‖𝟶𝟸𝟼‖ 𝙵𝙸𝙽𝙰𝙻 [☓] 𝙶Ø𝙰𝙻

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"Love. Noun. An intense feeling of deep affection." A little girl read out loud. "Love. Verb. Feel deep affection for someone." She put down the dictionary to make eye contact with Mio. "Affection is a weird word. Why would people show it to others? Can they not live without it?" She stated out as if it's dumb to even think about, making Mio sweat drop.

The brown eyed girl did not know how to explain it to her young mistress. Not when Yuna never personally received anything along those lines when it comes to family or friends. Love wasn't something she was familiar with, hence she has absolutely no understanding of it. This means she doesn't know how to express it as well, not like there's anyone to express it on anyway.

Not yet at least.

"From the books I have read, a person has to fall in love with someone before they get affectionate with each other. That's how they end up getting married in the end." The girl voiced in wonder. "Father said I will be getting married as soon as I turn eighteen. But how am I supposed to find someone I love if I am always trapped in here?"

Mio's eyes widened just a bit at that. "He has not told you?" She gained a look from Yuna, making her take a breath to answer her silent question. "Your father will be the one to decide the groom for you. In fact, he has been keeping an eye on a few candidates."

"He has?"

"Yes. Now it all depends on where they end up in a few years. Based on how they change, they will get eliminated until the one best suited for is selected in the end." Mio explained with a smile. "In fact, a cousin of mine is being observed for it too."

Yuna perked up a little at that. "Really?"

"Yes. He is five years older, but that should not be a problem if you come within legal age." Mio for once, looked excited as she talked.

Now, if only Yuna felt the same way...

The ash blond felt nothing. She was simply too young to understand what Mio had just talked about with such excitement. There was one thing she got out from it though.

"That feels... unfair." She muttered out; a small frown decorated on her lips. "That means I would never get to understand what love and affection is."

"On no Yuna-Sama! You will get to meet him before you get married. You will have plenty of time to fall in love." Mio tried to reassure the girl, hands moving about. Only getting more worried when the frown on Yuna's deepened.

"What if he is not the one?" Mio paused at that, staring at Yuna with wide eyes. "What if I never love him? Will father accept it?"

Mio's gaze travelled to the floor. "That is... unlikely to happen."

Yuna turned away from the short haired blond. "See. It is unfair after all..."

"... but once again, I have no choice."


Night approached with the three laying on the rocky area, their bellies filled with the fish they had caught earlier that evening. The fire crackled a little distance away from their heads as all three observed the many stars above them, the view being familiar for Yuna as it's frequently seen from the place, she lives at.

Killua laid in the middle with his hands behind his head and a leg propped up with the other one crossed over it. Gon was to his left, arms copying Killua while his legs laid out straight—and to Killua's right was Yuna whose legs copied the whitehead while her arms laid limp on her abdomen.

The common night creatures continued to sing away around them, as soft winds brushed by once a while—ruffling the greenery around them which was clad in the darkness of the night. Small forest animals were seen near the tree lines, a couple bunnies lingering fearlessly around Yuna much to her surprise.

She wondered if it's got something to do with her Nen ability that they are being so friendly to her. Heck, one of them even hopped on her tummy, leading her to have a silent stare off with the grey furred little creature in hopes of understanding it.

Not that either of boys noticed this though, because they've started a conversation of their own to her left.

"What're you going to do now?" Killua wondered, staring at the vast dark skies filled with its own priceless jewels. It reminded him of his own eyes, shining brightly in royal blue despite the darkness behind the beautiful color.

Gon looked at the boy for a brief moment, before turning back to the sky. "For now, I'll rest up here while I gather information... The information I'll need before I go to Yorknew to look for my dad."

The ex-assassin hummed. "I see..." A moment of silence followed, with him thinking deeply about his own position in Gon's goal. Then, he voiced out a question that gave insight to his thoughts. "What should I do?"

"Huh?" Gon let out in surprise, not expecting that. The hazel eyed boy immediately sat up to give Killua his undivided attention. "You and Yuna should stay here and then go to Yorknew with me!" Looks like he misunderstood Killua's question and thought he was planning to leave him. It's cute how Gon wanted them to stick by his side.

