Thirty Three.

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Merry Christmas Eve

December 24, 2029

Dear Journal,

In life you have to cross the worst obstacles in order to reach your happy ending.

It's been almost exactly two months since I've actually written on here, and that was when they had arrived into town. Although, we haven't seen him in town. It feels like a weight has been lifted off of my chest, and I feel better knowing he isn't in town.

Although, I can't seem to talk about it to people, and I choose to lock it in . I had a friend tell me that it isn't okay to wallow, but if I'm not ready to speak about any certain situations that it's good to write about it instead of wallowing over the past.

Until next month, and oh Merry Christmas.

Sincerely, Thena Salvatore - Mikaelson

Thena had shut her journal, and slammed it onto the bathroom sink, and ignored the girls shocked expressions as she turned the faucet sink on washing her hands, again for the tenth time distracting herself from the anxiety building up in her body. She stared at the mirror until the timer went off making the five girls stare at the pregnancy test that hasn't been flipped yet.

The girls stared at the pregnancy test as Thena nervously moved her hand towards the test shaking, "I-I can't what if it comes back negative," Thena gulped in fear of it coming out negative, and feeling completely useless.

"Hey, Thena, it's okay. Please don't pressure yourself we're right here with you ladybug, and we will stand by your side to the moon and back," Valerie said soothing Thena Salvatore with her chin resting on her forehead as the rest of the girls approached her pulling her into a hug.

Thena Salvatore slowly picked up the pregnancy test, and with her eyes shut. She had slowly counted to three, and flipped the pregnancy test, and was left with a stunned expression, "I-I'm pregnant" Thena said in shock, but repeated what she said turning to the rest of the girls in the bathroom.

"I'M PREGNANT!" Thena said in excitement with happy tears running down her eyes as the rest of the girls squealed in excitement.

"Congratulations!" Elena smiled pulling Thena into a hug, "Congratulations Thena! I can't believe a mini you, and kol are going to be running around in know time!" Bonnie said pulling Thena into a hug.

"Omg—" Caroline squealed in excitement, "I know it's early also congratulations, but I'm going to be attending every single baby ultrasound, and find out what the gender of the baby is so I can throw you guys a gender reveal party." Caroline said pulling Thena into the biggest hug, "Again, Congratulations!" Caroline said with the biggest smile on her face.

"Congratulations ladybug. I'm so excited that your dream has finally came true, and I can't wait to watch all your weird cravings, and be here every step of the way. I love you, Ladybug." Valerie said pulling Thena into hug with the biggest smile on her face, and wiped the tear away.

"Thank you guys all so very much. I love all, and every single one of you to the moon and back. I'm so glad to have you all here by my side especially on my worst days or good days. I feel relieved, and grateful that I get to experience my first pregnancy especially with my darling. The both of us get to experience, again loving another baby, and Alec being a big brother protecting his little sister or brother," Thena had said smiling with tears coming down her eyes before her eyes widened.

"How am I going to tell kol?" Thena had questioned, "He just thinks I ate something bad," Thena said biting on her nails nervously.

"OH I GOT IT—" Caroline said making everyone look at her at as she sat up straight as she continued what she meant, "The Christmas Eve Party? I sent the reservations not too long ago. Remember?" Caroline said narrowing her eyes as everyone simply nodded.

"Okay!" Thena said as she grabbed the pregnancy test back, and shoved it in her purse as she glanced at everyone, "Well I've got a gift to wrap up, and I'll see y'all later." Thena said as she waved goodbye to them.

Five hours later 

The family had arrived to the Forbes-Salvatore home carrying gifts for everyone as they knocked onto the door with Caroline pulling the three into a quick hug taking the gifts before speaking, "Okay the alcohol is over there in that stand, and for the people who can't drink alcohol there's apple juice in the fridge." Caroline said more specifically to Thena as the other two stared clueless nodding their heads confused by what she meant as they walked away.

"What I wasn't being obvious–" Caroline said as she paused looking at the three people who had just arrived as she headed their direction, "Freya, Keelin and Hope I'm so glad you can make it–" Caroline said as she rambled the same thing making Thena chuckle at her enthusiasm as she served herself apple juice.

She hadn't notice kol approaching her up until he spoke, "Darling, are you okay? You never drink apple juice? Do you still feel nauseous?" Kol asked his wife as she chuckled, "I wasn't in the mood for alcohol tonight, and I feel great actually, and happy. How about we go, and dance." Thena said dragging kol by the Christmas tree as they were dancing to slow music as he twirled her around.

