Thirty one.

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The Truth

Davina Claire was on her way to the Mikaelson Mansion to finish off what has been started, and so the family can see the truth of Klaus Mikaelson, and what he had done. She had parked her car by the front entrance as she closed her vehicle door with Elijah beside her.

"This is a dangerous game," Elijah said pulling the keys out of his pocket unlocking the door of the house with Davina by his side, "Well your brother started this long time ago, and we're ending it!" Davina said as Elijah shut the door right behind her as they headed their way to where the noise was coming from.

The two had stepped inside in the living room as they spotted Genevieve completing the salt boundary spell as she raised her hands mumbling, "L'agbara ina yi, o le lò ó." Clapping her hands as the three suddenly awoken up.

"What did you do!" Klaus spat in anger, "Hey, let us out." Hayley said trying to come out of the circle that they were trapped in.

"No," Genevieve said, "What do you mean no? We aren't your toys to be played with. So get on with it witch let us out." Rebekah said as Genevieve got up facing Rebekah laughing at her comment.

"It's hilarious! No really? You people get so offended when someone out beats you, but what gives you three the right to murder, manipulate, betray and even lie towards innocent people. " Genevieve said as they stayed quiet at her comment, "That's what I thought." She replied back.

Elijah stayed in silence listening on what Genevieve was saying towards his two siblings, and Hayley Marshall. Elijah finally came back to reality when he noticed Davina about to step in, but he raised his hand stopping her to give him a few minutes so he can get an answer from him.

He quietly stepped in acting clueless on what was going on, and made his presence to be known in the room, "What's going on here?" Elijah said glancing at everyone in the room for an answer as his brother spoke up.

"Brother! Please be kind enough, and rip her head off!" Klaus said smirking knowing his brother came to rescue them as he stayed silent not replying back to his brother.

"Niklaus? Why would you do that to Thena Salvatore, and our brother! Our very own brother for heaven sake." Elijah said approaching the circle closer as his niece stayed silent not trying to get in the middle of the argument, but also wanting to know already.

Klaus looked at Elijah in anger, and disappointment, "He would have ruined her especially with his homicidal tendencies," Klaus sneered at his older brother, "No brother that was you, and for this I'm not deeply ashamed, but everyone must see the truth," Elijah said stepping back from the circle, and standing beside Genevieve.

"Davina come on out," Elijah said as Davina made her presence to be known clapping her hands, "It's funny Klaus that you'd so happen to call Genevieve for this, but the thing is we have been planning this for months the day I bumped into Thena Salvatore, but don't worry it's not like she has all her memories back ." Davina said sarcastically before speaking again, "Oh wait she does, and she's so angry especially your brother." Davina smirked as Klaus stepped back in fear at where this was going.

Davina kept staring at him until he screamed in pain as she kept raising her hands breaking each and every one of his bones making him pant in fear, "I think it's time to show your family the monster you really are," Davina said as she was making him weak enough to access his mind, and made everyone go in a trance watching the memory.


"Her mind is open, and allowed for you to compel her–" Greta said gulping in fear at what she had just done, "Fantastic!" Klaus said clapping his hands approaching Thena Salvatore.

He stared into her eyes until they dilated as he began speaking, "Hello, Love, There is no such thing as a prophecy nor soulmates this is the real world come on. Thena Salvatore you will slowly fall in love with me, and we'll live happily ever together. Go home, and forget we ever had this conversation." Klaus said ending the compulsion as Thena got up leaving Alaric's apartment.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" Klaus questioned has Greta took a step back in fear at what she was about to say, "There will be no happily ever after Klaus, and yes you might've compelled her, but she'll start to remember she has a soulmate because once your brother is undaggered. She'll feel a connection far more deeper than this stupid compulsion." Greta said as Klaus gripped her onto her neck throwing her onto the couch as she coughed rubbing her neck.

The family had snapped out the trance, and all were left with different responses at what they had just witnessed their brother do.

Elijah Mikaelson was left in a stunned expression with realization that not too long ago... Thena Salvatore had witnessed watching this, and was left in tears because she had no idea that half of her life was a lie, and forgot that she has a soulmate.