Said whitehead merely glanced at his friend, still with his hands behind his head. "Yeah, I'm coming with you." He stated out as if it was obvious before looking back at the sky. "That wasn't what I meant."

Yuna finally averted her gaze away from the terrifying focused eyes of the animal sitting on her, tilting her head towards the boy to her left. "Then what did you mean I wonder...?" She trailed off, hoping he'd get the hint and explain himself.

Instead of answering her though, he shifted to sit up with his hands holding on to his now crossed legs before him. The ex-assassin turned to make eyes contact with Yuna, brows briefly furrowing when he caught the animal sitting on her. "Do you have anything you want to do?"

Yuna lightly tilted her head. "Want to do?" She gained a nod from him, making her blink, a bit confused. "Well yeah... I'm still searching for someone appropriate to end my life." She blurted out as if it's the most normal thing a young teen like her would be up to. "I'll be travelling with both of you for the time being, but I will continue my search."

Killua and Gon went silent for a moment, both of them feeling a sense of dread at her casual claim. "You're... as dark as ever I see." The ex-assassin couldn't help but blurt out, making Gon nod from his other side.

"Isn't there any other way?" The innocent teen asked, brows furrowed and frown visible. "Maybe tell us who these people are...? We can help you out!" He looked determined to help her as he gazed at her from around Killua's back.

This made Yuna stare back at him for a moment, before trailing her gaze back to the sky. "I am searching for another way, if there's any that is." She murmured the last part for herself as she closed her eyes. "And I don't want to involve you two in my mess." She let out bluntly, the bunny still sitting on her and staring at her face.

Even if there are other ways, as long I'm alive, there's no escape for me...

And you guys are somewhat involved already... but you don't have to know that, because I don't want that involvement to be too direct...

Her eyes opened to make eye contact with Killua. "You haven't answered my question though."

The boy's brows furrowed, knowing fully well she was changing the subject to escape the topic related to her. He hesitated, but let out a sigh when he was sure Yuna wasn't going to relent that easily—she is as stubborn as Gon after all. "I was just thinking Gon's sort of admirable."

That caught Gon's attention, Yuna too looking at him with confusion. "Admirable?"

Killua averted his gaze from Yuna to stare up at the sky with a look of longing, his form reflecting the light of the fire burning behind him. "There's nothing I really want to do..." He glanced at Gon. "I don't have anything I want to do like you do."

A moment of silence lingered as both boys stared at each other, before Killua smiled with closed eyes. He turned away, gazing down at the rocky floor, the smile fading away almost immediately—replaced with a small frown.

Yuna carefully gazed at his slouched shoulders, only seeing the image of a lonely boy with no real ambition and just existing with no real home to return to.

No will for his own benefit... just lingering around, existing... I wonder how empty he really feels...

"Though there are plenty of things I don't want to do." He noted. "I don't want to stay in that house... or inherit the family business."

House, not home. He doesn't consider that place as his home, like I don't consider their place as mine...

The boy moved his hand to prop it behind him, leaning back with closed eyes. "I guess I'm a little jealous." He then popped open his right eye to glance at Yuna from over his shoulder. "Not of you though, your ambitions are so dark that no one will be jealous of you."

Yuna only sent him a halfhearted smile. "I'll be concerned if you were." Killua's brow instantly twitched at the blatant hypocrisy of her caring about others when she has not a single bit of care for herself.

Before he could blurt out anything though, Gon had called out to him. Making him turn to the boy with a 'hm?'. Let's just say he wasn't at all prepared for what he was about to say.

"I think it's fun to be with you." Gon stated seriously, making direct eye contact with his best friend.

It took a moment for Killua to process what he said, and the moment he did, he physically leaned away from him with a sweat drop trailing down his cheek. "Wh-What's that about?" He blurted out, tone almost accusing and obviously taken aback.

Yuna held back a chuckle at the scene, wanting to get up but not being able to do so as two more bunnies hopped next to the one siting on her. One of them a peach color, while the other was white with brown spots. She could only lay there helplessly, listening to the conversation going on while feeling like a third-wheel at the same time.

No, Killua and Gon are still not gay.

"Whale Island is a place for fishermen to stay during extended outings. There aren't too many native residents." The hazel eyed angel voiced as he stared up onto the stars. "There's one other kid here that's around my age, and she's a girl." He turned to Killua with a smile. "So, both you and Yuna are my first friends who's the same age."

