Train Travel Tips

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                   Train Travel Tips

We take trips in Cars, Buses, Planes , Ships etc. But we also take trips in Trains as well. So today we will be looking at tips to help us have a nice journey on a   train. 

Board the train early: I believe it will be easier and more convenient for you to get there early and pick the seat you would prefer.

Pack some snacks: It is nice to buy some food while on the trip but it is a  lot better to have some homemade food with you as well.

Pack a blanket ( optional) It is advisable to take a blanket with you on any trip , trains included.

Who knows , the weather may change and become a little chilly so a blanket will definitely come in handy.

Dress for comfort: Being comfortable while on a trip is very essential. Discomfort may just ruin the trip.

Pack a Sound and Light Blockers (optional) When on a train the lights and sounds may become quite disturbing. So packing sound and light blockers may just add to you having a more comfortable journey.

Do not change trains at night : It is quite unsafe to do that and it can also be a big inconvenience for you as well.

Download an audio book: You may get tired of talking with the people sitting next to you or you may not feel like talking to them at all. Having an audio book you can listen to on your headphones can be a nice distraction.

Make Friends: Making friends is very essential in having an enjoyable trip. So don't be shy , strike up a conversation with the person sitting with you.

We have come to the end. Hope it was helpful? 

Have a wonderful train trip. 

Thank you ❤️

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