☄️Chapter 6☄️

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3rd person POV.

Dream woke up to his alarm going off, for the first time in his life, George didn't need to come and wake him up.

Slowly getting out of bed Dream went to change and had a plan to surprise George, that's he woke up earlier than him, and be a little braggy 'bout it.

He went out and saw Sapnap sitting in the living room, eating snacks. He waved at him, and smirked.

Sapnap looked at him confused, not understanding why he's smirking but smiled back, and went back watching the TV.

When Dream entered George's room the sun light was on his bed, shining as bright as George. He opened the window and a warm breeze of wind hit both of them waking George up.

"Sapnap... Go away.." he mumbled under the pillow that was covering his face.

"Oh, you're awake." with a bright smile said Dream.

George instantly got up, and started at him.

"Are you okay Dream? Do you feel okay?" He said still in his sleepy voice.

"Oh, me? I'm perfectly fine, just glad you didn't need to wake me up, I did it myself." Proudly stated Dream, and looked up with his eyes closed, smiling.

"Oh. I'm quite glad too." he fell back in his bed, and closed his eyes. "Can you close the window, and the curtains, please?" yet again mumbling uttered George.

"Fine. If you don't wanna wake up, and hang out with me, then don't." he slammed the window, and closed the curtains, before leaving he slammed the door.

"Ughhh.. Why must you do this to me Dream?" he slowly got used to the lighting, slowly waking up.


Dream stromed out George's room, and sat down near Nick.

"You okay?" Nick worryingly questioned.

"I'm fine. He's not getting up, on top of that he's not even happy I woke up by myself." he was still pissed, and he wasn't acting.

His had an angry expression, so Sapnap handed over chips.

"Maybe these will help" said jokingly, and that seemed to brighten Dream's mood.

A few minutes later George walked out, sitting next to Dream he placed his head on Clay's shoulder and mumbled something underneath his breath.

"Huh?" Dream asked.

"Nothing. Don't worry. I'm sorry I made you angry." George regretfully said.

"It's fine. I wanted to brag about waking up anyways but it's fine."

"Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Have some space." Nick winked at them, and left.

They both started to blush, and Dream made more space for George so he could sit, chill, and watch TV.

They watched a documentary. The birds were chirping cheerfully untill a small baby bird fell out the nest.

From the corner of Dream's eye he saw George tearing up.

Never really knew he was a animal lover. I feel bad... Dream thought to himself.

So he changed the channel. They were watching food suddenly.

Dream almost drolled since when he woke up he didn't eat breakfast, he went straight for snacks.

"Hey, George. Wanna go make some food?"


Both standing up they slowly headed towards the kitchen, chatting.

"So what do you wanna make?" George questioned.

"What about... Salad!"

"Oho! Yes! Great idea." George full of joyfully agreed.

They took the stuff to make the salad and started to cut everything. They chatted about youtube, their videos, streaming and then the L.A. theme came up.

They were happy, they wanted to confess there. Their love for each other was strong. They wanted to protect, cuddle, and do much more but they were scared of rejection.

"So are you excited to go to L.A.? Because I sure am! But I'm just afraid of one thing."

"Yeah, me too. And may I know what you're afraid of?" George tried to get the answer out of Dream but he just shook him head not stopping from making food.

~Time skip~

"Aaanndd... Done!" George beaming like the Sun said topping of the salad with cheese.

"Me too." Joined in Dream.

Looking at each other they started to blush. They got so red, but thank God Nick came in.

"Ohoo!! SALAD! Did you make me one?" They stopped staring, and Dream nodded. He took a bowl put in a spoon (or fork I don't know which one you eat with. I eat with a fork) and handed it over.

"Hope it's good! I, and George made it." Proudly said.

"Thanks guys! C'mon. Let's go eat and let's go for a walk."

"Good idea, Nick." the boys darted straight to the living room, and sat down.

Slowly eating it Dream got a notification, and the sadness over came George once again, just like the time when they went to the restaurant.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

George repeated these words in his head.

It's happening all over again, Dream is smiling while texting someone, I'm getting more sad...

No, no, no. Please God.. What did I do wrong to deserve this? Please... Stop this... It stings my heart.

George taking deep breaths in and out somehow calmed down and ignored Dream.

One they finished eating Dream placed his phone in the jacket and picked up everyone's bowls and brought them to kitchen.

"Nick.. Who was he texting?.." George said with his voice shaking.

"George don't worry, it was Zak, he just plans on confessing to Darryl so he's asking for help. He said to Zak that he likes someone and he plans on confessing to them too in L.A. so it must be one of our guys. It's probably you tho, because the way he looks, the way he act around you it just gives it away. Plus he always gets red when he's near you." Sapnap calmed George down.

"Oh okay, thank you." George thanked Nick.

"Yah! It's my pleasure." Sapnap giggled and got up turning the TV off. "Well let's go get ready for a walk. Since we are going for a very long one put ons something that is comfortable."

Nodding they both went their separate ways into their rooms and changed. George was half naked when the door open, and...


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