"Their happiness brings me joy, and their love is extremely passionate," Freya said as she was smiling at the scene.

"It really is, and I'm glad they have each other." Elijah said smiling as freya glanced at him, "You should tell Valerie how you feel." Freya said patting his shoulder as she walked away leaving Elijah in his own thoughts.


The whole family had gathered by the Christmas tree as they were all opening up their Christmas gifts, and admiring at everyone's facial expressions enjoying their gifts.

"You got me a cook book!" Finn said in excitement as Lizzie rolled her eyes, "Yeah, Yeah whatever." Lizzie said hiding her smile away, and taking pride that she made her uncle smile at his gift.

"Next person is Hope," Caroline said giving her daughter a thumbs up, "Uhm— I got this for the four of you actually." Hope said approaching the twins, Aunt, and her cousin as they quietly thanked her opening their gifts.

The twins had pulled out their gifts confused by the necklaces as Hope spoke up, "They are necklaces with magic inside them so you can siphon from it." Hope said as Lizzie spoke up, "Oh thank god because touching the floor was getting nasty at times," Lizzie said as her sister helped her put the necklace on.

"Thank you hope," Josie replied back as Hope gave her a nod smiling, "Yeah thank you!" Lizzie said smiling at Hope for the first time. Alec pulled out his gift staring at the bracelet as he recognized the figure, "That's my dad in his wolf form... thank you hope," Alec said smiling at his cousin.

Thena opened her gift gently, and opened the box pulling out a necklace with the name 'wolfie' on it making her chuckle at the name, and missing her wolfie. She looked up at Hope, and walked towards her, "Thank you hope!" Thena said hugging Hope.

"You're welcome Aunt Thena." Hope replied.

Thena went by the tree one last time, and pulled out the last gift approaching her husband as he stared at her curiously on what he got her as she smiled, "Now what did my darling get her precious husband," Kol said opening the box that felt light as he pulled out a tiny shirt saying, 'Surprise you're going to be a dad, again' as he opened the second tiny box revealing the pregnancy test making him shock as he was processing everything.

"I– I'm going to be a dad, again" Kol said with a large smile showing on his face as he stood up pulling his wife into a long hug with tears coming down his eyes.

"Y-yeah you're." Thena replied back as she gave her husband a kiss, and everyone staring at them in shock as the girls squealed in excitement already knowing, but hearing it once, again made them happy.

"Congratulations Aunt Thena and Uncle Kol," The twins and Hope said in unison hugging their aunt and uncle.

"Hey, I mean we needed more little gremlins running around congratulations baby sister," Damon said hugging his little sister as he then faced kol, "Congrats man." Damon said hugging kol.

"Congratulations baby sister—" Stefan said Thena scoffed, "I was born just five minutes after," Thena said, "Still little, but congratulations." Stefan said pulling his sister into a hug. He approached kol and congratulated him as well.

"Congrats Thena on being a baby mommy, again. Oh, and you too kol a baby daddy." Finn said as Elijah smacked the back of his head, "I-I-mean congratulations you two... geez Elijah how hard did you hit me." Finn said rubbing the back of his head as the couple laughed.

"Congratulations to the both of you, and Alec who's going to be the best big brother." Elijah said pulling the two into a hug ruffling their hair making them smack his hands away.

"Congratulations to the both of you!" Freya, and her wife said in unison as they hugged the couple smiling.

"Congrats mom and dad. I'm going to be the best big brother in the entire world, and protect my future sibling or siblings," Alec said hugging his parents smiling that his mother finally got her dream, and gets to experience being pregnant.

"Wait stay there this deserves a picture to be taken, and kol grab the pregnancy test and baby shirt—" Caroline said running to get her camera as she ran back to the two, "Okay smile you two," Caroline said as she got the picture of the three who one held the pregnancy test, and the other held the baby shirt up.

"Congratulations little witch," Thena felt someone's presence, and smiled knowing who exactly it was making her smile to where ever the figure was, "I miss you wolfie." Thena whispered slightly as the presence went away giving her a sense of hope knowing that he was in peace out there.

She enjoyed The rest of the night with all her family that was filled with laughter, and love by all of them as they spent this holiday not just celebrating Christmas Eve, but Thena Salvatore announcing the news that she is pregnant.





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