SEASON 1: Chapter 11

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Y/N: What did you say?

Jimin: Jungkook and I, we've shared women before

Y/N: Sorry, but not me

Jimin: Right, you're not my type

Y/N: Psychopaths aren't my type either

Jimin: You really do have some nerve

Jimin still had his hands on the desk not letting Y/N to slip away.

Y/N: Step away or else you'll never have kids

Jimin laughed and stepped away.

Jimin: No wonder. You go to the fighting squad at this time, right?

Y/N: Yes

Jimin: Let's have a little combat

Y/N: Don't want

Jimin: If there's one thing I hate the most then it's a girl taking advantage of her gender

Y/N: I'm just tired

Jimin: I'll give you half day off

Y/N: Well then it can't be helped

They went towards the fighting squad.

??: It's Boss Jimin vs The Princess!!

???: No way!! It's happening!!

Jimin: I want all of you gentlemen to leave

The men frowned and left the room. Now it was only Y/N and Jimin. The entered the ring. Y/N started the fight and Jimin continued. The whole time they were basically dodging each others attack. They barely hit each other. Y/N was surprised coz last time Jimin didn't seem so strong when she had caught him as Agent 007. But his fighting skills were actually pretty good. After an hour, the Sun came out.
They both stopped. Y/N lied on the base of the ring and so did Jimin. They both were sweating and breathing heavily. Y/N raised her finger..

Y/N: I'm taking...the day off, as promised

Jimin: Just half day

Y/N didn't reply coz she felt sleep taking over.

Irene woke up, rubbing her eyes.  The first thing she saw was Suga standing at the end of the bed. She quickly took the gun Y/N had given her and pointed at Suga who didn't flinch.

Irene: W-What are you doing in this room?

Suga: First of all, this is my room. Second, you're holding the gun in the other way.

Irene: I could've killed myself (she dropped the gun)

Suga: Talk

Suga handed her a phone and she put it against her ear.

??: Hello, who is this?

Irene: Dad

Mr. Bae: What trouble are you into? Where have you been?

Irene: Dad.. I've been kidnapped

Mr. Bae: I can't believe this girl. How much are they asking?

Irene: 50 thousand won

Mr. Bae: Place?

Irene: Ferris Tower, today at 12

Mr. Bae: Okay

Irene: Please don't bring police. They always have gun near my head

Mr. Bae: I know. Just stay there

He hunged up, very weird!

Suga: You're letting your family get robbed, so easily

Irene: Not my family, only dad

Suga: It's the same

Irene: I don't like dad. He's mean and greedy

Suga: Even to his own daughter?

Irene: My dad wasn't aware of my existence until I was in kindergarten. He took me away from my mom. I couldn't even visit her on her death bed.

Suga: Should I hurt him?

Irene: No! You should never hurt anyone

Suga: You're hard to understand

Irene: Am I?

Suga: Do you like any guy?

Irene: Yeah! One of  Y/N's guy friend..

Suga: Guy friend?

Irene: Nevermind. I don't like anyone

Suga: So.. you've someone in your mind

Irene: I don't!! Why are you asking?!!

Suga: You're dumb, aren't you?

Irene: Maybe..

Suga: Get up. Our men will take you to where your dad will come

She got up with a rather sad face..

Suga and Jimin entered the National Bank's Control system. All the employees stood up looking at the guns.
This was real robbery!!

Jimin: If no one here wants to die then stay shut and still

Everyone did as he said. Suga moved to the main computer. Two other hackers opened their computers and sat next to him.

Suga: The guy in the blue shirt, come here

???: M-Me?? W-wh-why?

Suga: You need to tell a few codes

Jimin: Suga, you've only 20 minutes. The data would go normal in 30 and security will increase in 40

Suga: I'm aware

A few minutes passed. Jimin noticed a woman trying to reach out for telephone. Although the guns were pointed at the employees, she stood at the edge. Jimin nodded at one of their men. The guy walked upto the woman and pointed the gun at her.

??: I would tell you to put that down

Everyone looked around at a girl, sitting on a chair, playfully moving around. It was Agent 007. She was wearing a mask as usual. Her voice also becomes deep when she wears it. She got up and calmly walked upto Jimin while taking out a gun.

