Chapter 9: The Ice Roc

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Eris: "Enough talking. Time for some screaming."

She blows the bubble that had a picture of Y/N forming a piece of ice, like a ball, then shaking the ball. She then shakes the ball of ice like a snowglobe and raised it up as a giant bird showed up. With Shu, Y/N and the crew, the water turns frozen solid then the ice hit the ship the drool froze that Spike was drooling.

Shu: "For crying out loud, what next?"

Shu turns around almost hitting Xander.

Shu: "Oh, get a shirt on before you poke someone's eye out. Okay, guys, get down there and break it up! We've got to keep moving!"

Everyone got into their winter outfits and grabbed some mining tools and started breaking the ice blocks.

Cuza: "Steal the Book of Peace. [shivering, then he continues chopping] We will retire in the tropics."

Cuza continues chopping as the rest of the crew shivering, then Spike barks at something, which caught everyone's attention as everyone stops what they're doing and hears a whooshing sound. Y/N took off her winter coat hoodie and looked over at the horizon trying to find the source. Spike continues barking, then Y/N and Shu look over to see something moving. Spike barks then whimpers and run back, then a giant ice bird appeared busting through the rocks, it flys past all the crew and flew around the ship.

Shu: "Everyone, back on the ship!"

Y/N: "Hurry!"

Xander: "Come on! Come on! Move faster!"

Everyone ran back to the ship quickly and got on except for Yugo as he continues running, as the ice bird came close to him trying to grab him then he jumps in the water.

Y/N: "Yugo!"

Yugo gets out of the water, trying to climb up on the ice. Y/N grabs a rope and throws it to Yugo.

Y/N: "Grab the rope!"

Yugo grabs the drops. As Shu helps Xander get in Xander reaches for Cuza.

Xander: "Cuza, your hand!"

Shu looks over to the bird seeing Y/N and flies towards her ready to grab her.

Shu: "Y/N!"

Y/N looks at Shu then at the ice bird she tries to get away but the ice bird grabs Y/N, then Sinbad tries to get Marina out of the bird. But their hands slipped out as Y/N was being taken away to the high tower. The ice bird drops Y/N on the top of the tower, Y/N gets up and runs away but the ice bird traps her with its claws and tries to eat her but only got her coat as Y/N successfully escapes and hides under a piece of thick covered ice.

Shu was getting prepared for rescuing Y/N.

Shu: "Cuza! Don't let the blocks freeze!"

Cuza: "Aye, aye, Captain."

Shu: "And, Xander!"

Xander: "Aye!

Shu: "Give me a hug?"

Shu spreads his arms open as Xander looks at him as if he was crazy.

Xander: "Excuse me?"

Shu engulfs Xander in a 'hug' then grabs his swords as Xander smirks at him.

Xander: "Hmph."

Shu grabs a shield, then putting on the back, then putting a crossbow up, then whistling to Spike, as he grabs the bone, then catapulting Shu to the mountain, then putting a sword in his mouth, then flying up towards the mountain, then putting swords on the mountain, then sliding down, groaning, then shaking it off, then climbing up.

Shu: "Oh, she couldn't see the bird? Everyone else saw it. It's as big as a freakin' ship. Y/N? Y/N's looking the other way."

The ice bird kept looking for its prey as Y/N peeks through a hole then a hand covers her mouth as Y/N panics but relaxes as she turns to see Shu.

Shu: "Shh, shh, shh."

Y/N smiles at Shu, while in the background the ice bird kept breaking things.

Y/N: "You're rescuing me!"

Shu: "Yes, if that's what you want to call it. But this going to cost you another diamond. Rescues aren't part of the usual tourist package."

Then they both quickly sneaked to another pile of ice and ducks under it as the ice bird crushes their previous hiding spot.

Y/N[whispering]: "So, how are we going to get down?"

Shu: "I... I don't know."

Y/N: "What?!"

Shu: "I don't know yet. I'm thinking about it, all right?"

Y/N: "You scaled a thousand-foot tower of ice, and you don't know how to get down?"

