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Hanako floated into a certain girl's classroom, two Hakujoudai's accompanying along with him as per usual. Unfortunate for him, the girl was absent from the room much to his confusion, making him pout. He floated back out to the hall through the wall, still pouting as he made his way to the direction of the library.

In the class, a radish haired girl caught a glimpse of a floating something from a corner of her eyes. She sharply snapped her head to the direction of the wall only to see nothing, making her let out an innocent hum. "Must be seeing things..."

Hanako floated through the hallways, searching around. The path being silent except for the sound of teachers talking in the classrooms. Soon, he came across Tsuchigomori who was headed right that way, much to the ghost's luck.

The apparition floated up to Tsuchigomori and started moving at the same pace as him. "Hey Tsuchigomori, where's that weird student of yours?" He asked quite casually, with a tad bit of curiosity.

Tsuchigomori didn't look like he acknowledged the ghost's presence since he never averted his bored gaze from his path. Yet he answered. "Himana's absent as usual. She'll return after a day or two, surely injured." Tsuchigomori's tone was gruff as he narrowed his eyes. He won't show it, but he was worried, and Hanako knew this well.

The ghost didn't tease him like usual though, because he, himself was getting a very bad feeling about her absence this time.

True to Tsuchigomori's words, just three days later, a white-haired girl walked through the gates of Kamome Academy. Her appearance drawing concerned looks from her peers who arrived early for their morning club activities. The blue-eyed girl either didn't notice the stares or she just didn't care about them as she casually made her way towards the school building.

The gaze of the students trailed after her figure as she did so. I mean why won't they? What's supposed to be visible of her arms and legs in her school uniform short sleeves were covered neatly by bandages. All the way till her fingers, leaving only the tips of them exposed.

It didn't end there. There were bandages around her neck and her head as well. Her face noticeably paler than usual, as her natural skin took a tone of sickly grey. Leaving some to wonder if she had any blood flowing through her.

Despite her mummified look though, her face held nothing close to pain within them. Leaving it as blank as her bandages. She seriously looked like someone who climbed out of a coffin from a pyramid.

Unknown to all, a curious pair of amber eyes followed her movement as wellโ€”watching through the window of the third-floor bathroom. His eyes suddenly narrowed, sensing another presence near her. A presence of a powerful apparition that is.

He didn't compel to float out of his boundary and towards a specific library. Where he knew was the destination of the white-haired girl. Arriving just as Himana opened the library door, closing it softly behind her and unknowingly to Hanako's face. Which didn't really bother him as the apparition easily passed through it.

Tsuchigomori who had been marking some papers, looked up to the sound of the library's door opening. Only for him to be hit with a mini heart attack because of his usual visitor's ghostly pale appearance accompanied by many bandages.

The teacher abruptly stood up from his seat and made his way to Himana, who had already discarded her bag on top of her usual table. She had yet to notice the amount of worry she caused to her teacher, only looking at him when he spoke.

"Himana! Why do u look more beat up than usual?!" Tsuchigomori exclaimed, his tone only raising a bitโ€”but his deep voice made up for it, making his voice sound heavier than usual.

The teacher gently turned Himana's head from one side to other, accessing the white bandages around her neck and head. The girl letting him do so, her face as emotionless as ever. Making Hanako compare her to a doll.

"Uh... sensei, can you stop? I'm feeling dizzy." The white head mumbled, her usual monotone wavering. Tsuchigomori almost instantly helped his student sit down in her usual seat. "Oh and..." Himana casually reached her hand under her snow-white bangs to lift them upโ€”only to reveal the front view of the bandage around her head.

"It got soaked again, the red just won't stop coming." True to her words, there was a dark red liquid like substance contaminating its pureness on the left side of her head, much to Tsuchigomori's horror.

Hanako on the other hand chuckled from a side. Amused of how casual the girl was despite her situation. Hell, Tsuchigomori seemed more concerned than her. Yutsuki Himana was surely something else indeed.

The teacher rushed to his desk, getting out a first aid kit before rushing right back. "Whoever is doing this to you needs to be stopped before it kills you." Tsuchigomori scolded seriously.

