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Panic attacks are terrifying.

Anyone that has ever had one knows how horrible they feel.

Today, we're going to go into what they are and how to deal with them.

First, we need to know what we are experiencing exactly.

People use the term anxiety attack and panic attack interchangeably, but they are two different things.

Here's how to differentiate:

Anxiety attack symptoms

nervousness and worry

tension and irritability


trouble sitting still

increased heart rate

chest tightness or pain

chills or hot flashes

sweating, shortness of breath

numbness or tingling

upset stomach or knots in stomach

feeling dizzy or lightheaded


These symptoms usually come on gradually, and can last for days or weeks. They may also come and go.

You will typically experience most, if not all, of these symptoms.

Panic attack symptoms:

nervousness and worry



fear of dying and/or losing control

trouble sitting still

heart palpitations, pounding heart, accelerated heart rate

chest tightness or pain

chills or hot flashes

sweating, difficulty breathing


numbness or tingling

hypoxia (in extreme cases)

upset stomach or knots in stomach

feeling dizzy or lightheaded


detachment from reality or self

trembling or shaking

sense of impending doom or danger



With panic attacks, the symptoms usually come on suddenly, without warning, and are very extreme. They may be triggered by extreme anxiety or stress, but don’t necessarily need a trigger to occur.

So, the main difference between panic attacks and anxiety attacks is that anxiety attacks are more gradual and panic attacks are sudden.

Panic attacks are also usually more intense than anxiety attacks.

And panic attacks usually end after a few minutes, while anxiety symptoms can prevail for long periods.


Now that we know the difference between the two,
let's try to figure out how to get through panic attacks.

This is a way to get through it using a technique called AWARE.


🌻Acknowledge & Accept

🌻Wait & Watch (and maybe, Work)

🌻Actions (to make yourself  more comfortable)

🌻 Repeat

🌻 End


Step 1: Acknowledge

Acknowledge the reality you are beginning to panic.


Try to ignore it.

Pretend it's not there.

Tell yourself to "snap out of it" or "stop thinking about it."


Acknowledge how you're feeling so you can take the next step.


Step 2: Accept

Accepting what is happening is the next step.

Accepting the symptoms, not resisting, is a powerful step to overcoming panic attacks.


Fight it.

Blame yourself or anyone else.


Accept the fear; so you can overcome it.


Step 3: Wait and watch (and maybe work)

Before you take any action at all, you need to try regain some control.

You may want to flee the situation because you're in fight or flight mode, but don't just yet.

It isn't good to react when the panic attack isn't allowing you to think straight.


Tell yourself you CAN'T leave.
Keep that option open so you don't feel trapped, but put off the decision about whether or not to leave.


Stay in the situation. You don't need to run away to get relief. Let relief come to you.


Observe how the panic works, and how you respond to it.

One way to do this is to fill out a panic diary so you can
keep track of how you're handling them.

If you're in a situation where you can't write or record how you're feeling, try to keep mental notes.


If you're in a relatively passive situation during the panic attack - a passenger in a vehicle, getting your hair cut, or waiting in a waiting room - "Wait & Watch" is all you need.

If you're in a more active role - driving a car or giving a presentation - then you also need to attend to the "Work" of conducting that activity.

Do "Wait & Watch", but also remain engaged in your task.


5. Actions (to make yourself more comfortable)


Start by breathing slowly and purposely. This will counteract the shallow breathing characterized by most attacks.

If possible, place your hands on your stomach and fill your belly with breath. When you inhale, you will feel your center rise and expand.

As you exhale, it will then contract inward. These deliberate breaths will assist in soothing your body and mind.

Talk to yourself

🌻Answer your "what if...?" fears by saying "So what? I'll get afraid, then calm down again."

🌻It's okay to be afraid.


5. Repeat

This step is here because you might start feeling better, then feel another wave of panic. Your first reaction might then be to think "Oh No, it didn't work!". The Repeat step is here to remind you that it's OK if that happens. Just take it from the top again. It's not unusual or dangerous. You may go through several cycles, and you just need to repeat the AWARE steps again, as often as you need.


7. Remember, it will end:

It's not your job to bring the panic attack to an end; that will happen no matter what you do.
Review your personal history with panic attacks. Have you ever had one that didn't end?

The fact is, every panic attack ends no matter what you do.

Whether you do or don't respond well, it will end.

If you respond in the most cogent way possible, and do a good job at bringing it in for a soft landing, that panic attack will end. And if you do everything the most unhelpful way possible - struggling and resisting and fleeing in ways that make the panic worse - that one will end also.

Even the first panic attack a person has, when they have the least idea of what's happening, those end as well.

Your only job is to make yourself as comfortable as possible while waiting for the attack to end.



For helping a friend with panic attacks:


Supplements for anxiety:


You've got this.


We love you guys.

Stay strong.



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