🔴Period Tips🔴

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There's something all of us struggle with and it's...... suspens..... PERIOD!
So today I'll give you some tips that may help you through your period and make it more bearable!


If you're about to have your period in some days or feel like it's coming soon don't wear white. Because if you leak it will directly show on white pants. Rather wear dark jeans so it doesn't show.

2-Emergency Bag

Always keep a period bag with pads, tampons, panty liners, tissue, wipes and medicine in your backpack ot locker. This helps A LOT and especially if your period isn't stable yet. Honestly this saved my life when I got my period for the first time so if you didn't have it yet make sure to have this bag on you.


Always have change on you because you never know when you might get stains over your pants and underwear. So keep an extra underwear that you can put in your period bag and a pair of pants. I recommend black leggins because black goes with anything and if you have sports on that day better wear leggins.


Do you ever go to the toilet and find pads with blood thrown in the toilet just in front of you? It happens to me all the time. And even if it's normal it can be a bit disturbing sometimes. So something you can do for the people that are going to go in the toilet just after you is using the packaging of your pad / panty liner. When you remove it roll it and add the packing around it to secure it. If the packaging is too small you can add toilet paper around it.

5-Mood swings

We all know we have mood swings during our period and it really ruins out day sometimes. Unfortunately there is no solution for that but during your period try not overthinking, stressing and remembering memories. If you do that you'll be even sadder and more emotional than usually it will also drain all your energy so try staying positive and calm when you have your period.

Hope this helped!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them!

-Lots of love


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