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"Esther are you hundred percent sure about this prophecy we are making?"


"I'm absolutely positive now we mustn't take long now we must begin chanting"


Thena had gasped awake pushing her seat up as she was panting from that dream. She looked at her husband who was looking at her worriedly.

"Darling, are you alright you've been getting many nightmares lately?" Kol said looking at Thena holding her hand.

"I–I had a dream of your mother of some prophecy she was speaking about." Thena gulped looking at Kol who's eyes widened.

"Mother? What prophecy!" Kol exclaimed getting nervous.

"She didn't say, and before I can hear the spell they began chanting. I woke up." Thena sighed rubbing the back of her head.

"It's okay darling. All that matters is your safety, and Alec's safety. If these nightmares keep happening we can explain them to Valerie, and Bonnie." Kol said kissing thena's knuckles making her chuckle as she leaned in kissing him on the lips.

"Careful darling don't wanna start something you can't end." Kol smirked making Thena laugh.

"Down boy! Alec's in the car first off!" Thena said making kol pout at his own antics as Thena laughed.


The three had finally arrived back home after a long drive. They noticed a car in their driveway well specifically Finn and Bonnie as they finally parked right beside their car. They had finally stepped out their vehicles as Thena approached the back-seat of the car.

"Alec wake up we're finally home." Thena said as Alec almost practically jolted Thena.

"Sorry mom! I have to pee so bad!" Alec said running towards the house forgetting his backpack in the car.

"It's okay Alec!" Thena said chuckling at her son grabbing his backpack.

They headed inside the home where it was practically a safe place not just for them, but for everyone they considered family, and welcomed within their home. The house wasn't too big or small. It was roomie enough for the perfect size family, and was modern. The home practically looked cozy it held family and friend portraits by the entrance of the house. A 'welcome home' sign rug by the door.

Thena and kol strutted towards the kitchen where they heard things falling already knowing what to expect. The two watched as Bonnie poured wine in her glass cup, and Finn attempting to find who knows what, and Pepperoni eating his dog food in peace.

"I hope we didn't crash the party!" Kol said smirking as he watched Finn jump, and Bonnie choke on her wine.

"Brother, and my dearest sister in law. I'm just here attempting to cook for you all, and also check on pepperoni." Finn said holding the pans as he glanced at the golden retriever who was wagging his tail.

"Oh yes! How was my pepperoni." Thena said petting pepperoni who who kept wagging his tail in excitement.

"Beside the fact that he peed on my shoes. He was great." Finn said as pepperoni barked at him.

"Bon- Bon how are you my lovely witchy friend." Thena said approaching Bonnie hugging her.

"I've been great. As always. I have been making people cash me if they need a spell here and then. I've learned not to do things for free." Bonnie said making Thena grin.

"So how much did Finn pay you to hangout?" Kol questioned Bonnie who rolled her eyes playfully.

"I didn't pay her anything brother, and maybe she just likes my company. Hmm!" Finn said as he threw a spatula at Kol who easily caught it.

"If you need help Bonnie just send an S.O.S." Kol said once more laughing as his brother who only glared at him longer.

"Okay let's not act like Damon tonight, and let's just all help Finn with preparing whatever he is." Thena said glancing at the three who agreed.

"You two are the most dramatic drama queens ever, and I thought Damon was worse!" Bonnie said as the two looked at her glaring making the two woman laugh as the brothers glared.

That very night was spent in the kitchen with fits of laughter as they all contributed on making dinner forgetting all about the recent nightmares, and the Mikaelsons who are currently in town.



Hope you liked this chapter

I can't wait when I finally put it together for later chapters onto how Klaus and Thena fell out of love, and sneak peak it'll be when something drastic occurred.

Hope you liked that Finn and Bonnie time

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