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I'm pretty sure all of us have heard about meditation and the benefits of it. But here's a little reminder before we go further

Meditation : it's the action of practicing meditating which is to focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.

Is it also described as a habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts.

Meditation has many benefits too, such as :

↬reducing stress & anxiety
↬increasing happiness
↬developing confidence
↬reducing depression
↬appreciating life
↬increasing iq level
↬improves sleep
↬improves memory
↬helps with personal transformation
↬helps with positive ideas

... and more!

Did I motivate you to try meditation? If yes, here are a few ways you can practice it at home!

In this chapter, I'll introduce you to a simple but effecient exercice for beginners!



tep 1 : Sit on a chair, or lie comfortably

Step 2 : Close your eyes

Step 3 : Don't make any effort to control your breathing, just breath naturally

Step 4 : try to clear you mind as much as possible, and stop thinking about the past, the futur, the tasks you should do, the work you still have etc... just block all of these thoughts when they come to you. the ultimate goal is to think about nothing and to empty your mind completely for about 2 mins. Don't imagine others things too, or daydream and get distracted.

*this is optional but you can also add calm, classic music if you'd like*

Focusing on your breathing ( inhalation and exhalation) can also help you to avoid getting distracted.

This exercice is hard at first, but after a few practices you'll be able to train your mind not to think about anything within a few minute!

I have tried it many times and it honestly works like magic. I highly recommend you to try this small exercice, it only takes 2 mins, and you don't need any material. It can be helpful, especially in this period where many of us are feeling anxious and stressed.

You can practice meditation at any time you feel like you are under pressure, and it is also good to practice in the morning, to start you day with a cleared mind.

hopefully you loved this chapter, i will post more meditation or even yoga exercices to try at home if you did!

~keep your head high queens


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