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Dai's POV

It's good spending time with my children. It has been long since I had a father and child bond with them. They had different plans to spend time with me.


"What do you want to do father?" Awamo asked and I just gave a small smile.

"Anything you like"

"Okay what about reading?"

"That would be delightful," I said and he smiled. We both walked to the living room and I sat down on an arm chair and Awamo at the carpet cross-legged. He made books appear and we started to read.

"Hey Awamo have you seen t--never mind," it was Iwne who quickly disappeared after seeing me.


"Ever fallen in love? Don't worry I'm not a love maniac like my universe is," Sour asked.

"Actually yes. Believe it or not but I was once in high school at the Devine world. I fell in love with the most beautiful, smartest and shy girl in my eyes. Alas it didn't end well," I said and he was interested.

"What happened"

"I went to the school library where she likes to read and found the school cool boy kissing her. I was too heartbroken and left the school," I said.

"Don't you think maybe you were mistaken of what you saw? Maybe it was the cool boy that kissed her, her not wanting"

"Now I think about it you have a point. They did give me the library tip off. But its very late anyways"

Helles and Pell were talking about "beautiful, a father and son bond" and that, Hearts in their eyes.


"How did I raise a money sucking devil?" I asked as we were at a mall shopping. She's like her grandmother. Everytime I go with her she'll ask me to buy things for her with my own credit card than hears.

"You spoil us to much," Vados said with a smile.

"And I regret that a little. I should un-spoil you. So you can buy yourselves things," I said and she had a look of horror.

"Forget what I said. Just keep spoiling us. Pleeeease," she begged with puppy eyes and I sighed in defeat.


"That you father^^"

"You're welcome my dear"


"They don't let children in?" Bulma said as we were at a fancy restaurant. Which doesn't let children on, that I look like.

"It's an outrage," Beerus said. He was scared of me, but not that much cause he wants some food.

"We can change restaurants. I think this one is too fancy anyways for my liking," I said and they turned to me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes we can go to a public one. I do not mind," I said smiling and they did the same.

"I got a perfect place^^"

"Just one thing to not look like a child," I said and transformed to my full form which I was taller and muscled. They were all surprised by this and Beerus was pale.

"This is my full form. Only few people know about it and now you're one of those. So now let's go and eat," I said and we did just so.


We were fishing together like old times where I used to teach him. I noticed he was sad. Very....

"Korn you can let your feelings out. No need to bottle them up," I said and he flinched a little as I placed my hand on his back. He began to shed tears.

"I just don't get why you have this. Causing you to leave us," he said sadly and I frowned.

"I'll tell you why I have this. But it doesn't go to your siblings," I said and he nodded.

"I have a Soul Mate. I have been connected with her since birth and the time I met her I was young and I felt a spark in my heart. Your grandmother and grandfather explained to me what it was. Only one thing could her me and its that girl...."

"I lost hope and my heart broke as I my worst enemy in high school kissing her and I just left. I never had been the same again. And I knew my death will arrive sooner or later because Y/n was not immortal but still a Goddess," I explained sadly and he was eye wide with tears.

"Y-you said I have a grandmother and grandfather. C-can't they help?"

"My father basically created this whole Omniverse. There are things he cannot solve including this," I stated and he was quick to hug me letting tears out and I patted his back. (me: Daichi always gets the credits. Raven: you don't show yourself much)

"All we be good my son. Just make sure you keep my title in check," I said and he turned to me.

"Y-you mean?"

"Yes you're perfect for the job. I always believed in you," I said smiling.


"Mojito shut that stupid music!!" Roh Kai yelled.

"Shut your yapping Kai! Have you come here to relax or bother me?!" Mojito yelled back. Finally standing up for himself.

It was a beach day and Mojito, Roh were setting up. I approached them in my beach clothes given my Kusu and Sidra and Roh started to be pale and bowed down. Roh, Kai style.

"G-Grand Priest w-what brings you o-on this f-fine day?" Sidra asked sweating.

"Good you made it father. So which activity should we start with?" Mojito asked smiling.

"I haven't had a beach day for eons so I'm kind of layed back," I said and he had a wide grin.


"Good choice," i followed him to the surf boards but stood for a sec,"And Roh be quiet would ya"

We spent time surfing, jetskis, diving, volleyball with some mortals and some other fun activities. The two gods were confused of my behaviour but just shrugged it off.


I was in bed and Kusu was crying hugging me as she was going to loose me which is true. She just wanted to be beside me before I go. She's the oldest yet young in mental and physical when she wishes to. It's a start that I will be not by her side.


Photo shoot. Many different clothes and hair styles. Pouts, funny faces, cool and others. We were posting them on Devinestagram and we got many likes and followers. People even commented they don't know me now. Scary to cute. How am I cute!?

My other children arrived and they joined in the madness. And last but not least a family photo to keep in mind all eternety even in Devine heaven.

(sorry Mojito isn't here)

The most remembered time of an Angel family.
Instant out 😜

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