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New Orleans

The family had been driving for over four hours, and still had over five hours left to arrive for their final destination. The drive was filled with silence as the couple glanced at their son who was sound asleep peacefully.

"Did you bring the letter?" Kol questioned his wife who sighed pulling the letter out.

"I sure did. I don't understand why'd Jackson want Alec to read the letter when he triggered his werewolf side." Thena sighed never understanding Jackson's tactics.

"Well don't underestimate Jackson. He probably has an explanation written in that letter for Alec." Kol said grabbing his wife hand kissing her knuckles.

The drive to New Orleans became silent, but a comfortable silence filled with a two concerned parents for their child who was going to break every single part of their bones in a couple days.


The trio finally had finally arrived to New Orleans, and were walking around the French Quarter after they dropped off their luggage's in the hotel room, and Thena showing Alec around her favorite spots in the city while Kol reminisced living in the city once upon a time.

Thena dragged the two into her favorite restaurant 'Cafe Du Monde' ordering three coffees and beignets for each.

"Oh my god you're right mom they are so good!" Alec said after taking a bite of the beignet, "I told you!" Thena said smiling at her son glad he liked the beignets making her relieve a memory.

"Jackson you're a pain in the ass. Wolfie." Thena shouted as she shoved Jackson out the way after her temper tantrum.

"Really Thena? You come to New Orleans each time you fight with your brothers! So which one is the problem this time?" Jackson shouted putting his hands on his hips as Thena scoff at him.

"Stefan! He's such a Moran. I keep telling him that his lovely girlfriend Elena Gilbert is toying him, but he doesn't get it. I just don't want him to end up being used, again. I know Elena loves Stefan, but she isn't in love with him. " Thena said as she slide down beside the tree huffing at the situation making Jackson sighed sitting across from her.

"Thena sometimes in order to fall in love, again. You have to break apart. Stefan whatever situation he's in right now will be a valuable lesson in the future, and if she breaks his heart. He will still have his baby sister." Jackson said hugging an upset Thena.

Thena didn't realize kol was speaking to her as she was too busy reminiscing a memory of Jackson.

"Darling, are you okay?" Kol said as Thena snapped out of her memory, "Uh... yeah, yeah just a memory of an old friend." Thena said quickly avoiding Alec's eye contact. Thena was relieving her memories of the times she came to New Orleans.

"Let's head out, and walk around the city some more." Kol said quickly as they all got up heading out the cafe knowing his wife kept having memories, and didn't want Alec to worry about it.


The family were too busy caught up in their own world they didn't realize a certain someone until they bumped into them turning their attention towards them.

"Excuse you sir!" Thena shouted as the man turned around making everyone's eyes widen.

"Uncle Marcel?" Alec questioned

"If it isn't little wolfie! I haven't seen you since you were five." Marcel said hugging Alec as then he turned his gaze on the married couple.

"Thena and Kol! Finally decided to check out my city." Marcel said hugging Thena and shaking Kol's hand.

"Oh you know the usual just wanted to check out those delicious beignets!" Thena said giggling.

"I see your still obsessed Thena!" Marcel said laughing at the girls obsession, "Anyways what brings you back?" Marcel questioned worried something was wrong, "I triggered my werewolf side uncle Marcel." Alec said softly making Marcel hug Alec, again.

"Hey! Don't worry about it kid. I take it you want him to turn in the bayou as his father wished." Marcel said to Thena and Kol who nodded.

"I'll leave you three to it, and Alec you're one tough kid embrace your werewolf side, and run free!" Marcel said making Alec smile leaving the three alone.

"I'm scared!" Alec said glancing at his parents as they walked back to their hotel room.

"It's going to be okay Alec. I know it's going to hurt because you are going to break every single bone, but we'll be here watching over you!"Kol said hugging Alec.

"We well never leave your side Alec, and it's about time you embrace your werewolf side because Jackson would want you to. Jackson loved his werewolf side, and I know the minute you get to run free you'll love it as well." Thena said hugging Alec who smiled.

"Jackson? That's my dads name!" Alec said tearing up finally knowing his dads name, "Yes, and I'm sorry we didn't tell you his name sooner." Thena sighed.

"It's okay mom. I'm going to make you three proud because I have the best family support, and I know he watches over me." Alec said tearing up hugging his parents having a little weight lifted.


I'm going to make a mystic falls people POV
Next chapter.

Hope you liked this chapter

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