My my, such a doting teacher... What is he? her dad?

Hanako thought, closely observing them by floating over the table as if he was laying on his stomach, with his hands supporting his faceโ€”even though it's not really needed since he weights nothing. He silently stared at her head while Tsuchigomori unwrapped the cloth around it.

There's something about that wound. It's giving off a presence of abnormality. I can sense another spiritual disturbance.

Tsuchigomori finally unwrapped it all which led him to sense the abnormality as well.

Now I'm sure of it, the one who caused that wound wasn't a normal human.

"Himana." Tsuchigomori called, gaining the said girl's attention as she looked upโ€”making direct eye contact with a serious looking teacher. "I want you to tell me the truth. How exactly did you get this injury?"

The blue-eyed girl stared at her teacher for a moment, processing the situation she got herself into. She then turned her head to face Hanako, the both of them making eye contact, which took Tsuchigomori by surprise. Making his eyes widen.

"Glad to see you again, Yutsuki!" Hanako exclaimed childishly, as if it was the perfect situation to carefreely offer a greeting to a girl who was bleeding from her head, possibly to her death.

Himana simply nodded. "Tsuchigomori-sensei can see you right?" She asked, totally ignoring the confused look on the teacher's face as he looked between his ex-student and his current student.

"Wait... you can see him?" The teacher asked, still not over his surprise.

Hanako gave the guy a confused look, only to be replaced by realization a second later. He floated down to sit on the table, his legs dangling from the edge right beside them. "Oh, I forgot you can't make sense of her book. Sorry." Hanako shot him a smile which didn't look apologetic at all.

"You see! Three days ago, I was waiting in my boundary, determined to scare little Yutsuki here." Hanako started, dramatically gesturing towards the girl. "But I was the one who ended up getting surprised. Who knew she could see apparitions?" Hanako explained, placing a hand on his chest in the end. Grinning.

Tsuchigomori turned to the girl for confirmation. He was greeted with an indifferent face. "I've been able to see supernatural things for over two years now." She voiced out bluntly.

So, this is related to the accident where she lost her parents.

Tsuchigomori noted in his head with a nod. "I see... that is quite strange" He continued to clean her wound which didn't bother the girl so she continued to converse.

"It is... though, how can you see them Tsuchigomori-sensei?" She asked, her tone monotone. Hanako watched, impressed when Himana didn't flinch let alone look even a bit disturbed when Tsuchigomori pressed a bud of alcohol to her still open injuryโ€”pressing his other hand on her head to keep it steady and to keep the pulled back bangs from falling.

Hanako chose to cut in to answer for her in behalf of the teacher. "Yutsuki! don't be deceived! Tsuchigomori's no ordinary human! He's also a sadist!" Hanako warned seriously.

Himana's eyes widened ever so slightly, actually believing the dead boy. Leaving Tsuchigomori to mentally facepalm. "Really?" The girl asked, her tone still bland, but the both of them knew she actually believed it.

Hanako held back a laugh to nod enthusiastically. "Yeah!"

Himana moved her head to Tsuchigomori who could only let out a huge defeated sigh. Choosing to answer himself. "I'm curating the Academy's 5th School Wonder, the 4PM Bookstacks." He introduced himself with a lazy tone. Seemly done with Hanako's antics.

The albino's eyes glinted as she observed Tsuchigomori's indifferent expression. "I noticed the fact that you were a sadist long ago so don't worry, I won't see you differently." Himana mentioned monotonously.

"Why thank you." Tsuchigomori replied sarcastically without taking his eyes off from her injury.

Suddenly, realization dawned on the girl. "I see now, everything makes sense." She mumbled, albeit loud enough for the other two to hear.

Hanako shot her a curious look while Tsuchigomori briefly glanced down at her eyes. "What does?" The teacher asked, thinking nothing could surprise him for the rest of the day, greater than the discovery of his student seeing ghosts.

Himana smiled, a small and soft genuine smileโ€”catching Hanako off guard and making his freeze in midair. Tsuchigomori's eyes only widened a fraction, having been a while since he saw her smile like that.

