SEASON 2: Chapter 9 - ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐€๐ฐ๐š๐ข๐ญ๐ž๐

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Mark: What did you say?

Jackson: We kill Jeon Jungkook

Mark looked at him in disbelief.
Mark: If it was so easy many people could have done it before

Jackson: I know it better than you

Mark: So? How do will kill him?

Jackson: We, as Black Feather won't get involved in this. I'll ask someone else to do it

Mark: Who are these "someone elses" you always talk about? Who are these people that work for you? Or, these people that you work for?

Jackson: Mark, don't worry about that. I promise you your sweet revenge, okay?

Mark: Alright

Lisa: Hey loser!

Baekhyun: What are you doing Agent 009?

Lisa: Don't have any mission, so I just passed by. What's up?

Baekhyun narrowed his eyes and looked at Lisa, suspiciously. She usually didn't speak with him. She and Y/N had problems with him since the beginning.

Baekhyun: What do you want?

Lisa: What would I want from you? Looks like you don't have much to do either

Baekhyun: I actually do

Lisa: Weren't you dealing with Y/N's case?

Baekhyun: Why are you so curious?

Lisa: Answer my question first, will you?

Baekhyun: And what would I get out of it?

Lisa: I'll give you a useful piece of information

Baekhyun crossed his arms and nodded.
Baekhyun: Yes, I was dealing with Y/N's case

Lisa: Did you get anything out of her partner?

Baekhyun: She insists on not knowing Y/N

Lisa: This woman, Jessi, is she clever?

Baekhyun: Oh very. I'm surprised that she didn't pull anything off yet

Lisa: Like, escaping?

Baekhyun: Yeah. She looks like she can, but isn't doing so. Like she's waiting for the right moment

Lisa: You talk like escaping KIA's security is easy

Baekhyun: It's easy if you know some stunts.

Lisa: Well then, just send her to the Silent Prison

Baekhyun: Haha, send her to you? You know useless people are sent there. This woman could be still useful

Lisa wanted them to hand Jessi to Silent Prison, so that she could free Jessi and let her help Y/N. But she had to convince Baekhyun first.

Lisa: How can she still be useful?

Baekhyun: Like why she was there to help Agent 007, When there's a whole gang to protect her? It almost seemed as if Agent 007 was sneaking away

Ofcourse no one in KIA knew that it was Lisa who told Namjoon that Y/N had escaped with Jungkook. It was something Lisa didn't want to remember. At that time, Jungkook was infront of her and she had to obey him. She couldn't do anything for Y/N. But now she was trying to help Y/N without Jungkook knowing.

Baekhyun: Anyways, what's that useful piece of information?

Lisa: There's a major sale going around the city, don't miss it

Baekhyun: Wanna get shot?

Lisa: I'm not on your target list. Alright, listen. I have a doubt

Baekhyun: What doubt?

Lisa: Mr. Kim's death. I don't think it was some random girl. It sounds almost impossible for a prostitute to kill someone who was an agent, that too Agent 001.

Baekhyun: I already know that
He sounded a bit disappointed. He was expecting something big.

Lisa: I think I know who did

In no time did Baekhyun point his gun an inch away from Lisa's forehead.

Baekhyun: Spit it.

And here's the thing. Mr. Kim was Baekhyun's mentor. Baekhyun always looked upto him like a father. Baekhyun cared for and respected Mr. Kim more than anyone in the agency.

Baekhyun: Who is it?

Lisa: I'm telling. First remove this

Baekhyun removed the gun. He was very angry.

Lisa: I think it was Y/N. We both know that Mr. Kim was after her because of her betrayal. So she got him out of the way and was leaving the country to avoid KIA's suspicion. The authorities put the blame on some girl because we all know they all hate to be seemed weak. What would they tell their agents, that "One of us got killed by an ex-agent". They would all seem weak, right?

Baekhyun seemed like he was understanding the whole thing. He sat down.

Baekhyun: You are genius! How could that bitch kill someone like Mr. Kim?!!!

He clenched his fists, looking angry.
Lisa played a different game here. She wasn't trying to snitch on the commitment she made to Jimin. She was trying to gain Baekhyun's trust. That would make it easier for him to send Jessi away to Lisa. And once Lisa lets Jessi get way from the agency, Baekhyun couldn't doubt Lisa as she seemed to be on his side.isa quietly walked out of the room after doing her part.

