Chapter 4: Jade Dumps Beck

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(Y/N's POV)

Thankfully, Jade and Tori sort of made up after they ended up ditching the latter's detention of scrapping up food from the walls and pillars of the Black Box Theatre after a food fight of sorts. Other than that, I also made up with Jade, she had dragged me into the janitors closet and "forced" me to forgive her, I just told her that I forgave her when I heard that Tori and her made up and have become civil with each other. For the past few weeks of being in Hollywood Arts, I've felt nothing but happiness, I've got great friends, and a place to live until I graduate, that's all I'll ever need. Although there have been some mishaps here and there, like the one time when Tori dressed up as a zombie for a play, and when Beck had gotten a role in the movie "Misfire" that used to star Melinda Murray, however he got removed from the role, only for Tori to try and convince Melissa, but she had been shot by a crossbow bolt after she had tried to get Tori off the set, but much to my surprise, Tori said that the cast hated her so much, so she was their savior. I laughed at that part, it was a twist of events for sure.

Right now, it's a Saturday, and my new guitar is supposedly arriving within the day, so I am just chilling in my dorm room and playing backing tracks of songs to pass the time and hone my skills. Suddenly, I hear the knock of the door, which is surprising since not many people come over, not even my friends because I never told them. Anyway, I set my guitar on it's stand and walk over to the door, and upon opening it, I find Tori outside the door with a smile on her face.

"H-Hey Tori. What a-are y-y-you doing here?" I ask with a stutter as I fix my hair to look more presentable to her.

"I'm visiting a friend, is that so wrong of me?" She asks me with a smile before I allow her inside and close the door behind her. As she looks at my dorm room, I tidy up some of the trash since her visit is so sudden.

"I'm sorry if my dorm is really dirty, Tori. I just never have the time to clean with all the things I've been doing." I say to her, but she just shrugs it off and says that it gives it a little more character and a homey feel to it. She takes a seat on the only chair in the room before she tells me the reason of her visit.

"I was wondering if you were still willing to teach me guitar. Y'know, I have nothing to do at home other than listen to my sister complain and talk about how she's better than me, and I can see that you look like you're waiting on something and are bored out of your mind." She says, and I sigh in relief, I finally have something to do to pass the time. I give her a soft smile before I grab the two acoustic guitars in the room, I hand her the smaller acoustic of the bunch while I keep my Martin OMJM on hand.

"Alright, before we get into notes and chords, here's a crash course on the guitar. You got six strings, or more if you buy a specific guitar that has more strings but that's more advanced. They're numbered one to six from bottom to top and the metal dividers are called frets, they guide you into making a certain note and each fret is a semi-tone higher than the previous note. The open string notes on a standard tuned guitar are, from top to bottom, E A D G B e, the thickest and lowest strings are the same note but in a different octave. You with me so far?" I explain to her, and she quickly gets it, knowing her and her knowledge of music, it should be a breeze for her to know certain notes and what octaves are.

"Yeah, I got it so far." She answers honestly, and we quickly get into the chords everyone knows, open chords. At first, she has a hard time in pressing down on the strings, but that's alright because that's just the fingers building up calluses. We take a short break from playing and talk about our favorite songs and artists before we go back to me teach her guitar.

(Time Skip)

The time I had with Tori was so much fun, I'm just so glad to have her as one of my friends in school. She learns pretty quickly when it comes to music, and before you know it, my guitar had been delivered. I asked her if she could help me film a short video of my unboxing the new guitar, to which she accepted whole-heartedly, and it's safe to say that we enjoyed our time on the Saturday.

Right now though, it's lunch time at school, and I am sitting at a table with Beck. We eat in silence for a while until Andre comes along.

"Hey, Beck. Hey, Y/N." He greets the two of us.

"Hey Andre." Beck and I say in chorus, causing the three of us to laugh before Andre places two water bottles in front of us.

"Congrats, you two. You each got a free bottle of water." He tells us, and we look at him confused. "Oh, I put a dollar in the machine, and three came out."

"Ah, thanks." Beck says, picking up the bottle.

"What a great deal from a machine." I jokingly say before the Elvis impersonator of the group gives the bottle back to Andre.

"However, I don't drink water from mountain streams." He tells him.

"Why not?" Andre asks.

"Mountain streams are full of fish." Beck answers.

"So?" Andre asks, still not getting the idea as he uncaps his bottle of water and takes a huge gulp of it.

"Fish pee." Beck clarifies, but he still doesn't get it and gestures with his arms that he's still confused. "You're drinking fish pee." Once he says that matter-of-factly, Andre immediately does a spit-take and groans in disgust. I didn't pick up my bottle because I open up my backpack and take out one of those huge water jugs you'd see athletes use, and I take a sip from that instead. Beck and Andre look back at me with surprise, but I just shrug my shoulders.