Shu: "Of all the ungrateful... [grunting] Look, if you'd rather take your chances on your own, that can be arranged."

Y/N: "Shh-shh-shh-shh. All right. All right."

They both duck under, causing a loud rumble from the ice bird as it walks past their hiding spot.

Y/N: "So, what do we have to work with? Um... ropes?"

Shu: "Uh... no."

Y/N: "Uh, grappling hooks?"

Shu: "Yeah... no."

Y/N: "Your swords?"

Shu [grunts softly]: "Hey, I've got this."

Shu takes out Xander's sword.

Y/N: "Oh, great. He can pick his teeth when he's down with us."

Shu: "Yeah. Okay. See, in the hands of an expert, a good knife has 1,001 uses. Ooh!"

Shu throws the knife in the air and it hits the ice then the ice breaks as the ice bird turns to their attention and Y/N glares at Shu.

Shu [chuckling]: "Uh... Run!"

Shu grabs Y/N's sleeve and they started running.

Shu: "Come on! Faster!"

They kept on running until they see a cliff.

Y/N: "W-Wait, wait. What?"

Shu: "Let's go!"

Shu grabs Y/N's waist

Y/N: "No...! Oh! Oh!"

They continue falling and Shu and Y/N look at each other as SHu grabs Y/N bridal style then Shu uses the shield he brought as a ski-slide. They grunt in pain from the bumping as they slide down.

Shu: "I think we lost him!"

Shu jinxed himself as the ice bird appears at their side.

Y/N: "I don't think so!"

Shu: "Heads down!"

Shu grabs a shield and covers both Y/N and him as he uses his back to slide down the mountain and Y/N lays on his chest closing her eyes shut tight the beak snaps at the shield shut while they both duck. Shu felt his body cold from the snow and they both almost got crushed by the buildings that are collapsing.

Shu: "Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Whoa! Whoa!"

They both passed through the fallen buildings safely as they continued sliding and they both exchanged small smiles then a small rock dropped in front of their path.

Shu: "Oh, no!"

They both go flying up, and the ice bird tries to grab them by the beak but failed then they continue sliding down. Y/N clutches Shu's winter coat tightly as there was a dead-end at the end where the ice bird stood ready to devour them. Shu then sees a cave.

Shu: "Lean right!"

Shu and Y/N lean right as they enter the cave as Y/N wraps her arms around Shu as he wraps his arm around her. They stop as they nearly drop from an ice edge in the cave.

Shu: "Whew."

Then the ice bird breaks the wall and Shu wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist and leaned forward and slid down the edge.

Sinbad: "Come on!"

They both fall down, then fly up to the other side, then they continue sliding down by looking at icicles. Shu sees a tight at the other side and brings out his sword.

Shu: "Hang on!"

They both slide around in a circle, then Shu takes the sword out when he stabbed it on the ground, then they continue sliding down as the ice bird continues chasing them but due to its large self, the collapses slowly in resulting killing the ice bird, causing an explosion, then they both fall down. Then the crew looks up to see Y/N and Shu falling towards the ship.

Xander: "Yep, there they are."

Hikaru flips the coin to Hikari, who had a huge grin on his face. Shu and Y/N continue falling down by ripping a sail, grunting. Shu lands on top of Y/N as they landed on the ship.

Shu: "There... [clicks tongue] just as I... planned."

Shu stopped in mid-sentence noticing how close they both are. Y/N chuckles softly as they turn the attention to the crew who lifted the ripped sail.

Crew: "It's Y/N!"

The crew helps Y/N up then Cuza jumps down and embraces Y/N in a tight hug.

Cuza [sobbing]: "We thought you were gone forever!"

Shu [clears throat]: "Oh, I'm fine. Really. But I'm touched by your concern."

Shu cracks his bones, causing a loud rumble by dominoes, then splashing in the water, as the crew just watched wide-eyed and jaws wide open then they all cheer as the iceberg wasn't in the way anymore.

Raul: "Yee-ha!"

The crew laugh and cheer as Shu and Y/N smile at each other.

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