Namjoon: Agent 008, did you get what I asked for?

Seulgi: I tried to get the most. Her name is Shin Rina. She was born in Seoul. Her parents weren't actually married but lived together. Her mother died when she was 10 due to a chronic disease. She lived with her father, Shin Woo Jung. For some reason, she stopped her education. But she moved to Gwangju when she was 16 and continued high school.

Namjoon: Why did she come back to Seoul?

Seulgi: Her father passed away here a couple of months ago.

Namjoon nodded. Rina really wasn't Irene. She had a completely different family background than Irene who grew up in a rich family

Namjoon: Alright then, you know what to do

Seulgi nodded.

Namjoon: You know very well why I chose you, right? KIA trusts you the most of all top agents

This was because Seulgi's parents were a part of the authority.

Seulgi: We will succeed in this

Baekhyun: Remember the last time when we were here? You said Agent 007 was gonna become Agent 003

Taeyoung smirked while taking a sip.
Taeyoung: She didn't

Baekhyun: Haha.. exactly

Taeyoung: The fact that she betrayed KIA wasn't good though

Baekhyun: Not only did she betray KIA

Taeyoung noticed how angry he looked.
She killed Mr. Kim

Taeyoung: What's wrong?

Baekhyun: Nothing's right

Baekhyunโ€™s cell started to buzz. He looked at the number, then looked at Taetoung and got up. He walked a bit away and attended the call.

Baekhyun: Boss!

Jackson: You didnโ€™t get Agent 007, right?

Baekhyun: I apologise. That girl always gets away

Obviously, Jackson already knew, he even visited Y/N and found out the truth.

Jackson: Listen, I got some things to be done

Baekhyun: Your wish is my command (sarcastically)

Jackson:First, get rid of Jessi

Baekhyun recalled his conversation with Lisa.
Baekhyun: Should I send her to Silent Prison?

Jackson: Do whatever you want

Baekhyun: Okay, next?

Jackson: Here comes the complicated part. Kill Jeon Jungkook

Baekhyun started to laugh.
Baekhyun: You want me to kill a Mafia boss! Why?

Jackson: I thought you hate Agent 007

Baekhyun: Do I hate her? Yes. Would I kill her? In a heartbeat. Should I mess with Jeon Jungkook himself, without a direct order from the authorities? I think I shouldnโ€™t

Jackson: Imagine looking at the dead body of the one whom you love the most, for whom you betrayed everyone. It must hurt

Baekhyun: Youโ€™re not sayingโ€ฆ

Jackson: Mr. Kimโ€™s last order was to make her suffer and I canโ€™t find a better way than this. Listen to what I say

Jackson told Baekhyun something.

Baekhyun: Alright

Jacskon: Bulletproof will fall. Black Feather would take its place. KIA will rule the mafia world through it. Byun Baekhyun will be promoted to Agent 003โ€™s place. What could be better?

There was a moment of silence.
Baekhyun: Boss, I got this

Jackson: Good

There was a specific reason why Jackson chose Baekhyun for this job.
Baekhyun: Jeon Jungkook is on my target list

Jackson: Thatโ€™s what I wanted to hear

Jackson hung up and Baekhyun walked back to Taeyoung.
Taeyoung: What happened?

Baekhyun looked at him and smirked.
Baekhyun: Iโ€™m about to change this game

Weeks passed by. Nothing changed. Y/N still received the drug which was worsening her condition every passing day. At this point, she really didnโ€™t feel except emptiness. Jungkook didnโ€™t come around a lot, which Y/N liked. Whenever he would come, he would do whatever he wanted to do to her and left, as if she was a toy that played with whenever he liked.
Jimin did tell her that he would help her somehow, but that little hope was fading away as he didnโ€™t contact her nor did anything so far. She wasnโ€™t expecting anything anymore. Y/N was sitting on her bed, looking at the curtains. She couldnโ€™t get up and draw them to let the sunlight enter. Sunlight brings hope, which she didnโ€™t want now. It took her a while to notice Jungkook leaning against the door. He uncrossed his arms and walked towards the bed. Y/Nโ€™s eyes didnโ€™t leave his sight. He sat on the bed next to her.