Yuna absolutely did not hold back the deadpan.

You basically said the other one native to this island is a girl and that's why you didn't become friends with her... and then proceeds to call me a friend...? Does he not see me as a girl?

Killua didn't seem to notice that though, only turning to stare at the ground before him—looking a bit down. It's definitely the most vulnerable Yuna had seen the boy since she first met him—after all, she wasn't there when Illumi confronted him back in the Hunter Exam.

"My situation was similar... stuck in that house all day." He leaned back on his arms with closed eyes. "I spent all my time learning how to kill."

Huh, we're similar after all... except the killing part of course.

The ex-assassin looked at the boy sitting next to him. "You were my first friend."

Not missing a beat, he turned to Yuna sweat dropping at bunnies hopping around on her. She had been forced to take her arms away from her own body as well, now placing it behind her head as she weakly glared at them with furrowed brows—his cap still on her head.

"Later I came to recognize her as my friend too..." He murmured, thinking Yuna wasn't paying attention to their conversation. To be honest, he was also forced to sweat drop at her situation, a small smile slipping on his lips as he watched her struggle with the small creatures.

Gon noticing Killua's distraction, leaned back to glimpse at Yuna from behind the whitehead—immediately bursting into laughter when he caught on to what was going on. "Yuna." The boy called, making said girl look up at him with a hum. "Did you have any friends before?"

Killua too, stared at her with interest as blinked twice at the question. She went silent for a moment, before trailing her eyes back to the bunnies—her gaze looked a bit somber, as if remembering something from a distant past.

"Well you see... for seven years of my life I've been locked at my father's house. I was banned from making any contact with the outside world." Yuna voiced out a part of her life that none of them knew. It was no wonder the boys exchanged glances of surprise. "I had only one purpose in life, to give birth to a healthy child as soon as I get within age. There was no need for friends since it won't help with that purpose, so father never allowed it."

Killua brows furrowed, a frown apparent on his face as he ran her words through his head. "Your old man sounds like a total jerk." He can't help it really, since their situations were similar. Just like him, her life was planned out for her, and he can't help but wonder how similar they truly were. "I mean what kind of reason is that? You're not some object."

Safe to say, he already loathed her father, was not an understatement.

While Gon on the other hand noted something else within her story. "Why're you talking in past tense? Did he change his mind?"

Yuna let out a humorless chuckle at that. "No, He just met his end when I was seven."

Killua absolutely did not hold back the smug smirk that appeared on his face. Yes, he is feeling satisfaction right now—only for that small moment of happiness to be thrown right over the cliff they sat on as Yuna continued her sentence.

"That very same day, I lost the one person I've wanted to befriend for years. She didn't acknowledge me as her friend until the short moment before her death." The pink-blond closed her eyes. "After her, I vowed to never let someone as close."

Yet I let you guys get close to me, that's my fault. It'll be my fault if they harm you.

Yuna let out a sigh at her own thoughts. "My problems aren't worth risking the lives of people I care for." She murmured in the end, something that only reached Killua's ears.

Oh, so you're admitting you care for us...

For some strange reason, Killua felt a sense of satisfaction. A smile threatening to crawl on his lips at his own thoughts. He was glad Gon started talking again, distracting both Yuna and himself from continuing the conversation towards that direction.

"Well, do you have fun when we're together?" The sunshine boy asked out of nowhere.

"Huh..." She let out—a bit dumbfounded, her chin tilted up and head rolled to a side to make eye contact with Gon's earnest eyes. "Well... yeah, I have to admit... It's fun hanging around you guys." She admitted in a soft tone.

As much as I don't want to admit it... I really have gotten attached like she said...

Gon turned to Killua. "What about you Killua? Do you have fun with us?"

Said boy was taken back, not expecting that question to be directed at him. He lowered his head to rub the back of his neck bashfully. "I guess, yeah." He turned his head to the right with a small pout and closed eyes, pink tint visible on his cheeks.

Gon immediately leaned forward, bringing his hands in front of him to support his weight as he attempted to get a look at Killua's face. "Then let's stick together!"

