Thirty Seven.

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Lips Are Sealed

18 weeks

Dear Journal,

The world is filled with people who will envy you, and have no idea for what reason. However, you'll have people who will love you with every fiber of their heart. Don't waste your time on people who don't give you a reason to stick around, and move forward into the future with those who do appreciate you, and love you with every fiber within them.

Sincerely, Thena Salvatore - Mikaelson

Thena had shut her journal, and threw it onto her bed as she was about to put her shoes on, but couldn't reach her feet unless she sat on the ground, and right as she was about to sit on the ground her husband appeared, "Need help?" Kol chuckled picking her shoes up to help her as she softly nodded.

"This is your fault you had to seduce me with your stupid smirk," Thena pouted hiding her smile away, "You started it by removing your blouse, and then straddled me, and then I began to Roc—" Kol began to reminisce about the night as Thena lightly shoved him, "Kol shushh," Thena said as kol laughed helping his wife stand up.

The two headed downstairs as Caroline was taking them to their appointment once again, and this time the doctor would be able to determine the genders.

As they approached the vehicle, and Thena sat in the front adjusting her seatbelt. Caroline stayed quiet as she finally drove them to the appointment, "I wasn't being noisy, but Thena I thought we went over this woman to take control." Caroline said narrowing her eyes playfully.

"Hey!" Thena said as as Caroline began to blast music chuckling to herself, and not noticing the couple's conversation, "There's always a next time." Kol whispered into Thena's ear.

The trio had arrived to the clinic, and Thena silently signed herself up, and awaiting to be called by the doctors for another ultrasound.

"Remember you two... I will know the gender, and you both will have to wait until the party." Caroline chirped reading her magazine as the two nodded, "Yes ma'am." Thena mumbled chuckling.

"Mrs. Mikaelson and Mr. Mikaelson " A nurse called out for them as they stood up to follow her. The nurse had take Thena, and had her vitals taken to make sure everything was going well within her own health as well, "Everything seems to be good Mrs. Mikaelson, and if I could have the both follow me–" The nurse said walking them into a room, "The doctor should be in here shortly." She said shutting the door.

"You have an idea of a name?" Kol questioned his wife holding onto her hand as she turned to face him, "I like the name Artemis. She'll have a name that has so much meaning." Thena said smiling at the thought as kol kissed his wife's hand, and smiled at the idea of the name.

"Aurelia long time no seen. How's little Artemis doing," Thena had said glancing at a much pregnant Aurelia sitting on the sofa, "Oh Thena it's no Artemis, but an Alec." Aurelia said getting up.

"What! You little traitor." Thena said crossing her arms as Aurelia laughed.

Thena had snapped out her thoughts as the doctor knocked onto the door opening it, "I see you both seem to miss me or is there another reason." The doctor said with a hint of excitement.

"The babies genders, and so my sister in law can finally throw the secret gender reveal party, and meaning we won't know until a couple weeks." Thena began to ramble as kol chuckled at his wife's rambling, "I see now, and let's began so I can sneak the papers into her hand so the gender reveal party can begin." The doctor said as he squirted the gel onto her growing tummy, and moving the stick around taking pictures of the babies.

Awhile later, The doctor got up, and glanced at the two, "I've finally found the gender of both babies, but my lips are sealed. I will slip the papers to your friend who's awaiting for the both of you in front. I'll see you in a couple weeks Mrs. Mikaelson and Mr. Mikaelson. Stay safe." The doctor said shutting the door.

"I still think it's two girls," Kol said helping his wife change, and adjusting her shoes, "I still think it's one girl and one boy." Thena hummed holding onto kol's hand stepping down the bed.

The two had walked hand in hand to the front where Caroline was squealing in excitement looking at the papers, "This is so exciting—" Caroline began to ramble up until she noticed the two, and put the papers back into the bag before they would notice.

"You guys are back," Caroline said changing the subject, "I've seen you found out the gender of our babies," Kol said as he began to speak, "So can you tell me if I'm right, and Thena's wrong." Kol said winking at his wife.

"Uhm no... you'll just have to wait." Caroline said, "My lips are sealed, and I drink vervain so no cheating." Caroline said as kol scoffed making Thena laugh at the situation.

The three had headed back home, and were now going to prepare for the gender reveal party in a few weeks that Caroline had just sent reservations, and were excited for the day to finally arrive so they can find out the genders of their babies.


Hope you liked this chapter

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