☄️Chapter 10☄️

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"Dream, what are they talking a-about? And why are we tagged?" George questioned him in a sleepy voice.

"I have the same questions George, but I don't know." Dream sigh

"W-W-Well, I hope they will be happy..." George said trying not to cry but Dream saw him tearing up so he wiped away his tears.

"Don't cry, what's wrong?"

"N-Nothing, Dream. I'm o-okay..."

"I know you're not okay, George. What's wrong."

"It's nothing." George uttered looking down.

Dream didn't want to make George angry so he didn't ask what's wrong anymore. But he knew something was up.

Why is he acting so weirdly? I hurt him, that's why. Gosh I'm stupid. How could I hurt the one I love?

He looked over to Sapnap. He was just chilling, looking at some posts when suddenly the pilot started to talk but they all ignored it since it wasn't their first time flying.

The stewardess for some reason came up to Dream and handed him a paper, he just smiled.

George was seeing that happen. It made his heart sting, he teared up but wiped away his tears. Dream didn't notice him tearing up so George was kinda glad.

~ 20 minutes later ~

The plane was now in the clouds and everyone could take off their seat belts, George was sitting, looking at his phone. He had some videos downloaded so he just watched them.

But he kept an eye on Dream. He was... Writing something, then yet again the stewardess came up and blew Dream a kiss.

"What would you handsome want to eat?" She asked in a filrty way.

"I'm not alone, my friend is here too." he answered and grinned.

"Ah, yeah." She said and made a disgusting face. "So what do you want?" She tried to act polite.

"Well I'd like something to drink, hmm. Let me think. What about you George?"

"I-I don't want anything.." George said in a kind of gloomy way.

"Well then we will be perfectly fine. We don't want anything." Dream stated and went back looking out the window.

"This bitch ruined my moment. I hate you." She whispered so only George could hear. He was shocked. Standing up George went to the bathroom, closed the door and sat down.

I don't understand.. What the fuck is going on? Why is this day so fucked up? Gosh darn it.. Fuck today, this is the worst day ever. What should I do? What if Dream asks where I went and why? I'm such a baby. I need to stop crying but I can't. My heart stings too much, I don't understand why... Is this how it feels to be heartrboken?

A few minutes later he heard a knock.

"George, you okay? You've been there for the past 5 minutes. We are getting worried." Sapnap said in a worried voice and then the door opened. George had red, puffy eyes so Sapnap hugged him real tight.

"Come on George, let's go sit. If you want I can sit with you because I know those words that Dream said hurt you, he's an ass hole but he didn't mean it that way." Sapnap explained till they got to George's seat. "You'll be okay and if you want you can sit with me."

"O-okay, thank you Nick." George smiled at him weakly but that made Sapnap glad so he smiled back.

"No problem friend." they both sat down and relaxed.

Dream looked at George and hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry George."

"What are you sorry A-about Dream?"

"W-Well I made you sad, and that's rude of me. You know I'm not that kind of a person, I want to see you happy, like truly happy. Seeing you smile it's like the sun is shining when it's cloudy and raining."

George blushed making Dream realize what he said.

"A-ah, did I just say that o-out loud?" Dream asked and chuckled. George nodded and giggled.

Gosh your giggling.. It makes me feel like... Like.. Like I'm a simp but I don't care. I love you George with all my heart.

"Dream, you okay? You're all red do you need water or something?" George murmured making Dream snap out of his thoughts.

"Ah. Yeah I'm fine. It's just a little hot here." Dream chuckled and George handed him cold water. "Thanks."

~ Time Skip ~

They were now landing in L.A. and heading towards baggage pick up. They got their baggage and went outside to see Zak, Darryl, Niki and Fundy waiting for them.

"AYYY! Guys! Finally you're here." Zak cheered

"Yeah we're here." George yawned as Dream answered.

"Aw muffin head is sleepy." Uttered Darryl.

"Gmhm. I am sleepy, can we talk Bad?"


They went further away from the group as the others talked.

"Daryll.. I.. I don't think Dream likes me. He said it himself before we went to the air plane. He said 'Oh I don't love him we're just friends and I like someone else' or something like that..." George said tearing up yet again. Bad couldn't bare seeing George cry so he hugged him tight.