"Hey, guys!" I hear Tori greet as she rushes over to us and looks at Beck specifically. "Dude..." She starts off before taking a seat beside Andre and showing her phone to him. "Look what's on the Buzzfinger Homepage." Upon inspecting it, Beck sees the article of Jay Leno, I don't know what it's about but from his reaction, it's not good.

"Oh, poor Jay Leno." He says, but Tori realizes that it's not the right article and swipes up to the next article.

"No, under that." She shows her phone to him again, and I can see a picture of Beck alongside another girl that is not Jade. As soon as he sees this, Beck just scoffs and picks up his coffee mug.

"That's you and Alyssa Vaughn, together!" Tori explains in shock, and Andre joins in on the shock and takes her phone from her to see the article more clearly.

"That's Beck and Alyssa Vaughn, together!" He repeats what Tori just said, while I just continue eating my cheese fries.

"Why are you guys so impressed?" Beck asks, not minding the whole thing, but it causes Tori to look at him with disbelief while Andre continues to ogle at Alyssa Vaughn and I finish the last of my cheese fries.

"'Cause Alyssa Vaughn is famous." Tori explains.

"And hot." Andre butts in.

"And her father's a billionaire." Tori continues.

"And hot." Andre butts in but thought it was about Alyssa, so the three of us look at him with confusion. He looks up from the phone and realizes what he had just said and corrects himself and says that he drank fish pee as an excuse, causing me to give a giggle.

"Explain this." Tori requests to Beck, to which he answers that Alyssa and him have yoga class together and that some paparazzi took pics of them. Speaking of paparazzi, I hate them so much, no respect for the private life of celebrities... Anyway, Beck explains that they're both just friends. However, Andre and Tori are skeptical about it.

"And how did Jade react when you were "friends" with Alyssa Vaughn?" Tori asks, leading to Andre doing the double quotation with his fingers.

"Jade was cool with it." He says, but knowing his girlfriend, that is highly unlikely, so we look at him as if we're not buying his lie. He looks at us and tells the truth. "She threw a rock at me." Now that's more like Jade.

"Guys, Beck can be friends with other girls, okay? Besides, who can be much better than Jade, Beck is the only person who is able to calm her down if she goes on a mass rampage about gosh knows what. No offense, Beck." I reassure Tori and Andre, and said person I was talking about gives me a thankful look and responds with a, "None taken".

As Tori begins to warn Beck about his girlfriend, her sister, Trina starts to give an annoying announcement about a play she supposedly wrote herself. Me, not wanting to be a part of this, I head into the school but find myself face to face with an angry looking Jade. I jolt in fright from how unexpected she appeared.

"Where's Beck?" She asks me.

"Outside, but he's currently talking with Andre and Tori, but is it alright if we talk?" I ask her, to which she simply nods before we go over to her locker, decorated with dozens of scissors. She leans on her locker while lean on Cat's locker.

"Talk." She bluntly says.

"I can tell that you're pissed about Alyssa Vaughn, but can you at least talk it out with Beck before you start throwing fits? You two are the most popular couple in the school, it'd be a shame for you two to split over something like this." I say to her, causing her to look down at the floor before she gives me her answer.

"I'll try." She responds, and I give her a big smile, not bothering to cover my mouth before giving her a side hug and walking to my next class.

(Time Skip, brought to you by Y/N draping his arms over Beck and Jade's shoulders, giving a big smile to the camera and showing his split tongue, causing the power couple to blush at it.)

It's the end of the day, and everyone is hanging out in every part of the school, except for the janitors closet of course. As I arrange the things in my locker, I can hear Jade talking, still pissed about Beck's friendship with Alyssa Vaughn.

"Hey, we're not done talking about this." Jade tells Beck as they walk down the stairs.

"I am." Beck declares.

"Well, I'm not." Jade fires back, causing her boyfriend to turn to her to try and explain the situation yet again.

"Listen, Alyssa Vaughn is just a friend." He tells her, but she still doesn't buy it.

"Yeah, a friend, who's already sent you six text messages today." Just as she says that, a notification noise comes from Beck's phone, causing him to roll his eyes and for Jade to get even more pissed off. "Seven." She rephrases with gritted teeth.

"You don't know that's her."

"Is it?" She challenges, and so Beck takes out his phone and checks who it was, and judging by his face, it's definitely Alyssa Vaughn. So, to try and change the topic, he asks a totally different question.

"What's your favorite tropical fruit?" He asks her, and in my opinion is a HORRIBLE question to change a topic, oh well, too late now.

"The mango, and I don't like your new little relationship with Alyssa Vaughn." Jade answers and quickly shifts back to the main topic.

