🎶 Workout Routine & Playlist 🎶

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Hey everyone,

Ever since lockdown started I have been trying to do a small workout every day just so that I feel a little better and healthier whilst all this is going on. I am not a workout expert, I struggle myself in this area with knowing what to do but for me I have found a workout routine that I actually enjoy doing with a certain playlist.

Working out makes me feel a little more motivated during the day and just makes me feel better. So if you're unsure with what exercises to do for a beginner like myself or you just want something to do if you're bored check out my routine and playlist.

Workout Routine

❥ 25 Second Plank: Simply place your forearms on the ground and lift yourself off the ground by your tiptoes...make sure your back is straight.

❥ 10 Crunches x 3 sets: Lie on the ground with your knees bent and place your hands behind your head, lift yourself up halfway...kind of like a mini sit up.

❥ 20 Bicycle Crunches x 3 sets: Lie down on your back and place your hands behind your head, lift your head up and when you bring a leg in bring your opposite elbow to match.

❥ 15 Second Ab Hold: Lift your legs up so they're halfway between off the ground and straight up, then bring your head up a little like doing a crunch and hold.

❥ 45 Russian Twists: Sit up and bring your knees in lifting them slightly off the ground, lean back a little half way between sat up straight and lied down. Then cup your hands and move them to each side of you twisting your body as you go.

❥ 10 Mountain Climbers x 3 sets: Get in a press up position, hands and feet on the floor and bring your leg in to match your opposite shoulder...then switch...do this quick.

❥ 15 Left Leg Raises x 3 sets: Place your hands on the floor and knees on the floor and raise your leg out behind you bending it a little before bringing it back in and doing it again. 

❥ 15 Right Leg Raises x 3 sets: Do the other leg 15 times.

❥ 10 Left Inner Leg Raises: Lie on your side and keep your leg left straight whilst bending your right leg over your left acting as a barrier then lift your left leg 10 times.

❥ 10 Right Inner Leg Raises.

10 Left Outer Leg Raises: Lie on your side and keep your legs together, then lift your left leg as high as you can before bringing it back down and continue doing this.

❥ 10 Right Outer Leg Raises.

❥ 30 Standing Bicycle Crunch: Place your hands behind your head and bring your leg up and opposite elbow down before alternating.

❥ 30 Left Leg Lift: Standing up bring your left leg up and bring both an arm down to the floor.

❥ 30 Right Leg Lift: Switch to the right leg.

My Playlist

For workout music I just tend to workout to music I enjoy. It's only a small playlist but it always gets me to the end of my workout. Of course if you want workout specific music there are loads of playlists on YouTube, Spotify and Amazon Music.

1. Stuck With You – Ariana Grande & Justin Beiber

2. Right Now – Nick Jonas & Robin Schulz

3. On The Grind – Rae (feat. Classic)

4. Hold Me Close – Sam Feldt Ft Ella Henderson

5. Centuries – Fallout Boy

I hope you all enjoyed this little insight into my daily workout routine and encourages you to stay motivated and healthy during lockdown.

Tasha Jade <3

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