The Fact That He Smiled

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•No One's POV•
"Crap! Kaito, get out of here and take Kokichi-" Maki quickly shouted but she was already greeted to a punch in the face caused by the one and only Shuichi Saihara..

"M-Maki!" Kaito shouted after her, Shuichi then dashed towards him until a frightening sound was heard.


This time, the bang was even louder..

Shuichi tripped over and Kaito fell due to the loud bang coming from outside which caused the whole academy to shake while Maki was still in the floor.

Kaito grabbed onto Maki while she tried to pull away from his grip begging for Kokichi.

"It's too dangerous! We need to leave-" Kaito spoke.

"No! No I'm not leaving—"


It was even louder.

Kaito luckily managed to grab Maki and carry her while she tried to fight back with her only arm and ran off with Shuichi left behind but he didn't care, he once again had his Kokichi..

Shuichi walked over towards Kokichi and carried him bridal style, again the BANG was heard so he accidentally dropped him.

When he got up to find a few cuts here and there, the academy was collapsing.

Though that didn't matter to him.


Because Kokichi was nowhere to be found..

"KOKICHI!!" Shuichi yelled in pure anger.

Quickly, still feeling a bit limp from that thing Shuichi had put in him, Kokichi tried to run away.. To find anyone.. Just to be saved.

Kaito continued to run then he got outside. Even though it was dangerous out there, inside was even more dangerous.

Everyone is going insane..

After all, there's still a crazy Gonta and a psychopathic Shuichi stuck in there, Angie going crazy trying to sacrifice people to Atua- Wait is she still alive?? And let's not forget Kiibo.

Kaito ran and ran to anywhere just to avoid Kiibo and Monokuma before Kiibo had aimed at them.

Immediately, before Kiibo could, a knife was thrown at Kaito.

It was too fast, he can't even see it. Did the knife miss? He was confused and so was Maki who had calmed down after seeing the Knife just disappear.

But did it really..?

Kaito's neck was sliced open very slowly..

Oh I get it now..

The knife was thrown so fast that it was faster than time itself, no wonder it's slicing his neck so slowly.

"AAAAH!" Kaito had screamed, it was so high pitched that Maki had to cover her ears before coming to help him.

When she took her hands off of her ears, a disgusting sight was caught right before her eyes..

Kaito's neck was cut slightly in half yet enough to make a person die from blood loss, his eyes was rolled back. Yet he was still breathing.

"Kaito..!" Maki screamed and raced down to help him.

Maki then noticed small tears forming in his eyes, she also felt tears coming through hers.

"K..Kaito.." She whispered.

"Maki.. I.. I'm sorry.." He whispered back, he put his hand on her cheek while tears started pouring down her face.

He wiped off a tear falling down her cheek weakly as he softly smiled, his final smile..

"H-Hehe.. D-don't cry.." He said.

"T..Thank you Maki.. I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry I.. I can't be there till the end with you.. B..But even if I can't be there with you.. I.. I'll a-always be c-cheering for you u-until the end, even a-after the end.." He whispered.

"K..Kaito.." She whimpered back.

Then, she felt his hand go limp falling from her cheek to the ground. That's it, he's dead.. But.. At least he died with a smile..

She turned her head to see who
did such a cruel thing only to find it was Shuichi who was standing in the distance with a glare showing pure hatred and glowing red eyes..

"..Y..You.. I'll fucking kill you!!!" She screamed and was about to charge at him until the unexpected happened.

Gonta ran up to Kiibo and jumped at an intensely high height and grabbed Kiibo's arm throwing him making sure to aim at Shuichi and Maki especially to kill Kiibo too on purpose.

What was strange was how there was still maggots on Gonta crawling upon him.

Shuichi quickly dodged but Maki didn't, it was too late..

Pink blood was splattered everywhere, Kiibo's head was broken and was opposite his body now being a useless robot.

Maki's body was limp on the ground, some of her blood around her but near Kaito's too.

No, she wasn't dead. She was just hurt really badly.. But Kiibo? He was dead for sure..

Maki ^^^^

"O..Ow.." she whimpered slightly, she looked up weakly to see Shuichi above her with a sharp knife looking at her with a glare.

(Shuichi ^^^)

"Y'know.. I could've let you live.." He started off, still looking down at her.

"But.. I'm kind of mad.. He never was yours and he never will be, when you took him into your chest and he saw you.. He smiled.." Clutched tightly even more onto the knife.

"The fact that he smiled when he said your name.. It really does piss me off.."

He open his eyes slightly and smile a bit once he saw her, "Maki.." he whispered out. (From at the end of Chapter 40)

"He's mine.. I thought you already knew that.."

He raised the blade on top of Maki's head, ready to finally kill her.

"Last time I checked, he was never yours.."

Maki raised her head up to see the knife feeling tired from the lack of blood, "What's mine is mine.."

"And I'm ready to kill for it."

The knife instantly cut her head off only to receive an ear pitched scream slowly tune down..

Finally.. He did it..

He killed Maki

Just then, Gonta started running at Shuichi with blood lust in his eyes before Shuichi threw the same kitchen knife he used on Maki and killed Gonta the same way he killed Kaito.

Gonta started coughing, "Gonta.. Can't wait to see.. Everyone happy in.. H-Heaven.."

Gonta then closed his eyes with a small smile, feeling no regrets.

How wonderful that feels..

Rest in peace Gonta and Maki.. For you will never be missed.

Shuichi stood up, blood splattered all over him.

All of his rivals are gone, there's no need to fear anymore for Kokichi loving someone else.. Because there is no one else to love apart from Him..

Shuichi arrived at the dorms to see Tenko and Himiko in tears, Tenko was hiding Himiko behind her back as tears rolled down both their cheeks. As for Kirumi, she was beside them too this time glaring at him instead of crying.

"W..We saw it!! We saw the whole thing, you traitor!!" Tenko screamed at Shuichi.

Saihara started walking towards them ready to end their lives before he felt something pulling at his leg.

It definitely wasn't Monokuma since he's busy trying to fix the Monokubs after Kiibo's death.

It was Kokichi.

"No..! D-Don't kill them!! Please!!" Kokichi was in tears, and this hurt Shuichi.

He was hesitant to spare them but he did..

"Fine.. But as for you Kokichi, your in big fucking trouble.."

HELLO GUYSSSSS!! Yesss I uploaded 2 chapters today!! Anyways, if ur confused then here's a picture of who's dead and who's alive. Currently, Kokichi doesn't know what happened to Maki or Kaito. Actually, he doesn't even know that everyone's dead apart from Angie (who's dead) Himiko, Tenko and Kirumi. I thought I could keep them alive Cus their nice!

Also if ur confused onto how Kokichi didn't know, basically it's because Kokichi was asleep when Korekiyo was killed, Ryoma was crushed. Technically he wasn't there to experience it so he has no idea but you'll see his reaction in the next chapters. Aren't we glad that Maki and Kaito are finally dead???

Anyways baiiii
~Oumasai Lover

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