Jimin: So, we meet again.

Y/N: It wasn't long time ago, the last time you know

Jimin: Surely

Y/N: Well this time it's all about violence. Last time was rather, fun.

Jimin: Was it?

Y/N: I'll make it simple. Tell that guy to  drop the gun and tell that computer maniac to stop his work and turn yourself in, Leader of Bulletproof Gang.

Jimin: You're funny. SHOOT!

In no time, the control center became a gun shooting spot. All bullets were being fired where Agent 007 was standing. Suga continued with his work. People laid down closing their ears. The fired bullets created a lot of smoke. Finally the smoke cleared off slowly. All the gangsters narrowed their eyes and looked at the spot where she was standing. But Agent 007 was gone.

Suga: It's done. We should leave

Jimin nodded and all the men left along with Suga.

Y/N quickly got into Jungkook's room through the window without making any noise. As Jin told her, since Jimin came back, Y/N had been sleeping in Jungkook's room.
Despite all the firing, she had zero injuries let alone scratches. She laid down on the bed feeling tired. She didn't get to take the day 'off'.
Just then the door slowly opened. Y/N looked up and saw Jungkook entered the room. He was supposed to return in a couple of days...maybe he heard about Jimin.
Y/N sat up and smiled at him.

Y/N: You're back!

Jungkook: You look tired

Y/N: Yeah, I am

Jungkook: Too bad

He walked upto her. His eyes showed it all...full of lust. Y/N could tell what he wanted. His face went nearer to hers. Y/N pulled his tie closer. In no time, they started kissing. It was a wild kiss. Y/N's heart was beating, uncontrollably. She wanted him too. Not because of her mission, but just like that.
It hadn't been even 5 minutes when a knock was heard. Both of them looked at the door. There stood Park Jimin leaning against the door with a smirk on his lips. So was Jungkook's.

Jimin: You found a girl but forgot your friend

Jungkook: What are you talking about?

Jungkook walked over to Jimin and one of his arms around Jimin's neck.

Jimin: Bet you missed me

Jungkook: No, but things were peaceful

Jimin: By peaceful you mean boring

Y/N: Not boring since I was here

Jimin: I find it weird. As soon as I got caught, thia girl came out of nowhere

Jungkook: I brought her

Jimin: What's so special about her?

Y/N: Watch out Jungkook. I think this guy is in love with you. And so he's so jealous of me

Jimin: No. It's just the only thing I hate  the most is that when someone steals the time when I am supposed to reunite with my friend.

Jungkook: We met after a while now. Let's not argue

Jimin: How about a game of chess?

Jungkook: Okay

Y/N: Want something to drink?

Jungkook: Scotch would do

Jungkook went to the bathroom to change. Y/N got up and went for the kitchen. Jimin watched her go away leaning against the door with his arms crossed.

Taehyung entered the office. Namjoon who seemed to be lost reading some files, looked at him and signalled him sit.

Namjoon: I suppose you met Agent 007

Taehyung: I did

Namjoon: Did you tell her to stop the robbery?

Taehyung: I believe I did

Namjoon: Then explain this

Namjoon threw a newspaper on the table. On the first page was Bulletproof Gang's logo and a title saying "ᎪΝϴͲᎻᎬᎡ ՏႮᏟᏟᎬՏՏҒႮᏞ ᎡϴᏴᏴᎬᎡᎽ "

Taehyung: I suppose she had reasons for not stopping it

Namjoon: She was the mastermind behind the whole robbery. She had thousands of ways to stop it

Taehyung: If we think about it, her task was to gain a higher position in the gang. How can she gain that if her plan goes unsuccessful? Besides, it says that they robbed the National Bank but they robbed only one person, Bae Hyun Jae, the same person who was our target.

Namjoon: Even if Bulletproof Gang rob's someone dirty, they are wrong

Taehyung: I'm not saying that they're right but there wasn't huge loss in the robbery

Namjoon: 16 billion Korean won isn't huge!!!!

