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Amber Marian Heaven






Sabrina Carpenter


A Game Of Chess; Female


ย Amber is known for being the most kind and caring person in her family along with her sister. They get along pretty well and never fought which have been a surprise for a few of her friends and relatives cause in general siblings fight but she and her sister, Alyssa didn't.

She can be pretty intimidating to a few people who tend to get on her bad side. She can get annoyed easily and gets irritated often. Though there are times where she has major outbursts but those are not so often done.

She is an Ambivert in general. She loves hanging out with her friends and loves to make new friends too. She can be introverted when being in a new place or meeting someone entirely new at some points. She is smart too and wise in making her decisions and is also booksmart.

She loves to joke around sometimes and makes some sarcastic remarks at most. She can be a bit teasing only if she likes you. She tends to be soft to younger ones like her sister. She is protective of her sister and likes to be with her parents when they need her.

She can be a daredevil at most since she loves climbing trees and practically jumping off from them since she is agile and all. She is pretty much daring but she knows when to not do such things such as dangerous stuff.


Amber was the first and eldest child in her family. She was born in a middle class family and she liked it that way since she doesn't like being born in a rich family who gloats about how rich they are and she pities the poor a lot and tries to help them in anyway possible and she still does. When she was seven years old she learned to play chess with her grandfather who taught her how to play it. After learning how to play she loved playing it with her relatives and parents but she mostly lived playing it with her grandfather and would beat them in chess. After her grandfather died when she was thirteen, she kept the chessboard that her grandfather played with her in her keeping as her grandmother gave it to her. She never forgot her grandfather and always thanked him for helping her learn to play chess. She also taught her little sister Alyssa who isn't that great at playing like her but she likes to play it anyways. She took up the job of being a photographer and loves to do photography since she was thirteen. She loves taking pictures of nature and mostly candid pictures. She basically became a pro behind the cameras till now.


Playing Chess; she is a huge pro at chess playing and knows how to play it well. She can beat anyone in chess but she doesn't care if she loses since she is a good sport. Of course she learned to play it when she was seven and became good at it after playing it a lot with her grandfather.

Photography; she has a huge knack for photography and taking pictures. She loves taking pictures of nature from different views and angles and also taking candid pictures as well. She started to take up photography when she was thirteen.

Reading and writing; she loves to read books and also lives to write about many things since she keeps a diary to write about her thoughts and what goes on in her day and life. She can write short stories but she never published the ย or anything or shown her work to anyone other than her sister. She lives reading all kinda of books and genres.

Poetry; she loves poetry in different forms and ways written. She can tell what the poets are feeling through the poems and the way they are written. She also tries to write a but of poetry herself but as usual she never showed it to anyone other than her sister. She likes all kinds of poetry such as haiku, free-verse, acrostic and many more to come!

Playing the piano and flute and music/singing; she learned to play the piano when she was seven and played the flute when she was eight. She plays them mostly during her free time. Music is one of her passion and she lives hearing the or singing the songs but mostly her favorite songs. People say she has a nice voice.


Rude people; she hates it when people are rude towards others especially her. She thinks that being rude towards people is wrong and doesn't want people to get hurt by rude comments and such since they don't deserve such behavior from them.

Bullies; she is against the bullying and all. Her little sister used to be bullied and she never liked seeing her crying or coming home crying or beaten up. She never liked anyone getting bullied since she saw these things happening in front of her and elsewhere.

Bad sports; yeah she has seen these type of people like a lot. She even had an experience while playing chess she won a game with someone and that person literally started raging and said that she cheated and all and that she was much better at playing than her but the truth was that she didn't cheat plus she won fair and square.


- She has a pet white femaleย owl

- loves ice cream especially butterscotch

- loves hot chocolate with marshmallowsย 

- loves to be in libraries and read books

- loves to draw, sketch, canvas paint and water colorย different scenaries and more

- knows how to ride a bikeย 

- also knows how to roller skateย 

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