quick mood lifters !

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We all have bad days. Maybe they can be very frequent or maybe they occur once in a while, I don't know, I guess it depends on each person? But what I do know is, when we have a bad day, we never have the mood to do anything at all. 

Take me for example. Whenever I have a bad day, all I want to do is probably hug my pillow and do nothing at all. Which isn't really helpful at all with that horde of dishes waiting to be washed or homework piling up in your desk. 

I get it. It's perfectly normal to take time for yourself to heal and do nothing, but oh dear, you have an assignment due tomorrow or it's your turn to make dinner today and it's almost dinner time?

We all have those moments where we have literally z e r o motivation to do anything, but we absolutely have some work to do. Well, here are a few quick mood lifters which may help. . .

Music  ━  Hands down, music is the best mood booster of all time. Any song, whether it is three minutes or ten minutes long has so much power, you would have already taken a positive step deciding to listen to music. Go ahead, blast a song, dance to it like no one cares and your mood is sure to improve

Reading a good book  ━  Maybe you don't have to read the whole book, but settling down with a little something and reading a couple pages would most definitely lighten up your mood. 

Talk to a friend  ━  This probably may seem hard, but talking to someone actually helps. For example, if I'm feeling down, I usually talk with my sibling and our conversation usually helps me feel better. Try it out, it does help!

Write it out  ━  Okay, but sometimes, when you think you cannot talk to anyone, it's good to write down your feelings. It always helps you sort out your feelings and helps you feel better.

Inspirational quotes  ━  Looking up inspirational quotes always helps. This doesn't take a long time, just open up your search engine and look for quotes which inspire you. They're bound to help you feel lighter. Here are a few!

✦ TED Talks  ━  There are a lot of inspirational TED talks available on YouTube or Instagram. Here's one of my favourites.


Go outside for a lil' bit  ━  Maybe not like, go outside, but if you have a little balcony, porch or terrace, maybe you could walk out there for a little while. A little bit of sunshine and fresh air will definitely cheer you up.

Grab a little something to drink or eat  ━  It probably seems ridiculous to get something to eat or drink, but trust me, it makes you feel a little bit better. I always love a good cup of coffee when I'm down, it really does help me.

Yoga or exercise  ━  Meditation is one of the best mood lifters that ever exist. Meditate for a little while, and it's sure to change your mindset. Exercise helps too!

Give yourself a small pep talk  ━  I'm one of those people who talk to myself a lot, so yeah, sometimes I talk to myself to feel better. Imagine what you would tell someone who's feeling down and tell it to yourself.

I hope these tips help! 

Have a fabulous day and remember. . . you're beautiful! <3

~ grace [ gracelikeaWave- ]

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