Freya Mikaelson was blinking processing at what she had witnessed, and not understanding how can her brother be so cruel to his very own blood, and manipulate a woman to have feelings for him, and not find himself someone who truly loves him, but yet she realizes her brother is cruel, and gets whatever he wants no matter the consequences.

Rebekah Mikaelson stared at her brother in the circle, and move away from him. She felt disgusted at what she witnessed her own brother removing the happiness of her old friend. Thena Salvatore has a soulmate, and that being her older brother Kol Mikaelson. Rebekah couldn't comprehend at why her own brother would do this? He's always taken everyone's happiness, and has never felt one single thing of guilt, but pride at what he's done.

Hayley scoffed at the situation, and didn't really care because this wasn't her problem, and had no idea of what so ever.

Keelin was too shocked at what she saw as well, and wasn't surprised at all. She knew this was Klaus Mikaelson they were talking about, and anything is possible with him.

Hope Mikaelson had tears running down her eyes. She wasn't just born from a one night stand, but her mother was the destruction of her fathers relationship with the headmistress. She also learned that her parents had both been liars, and constantly avoiding any questions until she figured it out all on her own, and days later she discovered a piece of paper that was about a prophecy, and hid it asking her uncle for help. Lastly, Hope had witnessed memories of Thena Salvatore due to her father, and she just witnessed the truth. Her own father compelled Thena Salvatore to forget the existence of her soulmate, and to fall in love with him.

Hope felt betrayed the most, "Why?" Hope questioned her dad with tears coming down her eyes, "I asked you a question dad!" Hope shouted making everyone in the room flinch.

"I don't know," Klaus said running his hands on his thighs nervously, "You don't know? Or you don't want to say that you're a coward, and are afraid to be alone forever!" Hope yelled making Klaus look down.

"I hate you so much dad! I can't even look at you because you're most definitely not the person when I was a little girl. How can you do that to Aunt Thena? Uncle Kol? Do you not ever feel sympathy for all the crap you pull"Hope began speaking as her mother interrupted her, "Don't speak to your father in that language," Hayley said making Hope roll her eyes, "SHUTUP! You ruined a relationship, and despite the feelings not being real that's still cheating mom, and aren't you the same one who told me if someone hurts me? You'd beat their ass? Well now it's my turn!" Hope yelled snapping hers mother's neck leaving everyone in the room shock.

"I don't ever want to see you dad, and maybe this will teach you that there's consequences to what you have done." Hope shouted leaving the house as everyone stared in shock.

"How does it feel to have the only person you love? Hate you!" Davina said as Klaus had tears running down his eyes, "Hurts doesn't it?" Genevieve replied back.

The boundary spell was removed leaving everyone in the room distancing themselves from their brother as they stared at him with different expressions.

"You're a bloody wanker, and pathetic," Rebekah spat leaving the living room, "Don't look for me Klaus because I won't be in town! Have fun." Rebekah spat shutting the door making him flinch.

"I waited centuries to meet my siblings, and I come home to realize that you'd never allowed anyone an ounce of happiness. Wake up Klaus? It's not just you who deserves happiness." Freya spat grabbing keelin's hand leaving the house.

"This isn't my fight so excuse me, but I've got a daughter to apologize," Hayley raised her hands heading to her room trying to contact Hope, and knowing if she looks for her. She's run off.

"How does it feel Niklaus? Having everyone not able to look at you?" Elijah said stepping in front of his brother.

"It feels awful," Klaus mumbled as Elijah bent down on his level, "Good because that's what you deserve misery after compelling Thena Salvatore, and betraying your own brother like that. Pathetic." Elijah said getting up with the witches walking behind him.

"Toodles Klaus! I had a great time ruining your reputation," Genevieve said smirking with Davina by her side, "Once again, I beat you." Davina replied back as the Mikaelson Mansion door shut echoing throughout the house.

Klaus Mikaelson was left alone in his own thoughts, and excepting the fact that he had it coming after what everyone had discovered about him. He was left utterly alone.



How should I begin the next chapter? With Rebekah trying to apologize.

I hope you liked this chapter.

I really wanna get started on chapter one for my other book.

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