How To Get Organized for School

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How To Get Organized for School

Or: How to never again panic, realizing you have a test tomorrow and ten assignments due!

I like to use a planner. Some people might like to use a regular planner from the bookstore or stationery store while other people might prefer to go the DYI route and use their own bullet journal, but I firmly believe that a planner is essential to school success.

Here's how I use my planner:

At the beginning of the school year, I look at the syllabus for all my classes and write down important due dates (tests, assignments, readings, etc.)

I colour-code each subject into different colours, then I use that colour for tasks in my planner

Buy a pack of multicolour pens and/or highlighters for this!

I break up each task (studying for tests, reading and rereading assigned texts, or writing essays) into small chunks

For example, if I have a test on Friday, I'll write in my planner for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday the different things that I need to study for, which is more relaxing than cramming for the test on Thursday night

Or, if I have a research paper due, I'll break it up into time spent researching, time spent outlining the essay, then time that I spend writing and editing the essay

If I have a reading for class (which I often do since I'm in English), I will break it up into chapters that have to be read by the class instead of reading the whole book or text in one day


Over-schedule yourself on one day

Procrastinate. This may be really difficult if you're used to procrastinating, but sometimes you have to take drastic measures.

Turn off your phone and don't go on it until your work is done.

Figure out why you're procrastinating (maybe you're scared of putting out work that isn't perfect!) and try to address the problem (tell yourself that it doesn't need to be perfect because you're human!)

Stay up late trying to get things done. This results in low quality work. Just go to bed early and wake up earlier the next morning to finish the work

Ignore your social life or self-care in favour of school


Request extensions from teachers on assignments if you need them, some professors are really good about this

Make sure you have a good morning and evening routine that gets you on-track

Remember why you're studying and be grateful for the opportunity to get an education! A lot of women and girls around the world are unable to go to school.

Get together with friends and motivate each other to study. Take a class with a friend and quiz each other!

I hope this helps you! 


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