Y/N: Jungkook, you wonโ€™t get anything out of this

Jungkook: Out of what?

Y/N: You still love me
She held his arm.

Y/N: Let me leave

Jungkook started to laugh.
Jungkook: You donโ€™t know the satisfaction I get when I see you like this. Let you leave? Why? Whatโ€™s left in your life?

Y/N: Thereโ€™s someone I need to save. Please, let me go

Jungkook: Iโ€™m not going to ask who. I donโ€™t care

Y/N: What if I tell you Iโ€™m related to someone close to you?

Jungkook: Someone. Not me

Y/N let go his arm.
Y/N: Youโ€™ll never understand. What I went through or what Iโ€™m going through

Jungkook: I remember that day. I was ready to give you another chance

Y/N nodded in regret.
Y/N: Fine. Donโ€™t let me go. Do whatever you want. Atleast stop giving me the drug

Jungkook: My love, you can jump from a helicopter. Do you think Iโ€™ll let you regain that strength?

Y/N: I wonโ€™t leave

He looked at her and soon started laughing.
Jungkook: I donโ€™t trust you anymore

Y/N: Good. Donโ€™t

He got closer to her and spoke in aย  low tone.
Jungkook: Try whatever you want. Thereโ€™s no escape

Y/N faked a smile.

Lisa entered her room and walked towards her working table. She opened her laptop and entered the password. She looked concentrated while reading the files. It wasn't long when she got frustrated.

Lisa: She's literally nowhere. I can't find her

Lisa was talking about Jin's sister whom she had to find. By now, she had checked the info of all the agents. Still, she couldn't find her. The only thought that came to mind..
She probably didn't become an agent
Which meant Lisa now had to start searching in other areas other than the agency. She let out a breath.

Lisa: Wait...
I've never searched in the top agents

It sounded almost impossible to her but she thought of giving a try, even though getting information about top agents was very difficult.

Lisa: Let's see

Seulgi: Come inside

Rina followed Seulgi inside the apartment where she was supposed to live in. Rina looked around in awe.

Rina: I'm gonna live here?

Seulgi: Yes, it's all yours

Rina: Damn! KIA should've reached out to me earlier

Seulgi: It's all fun until you're given a mission

Rina: Which brings me back to my question. What importance do I hold to KIA?

Seulgi: It's a very long story so I'll skip to the main part

Rina: If you're gonna tell me something, it better be detailed

Seulgi: Alright.
She sat down and signalled Rina to sit.

Seulgi: Do you know Bulletproof?

Rina: That gang? It really exists?

Seulgi: It does. A few years ago, one of our agents joined the gang as a part of her mission. She was together with the leader. During all that, her best friend found out about the mission. It was a top secret mission. KIA had to kill her best friend because of that. And that girl's name was Bae Irene.

Rina: Who looks quite similar to me

Seulgi: No, exactly like you

Rina: Okay. So?

Seulgi put forward the picture of a guy.
Rina: Hot stuff

Seulgi: Correction. Min Yoongi. He was in love with Irene aka your face. When the right time comes, KIA will send you to him and you'll have to act like Irene

Rina: And get KIA some top inform?

Seulgi: Something like that

Rina: Why? Didn't KIA send some agent?

Seulgi: Agent 007, she betrayed KIA

Rina laughed out of amusement.
Rina: Damn, I like this show

Suga: You like what?
He said while typing something and doing his work on the computer.

Hoseok: I like a girl

Yoongi stopped typing and looked at Hoseok.

Suga: Jung Hoseok, you don't like girls

Hoseok: Just because I work 10x times more than all of you and don't find time, doesn't mean I am gay

Suga: Did you look into the girl's background?

Hoseok: She is someone whom we've known

Suga: Since?

Hoseok: Like 5th grade

Suga: Who's she?

Hoseok: I'll show you when we see her. When we were kids, she had braces and big glasses. You won't believe how beautiful she looks now.

Suga: I'm not going to bother to remember.

Hoseok: But I've liked her since back then

Hoseok almost looked lost in his own thoughts.
Suga: Does she even like you?