Taehyung: If a corrupt man becomes homeless then it should not be a huge loss

Namjoon: Okay, let's believe that. How is Agent 007's mission going?

Taehyung: From what I know, it's going good

Namjoon: Are you sure that no one knows about her identity?

Taehyung: Park Jimin was the biggest threat, but he lost his memory

Namjoon: I was told. So, no one knows?

Taehyung: No one

Namjoon: Okay, you may leave

Taehyung lied to Namjoon. For the first time. Yes, someone did know about Y/N's identity. It was the girl she had brought along with her. But she has Amnesia. Another thing came in his mind. If the target went homeless, then his daughter would too. He kind of felt bad for her. She didn't know what she was getting into because of her condition and did whatever the gang told her without knowing that it would harm her.
Atleast that's what is it supposed to be.....

Y/N brought two glasses of Scotch to where Jimin  and Jungkook were playing chess. Jungkook grabbed one and Jimin almost grabbed one when Y/N took it. Jimin gave her a deadly look. Y/N sat beside Jungkook who laughed a bit on this little situation.

Jungkook: You both should get along

Y/N: He's the one who starts everything

Jimin: I wonder who left me out right now

Y/N: What? The kitchen is over there? Can't move?

Jimin: Did you forget that I'm your boss

Y/N: We're not at headquarters

Jimin: Wait till we get there. I will give you 50 assignments!

Jungkook: Jimin.....

Jimin: Jungkook listen, if there's one thing I hate the most then it's you choosing this low girl over your childhood friend

Jungkook: .....You're losing the game

Jimin's expression went from annoyed to horrified, his eyes and mouth wide open.

Jimin: How?!!!

Jungkook: Why are you surprised? Don't you know.. I win every single game

Y/N: So you've never lost?

Jungkook: Never

Y/N: Jimin, move that rook to right

Y/N got up and stood next to where Jimin was sitting. She kept telling him and he followed,maybe because he knew he would lose either way, so why not let this girl help him. Soon, Jungkook's grin disappeared.
The game turned upside down. Y/N and Jimin were winning and Jungkook losing. Jimin made one move that took down Jungkook's Queen.

Jimin: Your Queen is mine now!!

Y/N kind of laughed but realized the duality of the sentence. Anyway, Jungkook looked confused at the outcome. He shook his head.

Jungkook: Maybe because I didn't sleep enough, you're winning

Y/N: Honestly, Jungkook is not a hard opponent. It's always Jimin who is dumb.

Y/N made a move and Jimin looked at her in disbelief. He was about to say something but then

Jungkook: Checkmate

This time, Y/N was also shocked. How did he do that? Y/N could tell that Jungkook was very sharp.

Jungkook: Didn't I say.. I win every single game

He said thia looking at Y/N, straight into her eyes, almost like he had another meaning to it.

Y/N: I don't think you'll win every single game
Shit! Why did I say that!

Jimin: Agh!! It's because I had a dumb girl like her to help me. Plus we should go to work! Exactly! Y/N, I don't think I'll let you take the whole day off.

Y/N rolles her eyes but thanks to his bragging. The awkward situation went away. Just then something on the television caught thier attention.

???: Bulletproof Gang has made another successful robbery this morning. This time they have stolen more than 10 billion Korean won from the National Bank north Seoul branch. Reportedly, the gang's leader Park Jimin was released or have escaped from the country's Intelligence Agency's custody. People are raising their voices and asking KIA why they had failed and let such a a damage happen. Moreover, recent investigation showed that except for Park Jimin and 3 others, there's a 5th person. He has more power than the rest. He is rumoured as the 'Golden Gunner'.

The screen showed the picture of a shadowed identity with a red question mark on it. Just them Jimin switched off the television.

Jimin: So it's happening

Jungkook: Nothing hides forever

Y/N: Golden Gunner is you. Your identity might get revealed.

Jungkook: I'll let it go that way

Jimin: Finally, I'll be able to take rest. After all that Agent 007 keeps on targetting me

Jungkook: I doubt she is unaware of me

Jimin: Then why doens't she target you?

Maybe I am sitting right beside him and he is my real target!

Jungkook: What do you think about that....

............𝒀/𝑵 ?

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