♦Important Tips ~Destiny ♦

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Hey y'all. Here are some tips! Enjoy! There might be more coming soon!

#1: If you find a hair in your food salt it really good before sending it back to the kitchen to be sure you got a new order.

#2: If you ever get a flat tire, take a picture of it. You can always use it as an excuse.

#3: If your too embarrassed to buy something get a birthday card with it.

#4: When in an argument pretend you are being recorded. That way you won't say stupid things that you don't mean.

#5: Always check your cell service before buying an dorm, apartment, or house.

#6: If you spill nail polish quickly pour sugar on it. The nail polish will then clump up and make it easy to clean.

#7: If your vomit ever looks like coffee grounds go to the hospital asap. You more than likely have internal bleeding and it has reached your stomach.

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