"It's a text message." Beck tells her, showing her his screen before he walks over to his locker, which turns out to be right next to mine.

"And what does it say? Maybe, "Hi, Beck! My daddy just got richer, and I got prettier, let's make out!"" Jade says, doing an impression of Alyssa Vaughn all the while Beck greets me with a soft hello, and I do the same.

"Okay, let's see if I understand you."

"Let's see if you do."

"Because you and I date, I can't be friends with other girls?" Beck asks her.

"You can be friends with ugly girls." Jade answers, causing Beck and I to look at her weird, knowing full well that both Tori and Cat are not ugly. "But not girls who are gorgeous socialites who text message you a hundred times a day." She expounds a bit more.

"I don't think Alyssa is that pretty though, just saying, she must be using high-quality products to make herself look the way she does." I butt in, trying to ease the tension between the couple, and the two of them give me smiles but unfortunately go back to looking at each other with no smiles at all. Then, Tori comes walking down the stairs, causing Beck to call her over, much to her protest.

"Let's say you and Y/N are dating. Would you be all freaking out that Y/N is just friends with Alyssa Vaughn?" Upon asking that question, Tori and I look at each other, look down at the floor with blushes on our faces before she goes to answer, but Jade being Jade, doesn't really like Tori.

"Who cares what she thinks?" Jade remarks.

"Honestly, I wouldn't love it." Tori answers, and as if something in Jade's brain manages to switch on, she smiles at her arch-enemy.

"I care what she thinks." Jade says, hugging Tori's arm and smiling bitterly at Beck. And just when Tori is about to leave the conversation, Jade brings her back by dragging her by the arm as she goes to leave.

"You don't think a girlfriend should just trust her boyfriend?" Beck asks to the both of us.

"In my honest opinion, depends on the couple. If it was some other couple, I think they'd be able to trust each other with things like this. But since it's you two, I doubt trust is in the vocabulary." I explain generally.

"Why thank you, Y/N." Jade says, now walking over to me with a fake-ish smile on her face as she puts her hands on my shoulders and peers over my left one from behind my back to look at her boyfriend.

"No, I do." When Tori gives her answer, Jade's smile immediately lowers as she glares at her.

"Get out of here, Tori." She says to her arch-enemy.

"I'd love to." Tori remarks, but Beck holds out his hand to stop her from leaving.

"Stay." Beck says, and she groans while turning back to the conversation, but Jade looks like she's had enough.

"Alright, y'know what?" Jade asks.

"Tell me what." Beck fires back at her as Tori tries to prevent Jade from saying what she think she's going to say. I do too, but...

"We're done." I knew it...just as she says that, my mind becomes blank from the shock of Jade and Beck, the most popular couple of Hollywood Arts, breaking up right in front of my eyes. I didn't bother to listen in to what they were saying afterwards. I stay frozen in shock until Tori pats me on the shoulder, causing me to flinch at the sudden contact. I turn to her with a look of sadness, which makes her give me a hug as I lean my head on her shoulder, not bothering to wrap my arms around her.

"What a world we live in, huh Tori...?" I ask her.

"Yeah I can still teach me guitar when we get back to your dorm." She requests, trying to cheer me up, and it's working, slightly...

"Sure thing..."

(Time Skip, brought to you by a terrified Y/N, running away from a crazy-eyed Trina while the gang chases the two of them to break up the situation.)

Throughout the next few days of Beck and Jade breaking up, I see the two of them ignore each other as they would walk through the halls of the school. And one time during lunch, I saw Beck and Alyssa Vaughn ride in on her personal yellow Ferrari. It is not a great sight to see Jade being green with jealousy, although green would definitely look good on her. All in all, this week is literal hell for the most popular couple. Right now though, I am doing a few assignments from my classes while eating some cup noodles, when a knock on my door comes along. Thinking that it's Tori coming for guitar lessons, I casually walk to the door and open it, but I find that it is not Tori, but Jade, looking extremely sad and also has a kite in hand, for some apparent reason.

"H-H-Hi, Jade...what are you-" She rushes into my dorm without me finishing my sentence. "-doing in my dorm room...?" I finish before closing the door and find her sitting on my bed.

"This kite is broken." She tells me.

"And by kite, you mean your broken heart?" I ask her, knowing full well where this is going, and she immediately nods her head furiously.

"I was walking around, and I saw this kite stuck in a bush and- it's broken, and someone needs to fix it!" She says.

"So what you're trying to tell me is that you are broken hearted that Beck is no longer your boyfriend and that you want me to help you fix this whole debacle." I piece everything together, and she just nods her head yet again. "W-Wait a minute, weren't you the one who broke up with Beck? I was there when it happened." I say, realizing that she was the one who instigated this entire thing. Then she goes into a spiel about not wanting a stuffed toy she had when she was a kid but later regretted it and wanted it back, only for her mother to give it away to an orphanage before she could.