Hoseok: I'll make her

Suga: Haha, good luck

Hoseok: You sound like you don't believe me

Suga: I always had a feeling that you're unlucky with girls

Hoseok: Min Yoongi, just wait and watch

Suga: I'm always enjoying this show

Hoseok: By the way, where's Jin?

Suga: I'm pretty sure, he's in Europe

Hoseok: For the new project?

Suga: Hmm

Hoseok: You're a dead soul. I should have told him or Jimin first.

Suga: Yeah go away.
He put his headset on and continued his work.

Y/N was sitting on a wheelchair. A woman was standing behind her. Despite looking skinny, she's a part of the special team, which meant she's quite strong. Ever since Y/N's condition started to get worse, the woman was appointed to take care of her, as Jungkook didn't want a guy around her all the time.

Y/N: Did Jungkook tell you to bring me outside?

Jungkook was gone. The woman nodded.

???: I believe the order was from him

Y/N was on the wheelchair because at this condition, she was too weak to walk all the way to the garden of the mansion. This was the first time she had come outside in the past month.
The garden was filled with beautiful flowers. But those stood out the most, those infront of her, were the coral roses.


Jungkook: Surprise!!!

Jungkook handed Y/N a bouquet of coral roses. She smiled brightly. She didn't expect him to show up.

Y/N: Weren't you in--

Jungkook: Shh! Right now I'm infront of you

Jungkook put his hands around her arms and pulled her closer. Y/N blushed and tried to change the topic.

Y/N: You know, I love coral roses. The scent and the colour.

Jungkook: Ask for it and I'll bring you these everytime we meet.

Y/N: Don't do that. All I ask for is... eventually, we'll both grow old and we'll live peacefully, away from all chaos. Let's have these outside the mansion. Everyday, when we'd wake up, we'd walk outside to them.

Jungkook smiled and hugged her tight.

Deep down Y/N knew that it was impossible

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Y/N had tears scrolling down her cheeks.
๐‘ฑ๐’–๐’๐’ˆ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’Œ ๐’Ž๐’–๐’”๐’• ๐’‰๐’‚๐’—๐’† ๐’•๐’‰๐’๐’–๐’ˆ๐’‰๐’•, ๐’•๐’‰๐’Š๐’” ๐’˜๐’๐’–๐’๐’… ๐’ƒ๐’† ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’‘๐’๐’‚๐’„๐’† ๐’˜๐’‰๐’†๐’“๐’† ๐’˜๐’† ๐’˜๐’๐’–๐’๐’… ๐’ˆ๐’“๐’๐’˜ ๐’๐’๐’…, ๐’•๐’๐’ˆ๐’†๐’•๐’‰๐’†๐’“

Y/N: Moonbyul


Y/N got up from the wheelchair and walked out of the flowers.

Y/N: Since when have these flowers been here?

Moonbyul was her name. She quickly looked around, making sure no one saw Y/N got up.

Moonbyul: I believe around last year. Please come back and sit down. If someone sees, everything will be ruined.

Y/N plucked a coral rose and came back and sat on the wheelchair. She wasn't supposed to move or show that she wasn't sick.


Jimin: Moonbyul, you know what to do, right?

Moonbyul: I'll make sure that Princess doesn't receive the drug

Jimin: Yes, that's all. Rest is upto me. Remember, we're doing this behind Jungkook's back. But you won't get caught in all this. I won't let Jungkook know

Moonbyul: I trust you Boss

Jimin: Good, I'll make sure you get promoted.

Moonbyul nodded.

๐™๐™ก๐™–๐™จ๐™๐™—๐™–๐™˜๐™  ๐™€๐™ฃ๐™™๐™จ

Lisa was looking at the computer screen. Her eyes widened and she got up.

Lisa: I can't believe it!

She was done with searching the information of all the top agents. She sat down again. While stumbling on the files, she opened Agent 007 aka Y/N's file. She got lost for a second, a bit confused.

Lisa: Obviously, it can't be

She started looking at the file. She hadn't gone through Y/N's file as she wasn't a top agent anymore.
With every passing minute, Lisa grew more shocked. All of Y/N's information was exactly matching with Jin's lost sister.

Lisa: Oh God!!

He jaw dropped. She quickly got up and called someone. She looked anxious.

Lisa: Pick up, pick up.... pick up..

Someone finally received her call.

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