" Listen muffin head, he was on thin ice, he would've said he liked you right then and there, but he was scared too. He thought you didn't love him, I'm sure he was just scared and had nothing else to say. He likes you so please believe me and you will see, and if he doesn't which I'm 100% sure he does, you can come to me and cry with me since we both have to confess here, in L.A." Bad explained to George, letting him calm down.

"Thanks Bad. You really helped." Darryl smiled and laughed.

"If it makes you feel better I'll confess to Zak tomorrow." Darryl said in excitement, making George giggle.

"Oh, you'll confess to me Bad?" Zak asked as Darryl turned around.

"I-I.. Zak what are you do-" Bad was cut of by Zak kissing him. George awed and imagined it being him and Dream.


"Darryl. Will you... Will you do the honor and be mine?"

Darryl smiled and nodded, while Zak kissed him once again with passion.

George left those two love birds alone, and went back to Dream.

"So what are we gonna do now?" George asked.

"Well, Bad and Zak said we need to wait here for Tubbo, Tommy and Wilbur so I guess we are waiting here for others." Fundy answered and Niki blushed.

"Awee Niki! Are you in love with Wilbur?" Sapnap teased and she just nodded. "Okay that's was way much easier." Everyone laughed.

~ Time skip ~

Everyone was now in L.A. and they knew about Zak and Darryl. They were happy for them.

"Okay, so there are 10 of us, so 5 in one car." Said Zak.

"In one car - Sapnap, George Dream, Tubbo and Tommy and the other Wilbur, Niki, Me, Fundy and Darryl." Zak looked at Darryl and smiled.

"Okay, where should we meet?" Dream asked.

"In this (insert address and hotel name here) hotel." Uttered Bad showing the hotel.

"Okay, well see you there!"

Everyone went their own ways and Tommy started a random argument with Tubbo.

"Bees' suck!" Shouted Tommy.

"No, they don't! They're really pretty and nice." Argued Tubbo.

"Gosh darn it! Stop arguing Bitch boy and sweet boy." Said George in a scary tone.

"OI! Don't call me a bitch boy! And what will you do? Bitch?!?" Tommy still argued but he got ignored by everyone so he shut up.

"Okay well it's a five minute drive, so might as well talk about something." Dream said and others agreed.

So while they were going to the hotel they chatted since they were bored. When they arrived they got out and picked up their bags.

They went inside and waiting for others.

"Zaaaak!" they heard Bad say and saw them come inside.

"That took you long!" Said Tommy in an angry tone.

They went to the receptionist and got their cards then went to their rooms.

"One, two, thre- e" George stopped talking. "HOW THE HELL IS THIS SO BIG?! ISN'T THIS A HOTEL?!" He shouted

"It's 5 stars but I agree it is big." Dream agreed with George putting the bags on their beds and unpacking them.

George saw the letter, smiled and took it out placing it in a drawer.

You shall be safe till Sunday. No one shall find you. George thought to himself and giggled receiving a laugh from Dream.

~Time skip~

They were now gathering back in the lobby since they decided they wanted to go to a fancy restaurant.

When everyone arrived they took off and chatted all the way there. The way to the restaurant was amazing, it was connected to the hotel and surrounded by pretty trees.

Once they arrived they sat down at a big table. George took out his phone going on Twitter checking out what's going on.

He saw loads of posts with Dream tagged in them and people saying how he will 'confess' to his loved one. He started to tear up but tried to act like he was okay.

The thoughts of him loosing his lover were breaking him and making him fall apart, very slowly.

Dream noticed George almost crying so he took his phone and saw what George was reading. Those posts made him blush.

"Who's the special one?" George asked almost crying.

"N-no one." Dream answered blushing even harder.

"E-Excuse me..." George said standing up and grabbing his phone from Dream's hand. He ran off to the bathroom tears rolling down his cheeks.

He stood infront of a mirror and looked at himself, he started to get dizzy and started to breath heavily.

He was having a panic attack.

Just then the door swung open and there he was...



A/n: 1647 words! Finally!

I plan on making a new story (2 new stories to be exact). One will be another dreamnotfound and the other will be Wilbur x reader.

So if you're interested you can check those out after I finish this story.

Anyways! Thank ya'll for 1K+ reads! Ya'll are amazing! I love you all and have a great day/evening/night.


03:21 a.m.

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