If he hadn't been blushing before, then the whitehead definitely is now—eyes blown wide with his embarrassment. Getting a glimpse of his surprise, Yuna pursed her lips with puffed cheeks to hold in her laugh, internally crackling.

"We can travel around and see the world together!" Gon continued to exclaim, not at all phased with his own words.

Killua held back a sigh. "You... Don't you ever feel embarrassed saying that stuff?!" He visibly stressed, making Gon laugh bashfully as if he had been complimented.

"Tell me about it." Yuna agreed, though not as embarrassed by Gon's words as much as Killua had been. Then again, the whitehead is a Tsundere and she wasn't, so there was bound to be a difference despite both of them being introverts.

All three of them ended up staring up at the sky, quite content after letting out some of their pent-up feelings. Killua in particular felt quite satisfied after having the long talk. They managed to uncover a bit about their mysterious friend too, so that was a bonus for them.

Although it wasn't enough to connect many dots, or enough to figure out what exactly she's going through right now—they're glad she's getting more and more comfortable with them for her to share even that much about herself.

"I'll be looking for my dad." Gon voiced, voice softer than normal. "Killua will be looking for what you want to do." He continued on, mentioning their female friend as well. "And Yuna will be looking for a way to escape without killing yourself."

Yuna never acknowledged his words, but she never denied them either. She doesn't want to admit to the fact that she wanted to agree with him, because if she did agree, then everything will work out as she wanted it to.

"It'll be a blast!" Gon shouted with a wide smile, turning to look at the side profiles of his friends. Killua and Yuna trailed their gaze towards him, before they let out smiles of their own.

There's no doubt, Gon's smile is confirmed contagious as of now. Those who disagree can fight me.

Letting out a breath, Killua closed his royal blues. "Yeah." He turned to glance at Yuna from over his shoulder, making eye contact. "Doesn't sound too bad." He abruptly turned back front to stretch his arms above his head. "Okay!" The boy exclaimed with a new burst of energy. "I'll help you look for your dad until I'm sure of what I want to do!"

"Yeah!" Gon excitedly hyped him up, both their smiles as bright as day despite the darkness that had fallen upon the skies. Yuna can't help but smile contently, gazing at the boys with a gaze of longing.

Let me enjoy this warmth, just a bit more...


Small conversations continued on until the fire had gone out and the coldness of the night embraced them—hopping from topics of Gon's mom, to Mito, to Gon admitting her as her mom, to Killua wishing his mom was someone like Mito.

All while Yuna kept silent, fully knowing Mito had been behind them listening to them talk about her. She stayed silent, even after Mito decided to leave them be instead of interrupting them, a soft smile visible on her face as she entertained her small companions.

At one-point, Yuna had managed to turn to a side, laying her head on her upper-arm with her back to the boys as she curled herself around the bunnies keeping her warm. With her free hand, she ran her fingers through their short furs, petting their heads and playing with their ears while they cuddled by her.

If you didn't notice it already, Yuna love rabbits and bunnies—there's a reason why her Nen ability conjures bunnies after all. For exactly why she holds them close to heart though, will be a story for another day.

"Aren't we missing someone." Gon asked leaning back to get a view of Killua's right, where a silent Yuna laid with her back to him. Sure enough, it had been a long time since she joined in to their conversation, contributing nothing and staying quite the entire time.

Killua too turned right to observe the view of the pink-blond laying quietly besides him ."Now that you mentioned it, she has been quiet for a while now." The boy was aware of her presence, unlike Gon who completely forgot of her—he knew she had been listening to them for a while now, but never bothered about it. What mattered to him was the fact that she was there.

Yuna's form was at ease. Laying on her right side with her long locks sprawled behind her. Her head laid on her own right upper-arm, elbow bent with her hand laying limp near the cap on her head. Her left elbow rested on her left hip—lower-arm draped down on her front. "Yuna?" Killua called out, gaining silence in response.

Both boys exchanged glances, before the whitehead turned his entire body towards the female—getting on his knees behind her, he leaned forward in an attempt to get a glimpse of her face. He was greeted by the unusual sight of little furballs sleeping against her cured form, cuddling close to her middle and chest as if younglings seeking warmth from their guardian.

