Forty One.

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I hate you

35 weeks

Dear Journal,

The humorous part in life truly is that people stick beside the pretty faces, and never see beyond that because to them they are worth every penny beside the betrayal. Although, in life it's been proven that people pick and choose who's worth the time as if they were were groceries needing to be checked off.

I learned to except the fact that I'm not on everyone's check list, and that's alright because I'm not an item to be picked and chosen.

Sincerely, Thena Salvatore Mikaelson

Thena had shut her journal, and immediately threw it into her purse as she proceeded to walk up collecting both of her hot chocolate's, and a piece of banana bread.

She had waddled all the way back to kol who playfully gave her the side eye as his hands were both on his hips, "Darling, I told you I could've gone." Kol playfully scowled at her as she chuckled handing him the hot chocolate, "I know, but I get impatient just standing there, and I needed to walk." Thena said biting into her banana bread.

The two walked out the mystic grill as Thena's phone buzzed, and she quietly pulled it out reading the text.

I watched that stupid Ant- Man Movie


That bunny was so cute
Read at 11am

Thena had laughed, and showed the conversation to her husband as he playfully rolled his eyes at the conversation, "I can't believe someone summoned my father." Kol said as he turned the car on, and making sure his wife was secured, and safe.

"I know right, but he's been keeping me safe." Thena sighed softly, "It isn't your fault, darling. Niklaus and Hayley are beyond pathetic, and they don't even know he's here, but I'll always protect you." Kol said holding his wife's hand, and kissing her forehead.

The two had spent the time driving around, and buying the necessities for their two babies who could be born in of these upcoming weeks, and they were all excited to meet them.

"Please... Kol why can't I know the baby boy's name." Thena pleaded as they were walking back to the car, "It's a surprise, darling." Kol said making Thena pout.

"No fair"

"Life isn't fair"

"You have a point, but can I have a little hint." Thena said once, again as she gave her husband puppy eyes, "Hmm... No" Kol said chuckling.

The two had put the shopping bags away, and kol helping his wife get into the car, and quickly ran into the side of his, and starting the car heading back home.

20 minutes later

The two had arrived back home, and weren't expecting these two visitors who came out of nowhere.

"Well if it isn't my homicidal maniac of a brother," Klaus smirked as kol softly pulled Thena closer to him, "What do you want!" Kol spat back.

"What I want? Is Thena back," Klaus taunted as Hayley spoke up, "And I just want my daughter back." She taunted back.

"I'm not an item Klaus, and I was never yours to begin with," Thena spat back before she spoke again, "Those feelings weren't real, and you manipulated me into loving you. I spent ages waiting for my soulmate, and you took me from him the first time. I won't let you do it, again." Thena spat as she saw Klaus already raging in anger.

"You heard my wife, Klaus. I won't let you take her from me, and Hayley we never took your daughter away from you. Hope chose to walk away, and I applaud her because you lot aren't even family. Hell I spent centuries begging to be part of your always and forever. I now realize that my always and forever are with my family who never shunned me." Kol spat getting in front of Thena away from their view revealing his vampire face.

"Shut the hell up." Hayley spat.

"I hate you so much, and both of you ruined me eighteen years ago, and I won't let that happen." Thena spat already getting stressed out by the situation, and new stress wasn't good for the babies.

"I have always loved you Thena, and how can you love a homicidal maniac." Niklaus spat in pure venom.

"I never loved you because that wasn't real, and I will always love kol. In the end it will always be him." Thena spat holding onto her husband.

"Then you leave me no choice," Klaus spat about to run towards them until someone ran in front of the two.

"Hello Boy," Mikael spat as they watched the situation about to unfold, "F-father h-how are you here?" Klaus spoke in fear as Hayley ran off.

"I see my name still leaves you in fear. C'mon, boy. Fight! Fight you coward." Mikael spat running up to him as his hand went inside his chest, and held his beating heart.

"Let's make this clear boy. Leave the girl alone or I won't hesitate to run this white oak stake down your heart." Mikael spat shoving Klaus onto the floor as tears ran down his face, and quickly got up leaving the three just there.

"Kol–" Thena paused looking into his eyes, "I don't feel so good" Thena said as she fainted, and kol quickly to catch her as the two were in shock as they quickly got into the car heading to the closest hospital.

2 hours later 

"Kol sit down," Damon said in a shaky voice.

"Shutup Damon. My wife is in there, and I can't even see her nor know what's happening," Kol spat back in anger, "I'm sorry it's just that I promised her earlier that I'd protect her." Kol said as tears ran down his eyes.

"It isn't your fault kol," Stefan assured him as he softly nodded still worried, "Yeah dad don't blame yourself, and we all know mom is a tough cookie." Alec said sitting beside his father.

A doctor walked out the room, and glanced around the room, and called out the family, "Thena Mikaelsons family," she said as they all got up approaching her, "I'm the husband of her, our son, and these two are her brothers." Kol said pointing to which as she told them to follow her.

The five had arrived to the room, and caught a glance of all the machines on her, "She's stable, and so are the babies. Although, I recommend her not leaving the house, and avoiding anything stressful." She said as she quietly shut the door.

"I'm sorry, darling. I should've just gotten us on the car avoiding them, but we didn't." Kol said kissing  his wife on the forehead, and softly putting his hand onto her tummy, and feeling their babies kick.

He smiled knowing they were all okay.


Chapter forty one

Hope you liked it

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