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Mystic Falls

To say they weren't exhausted after a long flight, and having a couple hours of sleep. They'd be lying they were extremely exhausted, and what could go worse.

Thena had arrived to the mystic grill buying  three hot large coffees with extra espresso hoping that they develop enough energy since Alaric practically alerted a family meeting at the Salvatore Boarding School.

Thena had practically been with her sunglasses all morning hiding her dark circles from the lack of sleep.

"I'm so exhausted, but these phone calls and text messages are nonstop." Thena says groaning at her cellphone taking a sip of her coffee.

Kol practically gulped his down drink before speaking, "Tell me about it, but whatever it is hopefully it doesn't take too long so we can go back home and cuddle." Kol said to Thena holding her hand as he was driving them to the school as Alec kept his earphones on drinking his coffee.

The family twenty minutes later arrived to the Salvatore Boarding School, and noticed a couple cars parked in front of the school.


Thena opened the doors to the school, "You're favorite witch has arrived!" Thena shouted as it echoed throughout the halls.

"We're in the kitchen." Alaric said.

The family entered the kitchen where it smelt like fresh brownies were made, and to their surprise Finn was serving Damon, Alaric and Stefan brownies.

"You know Finn if I wasn't so in love with Elena I would've married you." Damon said as he took a bite of the brownie, "And I'd gladly reject your proposal." Finn sassed back.

Kol smirked at Thena before speaking, "Isn't this lovely my darling brother and brother in law arguing like an old married couple." Kol said making them glare at him.

"Are not!" Damon and Finn both said at the same time.

Alec started laughing before speaking, "How romantic now if you excuse me I'm going to take a brownie, and take a nap while you adults chit chat." Alec grabbed a brownie and fist bumped Alaric as he left the kitchen to take a nap.


"Finn you should become a chef because your baking skills are amazing." Thena said . "I agree." Kol added.

"Thank you, Thank you!" Finn said smiling at them.

"Okay now that we are here what's so important that I had to practically drag kol and Alec out of bed— " Thena paused before speaking once again, "And I don't have time for games so spill it." Thena said smiling.

"A family wants to enroll their daughter to this school, and since you weren't here I told them I had to confirm with the headmistress." Alaric said shutting his eyes already fidgeting with his hands, "Okay carry on Alaric what's the problem with it?" Thena said already narrowing her eyes.

Alaric gulped as he avoided eye contact with the couple, "It's the Mikaelsons." Alaric said as Thena and kol started laughing, "They don't have children so stop the nonsense." Kol said already clenching his jaw.

The kitchen door opened revealing Elijah Mikaelson who was dusting his tuxedo looking at everyone in the room.

He looked at the couple, "He's not joking. The child's name is Hope Mikaelson. She's the daughter of Klaus and Hayley." Elijah said as he gulped.

The entire family watched as Thena gripped onto kols hand clenching their fists together controlling her temper.

"Well isn't this lovely, and I'm assuming they want to come into this school." Kol said hugging his wife who was still in shock as Alaric and Elijah nodded.

Kol sighed, and looked at his wife "Darling, You don't need to accept her enrollment we can just say the school is full." Kol said looking at his wife who had a tear rolling down her eye, "N– No it's fine hope isn't the problem, and I'm not punishing her for the mistakes they committed. The enrollment better run smoothly otherwise Elijah your siblings will be banned from entering the school property, and anything involving Hope you'll be the one to attend. " Thena said which Elijah nodded.

Finn came running in the kitchen, "Oh Elijah since you're here try my brownie. I made it from scratch." Finn said which Elijah took one, "it's good Finn!" Elijah said giving him thumbs ups making Finn smirk.

"He didn't learn that from scratch he watched a YouTube video." Lizzie said wiping that smirk off his face, "Tattle tale!" Finn said as the both glared at each other.

"Children please!" Elijah said making them stop glaring at each other.

"Sorry uncle lijah" Lizzie said, "Sorry brother." Finn said as the both crossed their arms.

"Did Elijah yell at them, again?" Alec said as the family nodded, "Explains the temper tantrum." Alec said making them laugh and Finn and Lizzie glared at him. 

The family spent the whole day catching up, and fixing all the classrooms so when the semester begins everything is in check, and Thena preparing for the awful phone call she'll have to make the next day.

Thena and Kol we're not looking forward for this little family reunion with old friends and family who know nothing about loyalty except betrayal.


Should I bring the hollow back? 

Here's chapter two hope you

Do you guys want a mikaelson pov in chapter four

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