The visor of his cap was lowered so much to cover her eyes however, hence he wasn't sure whether they were open or not—despite having a good feeling she had fallen asleep. Gon had gotten up from his spot to get a good look at her as well, circling the pair before stopping in front of them. A smile instantly filled his lips. "Aw that's so cute!" And of course, he doesn't hold back his thoughts.

Instead of calling him out this time though, Killua only snorted—mentally agreeing with his claim as he reached for the cap covering her eyes, moving slowly so that he won't startle her. He held the visor, lifting it a bit—and then tilted his head to peek underneath despite the darkness of the night.

He half expected to meet her galaxies of blues, but was instead greeted by her peacefully slumbering away. The boy couldn't help but observe her closed lids, long lashes complimenting her pale skin which was kissed by the faint moonlight. His eyes trailed down her face, noting that her lips were slightly parted with her lower one moving in tune to her soft silent breaths. Adding to the adorable sight was the little bit of drool on a side of her mouth, which had him holding back a chuckle—but not the smile.

She... looks so peaceful...

Within the young boy's chest, a certain organ functioning his body skipped a beat. Not that he noticed it though, since he was thoroughly distracted. He didn't even take note of the genuine smile that slip upon his face upon seeing her peaceful state, something Gon noted with a smile of his own as he too admired his friend.

"She had been sleeping the entire time?" Gon's voice snapped Killua out of his short trance like distraction, instinctively snapping his head up to his friend with slightly wide eyes. Not that Gon was paying attention to him at the moment, because said boy was now crouched by Yuna, petting the small animals by her side with a smile of his own.

I was staring...

Killua slowly nodded his head, but when Gon's question fully processed within his head, he verbally added something in order to cover up his innocent slip up. "Drooling even."

What the hell came over me just now...?

"She must've been tired then, after all that running we did." Gon voiced, now trailing his gaze up to Yuna's face. Smile warm and gentle.

"I guess so, she didn't seem used to dense forests. I bet she always travels on Nue." Killua added, still trying to act as casual as he could despite the confusing thoughts running through his head.

Do I... No. No way. Impossible.

Gon hummed, going silent as he started thinking about something else, making the atmosphere fall in to a comfortable silence as Killua was busy with his own confused thoughts.

"Hey, Killua?" Gon called gaining the said boy's attention while Gon continued to stare at Yuna, daring to gently brush her hair away from her closed lids. "You consider Yuna as a friend, right?" The boy questioned, making Killua's blues widen, seriously taken aback.

"Duh, isn't that obvious?" The whitehead answered without a single bit of hesitation, looking at Gon as if he'd grown an extra head for even questioning it.

Even if she's hiding a lot from us, I can put my trust in her.

I know she cares for us, even more than she cares for her own life... Wait, that's to be expected though, considering who she is.

Gon let out a laugh. "I guess that was a pointless question." He voiced, turning to Killua only to receive a firm closed eyed nod. The sunshine boy tilted his head, staring hard at his friend, holding a finger to his chin as he did so—which gave off the impression that he is thinking.

Killua gave Gon a curious stare, wondering what was going through his head now. That was before Gon started talking again, asking something so absurd that left the whitehead absolutely speechless. "Wait, what?" He couldn't help but ask, wondering if he was hearing things at this point.

"You like Yuna, don't you?" Gon repeated his question, ignoring the choking noise coming from Killua as he trailed his gaze down to his female friend. "I mean, you're always looking at her at the most random times. You look like you have a lot to you want to say, but don't know how to say anything at the same time—"

"OI WAIT! Stop! Stop!" Killua violently waved a hand around, cheeks tinted red and quite thankful it's dark enough to help him hide it even a little. "I don't stare at her every time! Now you're just making things up!" He had completely switched to the defensive side and that's to be seen clearly right now.

Gon on the other hand stayed calm, only tinting his head. "Huh, but I-"

"I don't like her like that okay!" Killua stressed, leaning forward to Gon with wide eyes. "I don't. Erase any and all thoughts like that from that head of yours." He ended with a pointer finger pressed firmly to Gon's forehead—desperate to get his point across to his simple-minded friend.

The innocent cinnamon roll who was only stating out what he'd observed, blinked at the defensive tone of his friend. Opting to slowly nod his head, and silently noting that there's no reasoning with Killua at the moment. The ex-assassin looked too eager to refuse him after all. "Okay. Then I'll talk about something else."

