

With her low presence, it's easy to forget she even exists. Gon and Killua on the other hand, were fully used to it at this point—so they were unphased, which further awed Zushi.

"It's the right thing to do." Wing waved Yuna's words off, as carefree as ever as he played the video. "Now then, try using Gyo to see why Gido's tops stopped spinning."

As suggested, Killua and Gon focused their Ren into their eyes, Zushi too getting into a stance to activate his.

They were greeted by the sight of a light pink barrier like dome all around her, the inside completely encased with pink aura. The radius was about six foot and a half, and the moment it covered its distance, every single top within the barrier dropped dead.

They clearly see the Ren surrounding the tap that shot at her back, disappear into nothingness as clear as day. "It... disappeared?" Gon let out with a tone filled with confusion.

"And what's with that bunny on your shoulder?" Killua asked, making Zushi furrow his brows as he was having difficulty holding his Ren for long. The younger boy focused on her shoulder, and true enough, there was a bunny that would easily fit into Yuna's hand on her shoulder.

It held a color more prominent than the barrier around her—pinkish purple hued. Its fur seemed to lightly waver as if flames being gently messed by the wind. This became more obvious when Yuna started walking towards Gido, it's furs visibly moving as if it was made of smoke. There were visible aura seeping from the very top of the bunny's ears, trailing behind with the girl's movements.

Zushi had finally reached a conclusion. "A bunny made out of Hatsu?" The young boy managed to let out before dropping his Gyo, having reached his limit.

The other two continued on, seeing her barrier reaching Gido until he was completely encased in it as well. The moment it did, Gido's suffered the same consequences as his precious Tops. His Ten disappeared.

"It disappeared again!" Gon exclaimed in amazement.

"Did it?" Killua narrowed his gaze suspiciously. "The moment Gido's Ten disappeared, that barrier looked like it became larger.

"That's correct." Wing voiced, gaining their attention while Yuan stared at Killua's profile with wide dumbfounded eyes, actually shocked he managed to see that detail. "Her Hatsu absorbed Gido's aura, increasing the circumference of her Hatsu Sphere."

"Then what about that bunny on your shoulder?" Zushi wondered out, turning to the girl's direction. This made Yuna hum, thoroughly wondering how she was going to explain it.

"It's something that shows up because of a condition...?" Yuna tilted her head, not knowing how to explain because she knew Killua, Gon and Zushi wasn't going to understand her.

True enough, both Gon and Zushi tilted their heads to imitate her while the whitehead spared a single raised brow of confusion. "Condition?"

"That's something the three of you will learn later." Wing decided to lift off the attention from Yuna. Seeing that she was not at all good at explaining things, even if the said explanation was about her own Nen abilities. "Sometimes, it requires risks, so it's something I won't recommend unless necessary."

The boys trailed their eyes over to Yuna to see her nodding along with Wing's explanation. "What he said." All three collectively sweat dropped at the expression of approval on her face, looking relived that she didn't have to explain anything.

Before long, the three older kids were dismissed, which had the twelve, and thirteen-year old's walking back to Heavens Arena they've familiarized themselves with.

This time around though, there was no bickering and arguing, and the atmosphere was not at all relaxed. In fact, it was completely tense with a heavy silence looming over the three as they walked on. There was a single reason for the change.

"Killua, Yuna..."

"Hmm?" Killua let out, trailing on Gon's left side. Hands in the pockets of his brown jeans and body clad in a sleeveless hoodie with a blue sleeveless turtleneck worn on the inside.

"What?" Yuna who trailed on his right asked. Wearing black shorts holding the same weapon pockets on her sides, top clad in a white sleeveless turtleneck shirt tucked into her shorts.

"They must have threatened you two." He stated out, knowing the answer fully well. "Now I'm mad..." From his right, Yuna blinked at his tone—this being her first time to ever see Gon when he's mad. His tone was stiff, holding in his rage. Which actually scared her, considering this was a completely different side of him she was new to.

"Yeah, but my biggest concern was the master, and he agreed." Killua added in, which instinctively had Yuna joining the conversation as well.

"I think he had a basic idea of the situation." She didn't spare them a single glance, considering the tense atmosphere around them. "But I'm more worried they'll use Zushi again. Since they like playing dirty." Yuna frowned.

I'm glad Killua stopped me from registering back when they first confronted us...

"I'm worried about that too." Gon instantly agreed with Yuna, which made Killua smile from the very left.

"It'll be okay. Both of you don't need to worry." Yuna having sensed the smile, turned her head to see Killua's expression for herself—figuring out he was not letting it go this time around.

That smile is not fake this time... I'm positive he's going to confront them...

They messed with the wrong boys...

_______[]x[]HUNTER x HUNTER[]x[]_______


In the original storyline, Yuna's ability was supposed to be pure Exorcism. However, I have decided to change it up a bit in this rewrite version.

Can you guess what her Nen category and her Nen ability is?


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