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Messy Enrollment

"Why Yes brother she did!" Kol responded back as Thena headed to take a seat in her chair as Stefan and Alaric stood beside them, "Y-you were dead, but how are you alive!" Rebekah responded with tears coming down her eyes.

"It doesn't concern you people how your brother is alive, and let's discuss matters that do matter like your daughters enrollment!" Thena said as she looked at Klaus and Hayley before anyone can respond and continue questioning, "So please do me a favor, and take a seat!" Thena pointed to the chairs as the whole family all sat down.

Thena silently waited for the family to adjust themselves, and finally made eye contact with Hope ignoring the rest of the Mikaelsons presences, "So Hope how'd you enjoy the tour?" Thena questioned, "I liked it the school is so uplifting and radiates good energy!" Hope said smiling as Thena smiled back.

"That's amazing to hear!" Thena said smiling at the young teen.

Thena turned her computer on as she was about to begin questioning Hope so they can finalize her enrollment to the school.

"Full Name" Thena questioned

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson" Hope respond back smiling at Thena.

"Species" Thena asked.

"Tribrid" Hope chirped.

"Original Tribrid!" Hayley said smiling smugly at Thena.

"Darling, in this school we don't parade who's the better species we teach the children to respect others, responsibility for their actions and so on, and to help them with self love knowing it's harder for the children to fit in within the supernatural community or human community!" Thena said making Hayley's smug smile disappear as kol snickered at his wife's attitude.

"Hope have you triggered your werewolf or vampire side?" Thena questioned to Hope as she looked down.

"Excuse me who are you to question my daughter that? Are you calling her a murderer!" Hayley shouted.

"This is school mandatory Hayley Marshall so sit down, and respect what my wife questions that mean no harm!" Kol shouted back as Thena squeezed his hand calming him down.

"Mom please stop–" Hope softly said to Hayley calming her down, "I um triggered my werewolf curse. I didn't mean to hurt anyone." Hope softly said making Thena and Kol to sighed softly knowing who exactly this reminds them of when it happens.

"Hope darling, accidents happen all the time, and I know it was scary in the beginning when you triggered your werewolf gene, but I'm assuming you are now roaming free in your wolf when ever you desire. Hope you have a pure heart, and I'm always here rather your struggling to fit in or you trigger your vampire side in later years. My husband and I will gladly help alongside Stefan and Alaric." Thena said softly squeezing hopes hand to comfort the young girl.

"T-thank you!" Hope stuttered smiling at Thena.


"Okay so we're all done with your enrollment Hope so you're officially one of our gremlins!" Thena said making Hope giggle.

The door bursted opened with three kids making everyone's eyes widened at the scene as the Mikaelsons looked confused.

"Girls!" Alaric and Stefan shouted, "Alec!" Thena and Kol shouted at the same time.

"Alec sweetie why are you crying!" Thena said as Alec ran towards her hugging her, "M-mom I didn't mean to I swear. He was going to hurt Lizzie" Alec said, "Mean to what Alec." Kol said softly, "D-dad I didn't mean for it to happen. I triggered my werewolf curse." Alec said softly as he kept crying hugging his parents who hugged him back.

"Alec it's not your fault you were protecting Lizzie." Josie said softly hugging Alec, "Yeah Alec it's not your fault. I wasn't paying attention, and he was going to hurt me." Lizzie said as the twins group hugged him.

The Mikaelsons were still confused, but Klaus looked outraged. He just heard that Thena and Kol have a child, but he's a werewolf so that can possibly mean. Alec is his child.

"What is this Thena? Is this boy my son!" Klaus shouted making everyone flinch as everyone looked at him as the kids clenched their jaws.

"Excuse you Mr. Hybrid dick, but my cousin isn't your son. So do us a favor, and leave." Lizzie said smiling tauntingly.

"Not until I get the truth!" Klaus said looking towards Thena heading her way as kol blocked his way stopping him, "Move Kol!" Klaus shouted.

"Alec isn't your son Klaus, and don't make assumptions. Yes Alec is a werewolf doesn't mean he's yours!" Thena shouted back, "Oh so you cheated on my brother then!" Klaus hummed making Thena and Kol clench their jaws.

"Excuse you, but unlike some people I have class. Get out of my office!" Thena said towards the whole family, "What I offended you, love!" Klaus smiled making Hayley laugh.

"You heard my wife get out of her office before I reveal the truth right here, and don't disrespect my wife you don't know her." Kol shouted back.

However, before Klaus can speak furthermore. The sound of shoes approaching her office made everyone look back, and eyes widen.

"Elijah" his siblings and Hayley said in unison.

"Niklaus get out of her office this instance. I've heard enough of these insults. You know full well Thena respects her body, and doesn't throw herself around. So leave!" Elijah snapped making Klaus sighed in defeat telling everyone to go.

"I'm sorry about my siblings. The names freya. I hope you have a good day, and I hope you are okay Alec!" Freya said softly at the family holding keelins hand.

"It's okay freya, and nice knowing you. I'll see you around, and I think someone else will be glad to see you!" Thena said smiling softly as freya looked confused walking out her office.


The whole day went by quick after the Mikaelson reunion, and Alec dropping the bomb about triggering his werewolf curse making him nervous.

"Well today was something!" Thena said as she was under the covers with kol.

"You know he won't give up." Kol said making Thena look at him, "Well he should because he's delusional on whatever is going through his mind." Thena said to kol.

Thena was hugging kol nervously, "I'm scared for Alec. He should've been here helping him not sacrificing himself." Thena said as a tears rolled down her eyes.

"I know darling. I know–" Kol said softly hugging her, "He knows he's adopted, but is he ready to find out who his real dads and Mom's name are." Kol said softly as a tear rolled down his eye.

"I think so, and I still have his letter." Thena said softly to kol hugging him, "he would be proud of how Alec turned out to be." Kol said softly kissing Thena's forehead.

"He would be. We are raising him to be the perfect gentleman. However, he has your attitude every so often!" Thena said chuckling making kol gasp playfully.

"I'm offended darling." Kol said launching at her tickling her making her laugh more.

"Stop that tickles!" Thena said laughing as kol kept tickling her after knowing her soft spot, and kissing her entire face.


Ahem who's alecs dad

He knows he's adopted.

He triggered his werewolf curse.

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