"Yeah, yeah." Killua eased down, his cheeks still heated as he folded his arms over his chest. He closed his eyes in an attempt to gain back his calm mentally while trying to get rid of the thoughts that invaded his head.

Gon's stupid for thinking something like that... There's no way I'll like that Weirdo like that.

"I know Yuna has reasons to hide the things she's keeping from us. I have a feeling we're not strong enough to deal with whoever she's scared of." Gon voiced, a thoughtful look on his face.

Killua was momentarily distracted by the sudden topic change, and after Gon's words, he was immediately reminded of his encounter with White Hood.


"Well, well, looks like a small kitten wondered its way into something dangerous. No wonder, cats are curious beings after all. Am I or am I right? Yuna-chin." Her words, if it had come out of anyone but herself would've been light hearted, but her voice stayed constantly stoic throughout.

So instead of getting the sense of lightheartedness, Killua was overwhelmed by the ominous feeling he got out of her emotionless and unbothered tone. He could sense her eyes boring straight into him and completely through which had him staring at her with wide cautious eyes, and his head screeching for him to get out of there more than it did before.


"Yeah, we're not even close to their level yet. That's why she's trying to keep us away from them, to keep us safe." He muttered loud enough for Gon to hear him.

"That's exactly why I want to get involved." Gon stated, voice firm and eyes slightly narrowed. "Yuna's our friend, I don't want to leave her to deal with those people by herself." His gaze moved to Killua, making direct eye contact. "But before that, let's get strong! Strong enough that she doesn't have to worry about us!"

Like how you came to get me back, right Gon? But this time, I want to help out, I want to get involved too, no matter how dangerous it is... Friends help each other out after all...

Killua looked down at Yuna, observing as her light-colored hair reflected the faint moonlight. Making it seemed as if she glowed underneath it.

She's trapped, just like how I was before.

"Let me lend you hand." Killua finalized, a small smile encasing his lips. Subconsciously, he moved a hand to hover it above her arm covering her waist—more specifically, over the scar he placed on her body.

Even if I've been forgiven... I can't seem to get over the guilt...

This morning, when I saw the scar, I left on her...

I can't even describe what I felt back then, but I want to make it up to her, for what I did...

"It's not final, but I guess I have something I want to do." Killua made eye contact with Gon, making the boy perk up.

"Really?!" It was no surprise he's eager to know the details.

Killua simply nodded, a small smirk slipping on his lips. "I want to figure out all her secrets, and then help her out of her situation." He tilted his head up to stare at the sky. "I know it'll take a while, but we'll slowly lower her walls as she travels around with us."

Gon tilted his head, his own smile on his face. "That way we can still be together. And still work to complete out goals, right?"

"Oh— but don't you ever tell her I said that okay? This will a secret between us. Okay." Killua's serious stare bore holes directly into Gon' hazel hues, leaving him sweat dropping with the intensity of the stare.

Nevertheless, Gon nodded. Accepting to keep it a secret for Killua's sake. "Got it."

Killua nodded back with a smile of satisfaction. There was no way his pride can handle the embarrassment of Yuna ever knowing his current goal, so he will see through everything so that it will remain a complete secret. A secret only Gon shall know. 


It didn't take long for the boys to wrap everything up since noting it had gotten too cold for their taste.

Currently, Gon was sweat dropping as he tried to reason with the small angry bunnies, them obviously mad at the fact that they're trying to take Yuna away from them. Looks like within the short amount of time, they had claimed her as theirs, much to Killua's amusement.

Said whitehead was kneeling besides her as he carefully turned her so that she's laying on her back—sneakily placing his right hand on her upper back before it made contact with the rocky ground. With his free hand, he gently pulled off his cap and placed it on his own head, his action slow and careful to not wake her up from her slumber.

However, that doesn't mean he wasn't reluctant when he brought her close to him, hesitating before he let her head lean against his shoulder. With that being done, he brought his left hand behind her knees—hesitating once more, before his palm made contact with the bare back of her thighs.

The moment he did though, he froze for a good minute, questioning all and every single of his life decisions. He swore he heard his own heartbeat through his ears, deafening out all other noises around him, and making him hyper focus on the close contact with the human girl in his arms.