"I told you before, I'm uncomfortable around humans... but that's not the case for spirits. Actually, it's the exact opposite because I am very comfortable around Supernatural beings."

The teachers face turned that to realization, reaching where she was getting at. "Meaning I wasn't uncomfortable around you because you were a Supernatural." She concluded, peacefully closing her eyesโ€”her smile barely visible but noticeable.

Had Hanako not been surprised last time, he sure was now. I mean the way he gaped at her like she grew another head was hilarious.

"No wonder you weren't surprised by me!" Hanako pouted like a child. "I wanted to see your reaction after I scare you!" Hanako exclaimed to himself like a child. He seemed to be throwing a small tantrum in mid-air before finally letting out a huff, closing his eye as his lips stretch into a goofy grin.

He floated even higher as he mumbled something underneath his breath which went unheard by any of them. Hanako grinned to himself.

"Still." Tsuchigomori drew attention to himself. "How exactly did you get this wound?" The teacher asked, settling down the medical equipment while his other hand continued to keep her bangs pulled up.

Hanako moved down to see her cleaned up injury. A two-inch-long cutโ€”obviously caused by a sharp object was on the left side of her forehead, right below her hair line. The skin around it was in a slight blue cloud, making it gruesome to look at. Well, if either of them was normal humans that is.

"It's been infected because of the lack of proper care. I have disinfected it for now. Thankfully the wound isn't deep enough to need stiches, but a scar will be left behind for sure." Tsuchigomori explained, letting go of her bangs to take out a new patch to tape it on the wound.

"And don't directly wrap a bandage around an open injury!" The science teacher scolded, gaining snickers from the ghost.

"Hmm. I'll remember that..." Himana merely mumbled in thought.

Tsuchigomori let out another sigh, starting to wrap the bandage around her head. Himana took it upon herself to hold up her bangs. "I can sense a lingering presence of a spirit on this. Were you attacked by a ghost or something?" Tsuchigomori asked, making her blink in surpriseโ€”though she didn't show much on her face.

"How did you know?" Himana asked in monotone. Making the teacher halt his actions to look down and make eye contact with the girl, who in return, looked at him expectantly. Hanako too stared at her, not really knowing how to react.

Sure, there was a possibility of her having problems with an exorcist or something. Especially now that she was acquainted with the oldest of the three Minamoto siblings. However, to know that she was directly attacked by a supernatural, and with how casually she was acting about it as if it was something normal, made them dumbfounded.

"So..." Hanako started, making the white head turn to him. "You were really, attacked by a ghost?" He asked, curiously tilting his head.

Himana simply nodded. "To put it simply, yes. These past two years, I've been helping out ghosts cross over to the other side. It means I have to figure out their regrets to help them... Occasionally I would come across violent ones." She explained with a straight face. "The ghost from last night was the most violent one I've faced yet, but I managed to help them cross."

Hanako hummed with amusement. "It's dangerous to interfere with dead people. It could cost you your life. Aren't you scared of that?" He asked, a smirk decorating his lips.

Himana's demeanor refused to waver, much to the apparition's amusement. "I made a promise and I don't intend to break it. I won't stop even if I end up getting killed." She stated as she turned to Tsuchigomori.

Missing the look of admiration that appeared across Hanako's features. That soon changed as he smirked, eyes twinkling mischievously. "You certainly are an interesting human, Yutsuki." Hanako mumbled under his breath. Which went un heard by the other two.

Tsuchigomori finally clipped the bandage in place before stepping away from the girl to arrange the first aid kit. "No matter what you say, this is getting out of hand." Tsuchigomori stated, closing the box before turning back to the girl with his arms folded on his chest.

"I'll be fine Sensei." Himana uttered, her face as emotionless as ever.

"How exactly?" Tsuchigomori shot back, his brow twitching irritatingly.

That's when Hanako decided to casually float between the two. Fully knowing thatโ€”if left to themselves, their argument would carry on forever.

"Now, now! Calm down both of you! I happened to have a simple solution for this." Hanako announced, smiling mysteriously. "How about you leave Yutsuki's safety up to me?" He proposed, turning to Tsuchigomori.