"Killua?" Gon called out, noticing his frozen form—that had fortunately snapped the whitehead out of his shock and lift his head towards Gon. Instantly, his nerves eased at the sight of bunnies clutched onto the boy, biting and scratching at his clothes and boots in protest—letting out aggressive grunts in the process.

He couldn't resist the laugh. "They really hate us for taking her away, don't they?" With his nerves relaxed and mind focused elsewhere, he swiftly stood up with a pink-blonde in his arms. Her bangs tickled his cheeks and her soft exhales brushed against his neck, but he tried his very best to not let his mind linger on the details.

Key word. Tried. It wasn't much of a surprise, considering he didn't have much experience with girls... Well, except for those he killed during his assassination days of course—but we don't count them alright, even if the girl he's holding was someone he had attempted to kill before...

Let's not talk about dead people and focus on the living okay.

I noticed it when I lifted her over my shoulder today... but she's way lighter than she should be...

Killua silently mauled to himself, half of his attention on Gon as the dark-haired male said his byes to the bunnies—with a promise to bring Yuna back later that is. The other half of him had been distracted by a sleeping person, and he didn't know how to undo that.

Finally, both of them started their journey back to Gon's home. Jumping through the trees with ease despite the dark that had settled through the forest. With the change of pace and the cold night breeze brushing against their skin, Yuna shivered in Killua's hold—instinctively cuddling closer to the nearest warmth in her sleep much to Killua's unfortunateness.

Of course, the ex-assassin was affected by it. His pace visibly slowed when the pink-blonde buried her face in his neck, a bright pink blush appearing on his pale cheeks as he stared down at the hand now clutching softly onto his tank-top. Gon who obviously noticed the change of pace, too slowed down so that they were side to side—innocent curious gaze stuck on his friends.

"Hmm... Choco..." A soft murmur gained both their attention, and Killua momentarily paused on a branch. Gon stopped next to him, watching as the girl nuzzled her face further into Killua's neck—all while his previous question repeated in Killua's mind.

"You like Yuna, don't you?"

"I can't do this." Killua abruptly turned to Gon with his face bright red. "You carry her Gon!" He leaned towards the boy who stood completely clueless to Killua's predicament.

"Why?" Gon tilted his head, before leaning in to sniff the whitehead—making Killua leaned back, even more lost about the situation he found himself. "She's not lying, you do smell like chocolate." The boy innocently pointed out, instantly making Killua freeze.

"Seriously?" He quickly shook off that thought. "Wait, that's not what I'm bothered about right now!" The ex-assassin exclaimed in embarrassment.

Only if Leorio could see him right now, pretty sure the older male wouldn't stop teasing him for hours straight. It's such a sad thing Leorio missed this moment.

His loud volume though, made Yuna stir in her sleep—making both boys go silent with wide eyes. Fortunately for them though, she relaxed back into sleep, which had them simultaneously letting out sighs of relief.

"Let's get back soon." Gon suggested, observing Yuna's form intently. "If she stayed out too late, she might get a cold." Killua only huffed out a breath, silently agreeing with his friend.

They started heading back again, unaware of the whitehead unconsciously tightening his grip on the blue-eyed girl. They were swift and quicker to make way out of the forest, but a half of him was always active to look out for any little branches or life forms that could potentially harm his dear protagonist.

Just as they got out of the forest and into a vast opening leading to Gon's home though, Yuna inaudibly mumbled something in her sleep. However, only a single word was heard loud and clear for the two—a word closer to her secrets then they've ever gotten.


_______[]x[]HUNTER x HUNTER[]x[]_______


Mauve is a pale purple color that sits between violet and pink in the color wheel, named after the Mallow Flower, also called Mauve in French. Mauve gives off feelings of romance, sentimentality, youth, and nostalgia.

As mauve is between violet and pink on the color wheel, it has both pink and purple undertones. However, mauve is created through a mix of blue, white and red, so there can be varied undertones depending on the shade.

Beware my dear readers, this color will become very important in the future. This is a huge hint !! Though, I'm not sure if you guys can get it right... I hope you can.


I really want to finish re-writing this book as soon as I can. But College started back again, and I know my updates will be a bit less frequent compared to usual. I will do my very best to constantly keep updating though !!

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