The said teacher observed the expression on the ghost's face. Trying to find a motive behind his words. "Do I have a say in this?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

Hanako only grinned. "Nope!" He chirped innocently with closed eyes.

"Why does Tsuchigomori have to follow along with your words Hanako-kun? Aren't you younger than him?" Himana butted in, looking between them. Her eyes were still half lidded though, making it seem like she was bored instead. The two males knew better of course.

Hanako's grin never wavered. "Well that's because I govern over the Seven Mysteries."

"So, you're the leader?" Himana asked, raising her brows.

"Yeah!" Hanako chirped with a giggle.

"Even when your boundary is a toilet?" Her question was formed out of curiosity, yet her tone was blunt. Immediately sending an arrow stabbing through the apparition's chest.

Nevertheless, Hanako managed to answer with a nod. "Yeah..."

Himana hummed thoughtfully, holding her chin with two of her fingers. "The spirit world have some very odd ways." She mumbled to herself which was heard by the two who in turn were left to sweat drop.

"Either ways, I'm having you stay in the infirmary today. You aren't allowed to class." Tsuchigomori ordered, narrowing his eyes at the girl who looked up at him indifferently.

Hanako hummed. "He's your teacher so you have to do as he says. Leave the rest up to me." He shot Tsuchigomori a thumbs up which was returned with a bored look. Hanko shrugged. "Oh well." He floated behind the chair before grabbing ahold of both her shoulders. "Let's go!" Hanako announced, making her stand from her chair to push her towards the door.

"My bag." The girl mumbled out.

"Leave it to Tsuchigomori." Hanako answered with a smile.

Tsuchigomori watched left to watch the two leave his sight. He could only sigh, walking back to desk to take his seat. "Nothing good will come out with the both of them getting along. I have a feeling they're going to create a huge disaster... or maybe something even more."

Despite Tsuchigomori's words, he has to admit, Hanako and Himana together were an uncanny pair. Almost opposite personalities clashing with strange similarities surrounding them, they were the last ones he'd expect to get along. Yet he can picture them getting along very well for some reason.

Meanwhile, back in the empty infirmary, Himana got comfortable in one of the two beds. Laying down because Hanako forced her to. The apparition in question floated above her, their bodies almost parallel to each other as he smiled down at the blue-eyed girl. "Comfortable?" Hanako asked, holding his cheek in one of his palms. His elbow propped in the air.

The girl hummed softly. Staring into Hanako's amber eyes. Mentally complimenting how unique the amber pools looked with the way the light from the open window reflected within them.

"You have pretty eyes." She mumbled out, loud enough for Hanako to hear her. His eyes widened, staring at the girl dumbfoundedโ€”while the said girl continued to look into his eyes. "They're like moons... amber crescent moons. The color of the Blood moon." Himana continued to mumble in a daze. Her eyes opening fully. As for then, the girl's actions were unconscious. Lost within those wide eyes.

Hanako watched with wide eyes, seeing Himana's usually half lidded eyesโ€”wide open for the first time. The beautiful pools of blue glistening in the light. Her orbs seemly glowing despite the half-lit room.

To him, her orbs looked no different compared that to a full blue moon, the rarest of the moons that appears. He was put on a temporary trance, getting lost in the pools of blue.

He was so entranced that he didn't notice her right hand reaching towards him. It wasn't until he felt the soft touch of her cold fingertips resting on his right cheek just below his eye lid, did he notice. Getting out of whatever spell she put him into. Hanako realized the dazed look in the girl's eyes, staring into his eyes as if it was a floating dream.

Himana smiled. A huge genuine smile which caught the ghost off guard once more within a span of minutes. Watching her mouth in disbelief, flickering his sight back to her eyes when her mouth parted to talk in a whisper. The words uttered from her mouth was soft, so soft that the ghost barely managed to hear her. "I... finally reached it... the moon."

_______[โจ€]Tโจ‚ILET Bโจ‚UND HANAKโจ‚-KUN[โจ€]_______

FACT NO: โจ‚โจ‚โจ‚

Yes, Yashiro did notice Hanako in this chapter.
Do you think she'll make an appearance soon?


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