"O-Okay, so why have you come to my dorm? You could've gone to Tori about this, even if you kinda hate her, she can do more about your current problem." I tell her, not really knowing what I should do about Jade, I may have had a girlfriend before, but Jade is a whole 'nother person with a totally different personality than my first love.

"I only asked Tori so that I could find you because you are the only one that is closest to me and Beck!" She cries out before burying her teary and mascara-smudged face into one of my pillows.

"Alright, I will talk to Beck and see if he is willing to take you back." I suggest to her, trying to console her all the while.

"Please, just please talk to him for me." She pleads to me as she now speed-walks to me and gives me a hug, burying her head on my shoulder. I don't mind the tears that continue to drop, and I wrap my arms around the middle of her back.

"I will, Jade. Don't worry." I trace some shapes on her back to at least keep her calm and not crying loudly, and when her sniffing starts to subside, we let go of the hug. "Alright, you can stay here if you want to rest for a bit, take a look at my vinyl collection if you'd like. There's some good records you can find, maybe a song will help you calm down and think about what happened." She just nods at my suggestion before I head out of the dorm. I text Tori about the address of Beck's place, and she gives it to me when Jade had went to her place about this whole crap-show.

(Jade's POV, woah, interesting I know.)

Once Y/N had left his dorm room, I stand up and walk over to a record player, and beside it are numerous vinyl records, all of them from famous guitar players like Hendrix, Clapton, and even from John Mayer, his personal idol. I decide to look at some of the latter's records, and I see two specific ones that stand out to me, one record called , "Room for Squares", a weird name for an album to be honest, and "Continuum". I decide to go with the first record as I take out the vinyl from it's case, but a piece if paper falls out from it. I pick it up off the ground and unfold it to find Y/N's neat handwriting.

"To any and all people who are reading this right now, John Mayer is one of my all-time favorite artists. His songs have helped me through some dark times in my life, from losing my parents in a horrific car crash, and losing my first love due to cancer. My life would not be how it is today if it weren't for John Mayer's songs. So, have a listen if you'd like, and did you know, this record is the first Album my parents have ever gotten me. It's the reason I love music up until now.

-Y/N L/N, soon to be singer, songwriter, guitarist"

As I read the note, my eyes widen when I find that his whole life, he's been struggling with the loss of his parents and his first girlfriend. Tears threaten to drip down my face as I insert the record and turn on the record player. Soon enough, it starts to play the first song.

(Y/N's POV)

I walk around the neighborhood that Beck is supposedly in before I come upon an RV parked just outside a house, and knowing Beck, he doesn't want to be weighed down by rules. I head over to the RV and ring on the doorbell installed on it before an unknown voice calls out from inside.

"Who is it!?" It was an old lady's voice that has called out, I wait for a few seconds before the door opens, and I see a cleaning maid exit the RV, and Beck follows after.

"Thanks, consuela!" Beck thanks the maid.

"De nada!" She responds before leaving with her cleaning equipment. After that, Beck turns his head over to me and gestures for me to enter. I do so and find that his RV is surprisingly cozy and very spacious.

"Hey, Y/N. So what brings you into my humble abode?" He asks me, sitting on the couch and grabbing an apple of the coffee table. I hesitate for a second before I say what I need to say.

"Look, Beck, I know that you don't want to hear this after what has happened between you and her but, Jade and you need to get back together." Once I tell him, he looks at me with indifference before taking a bite of his apple.

"Why do I want to get back with Jade?" He asks me.

"Because she's a mess without you, Beck. She came to my dorm, crying her eyes out and missing you like crazy. I feel like you're the only one who seems to truly help out Jade. She needs you, Beck. She needs her one true love." I try my best to convince him, but he just chuckles before taking another bite of his apple.

"Y/N, let me ask you a series of questions. Answer me honestly, alright?" I can only nod my head.

"Does Jade scare you?" He asks his first question, and I shake my head in a no fashion. "Do you think she is crazy, evil, or a complete psychopath?"

"No, on the surface you'd be afraid of her, but once you get to know her, she'd be a great person to have as a friend." As soon as I answer that question, he gestures me to take a seatΒ  beside him, and I do so.

"I am not the only one who understands Jade, you do too, just like what she said to me before, you are the only one besides me who is the closest friend she's ever had. You can help her too." After saying what he needs to say, I suddenly realize how close he is. I stare at his eyes, which dart from my eyes down to what I presume is my lips. I do not know what came over me, but I do the same to him. Soon enough, he leans in slowly and his lips capture mine in a chaste kiss. We kiss each other for a few seconds before I gasp in shock and cover my mouth with my sleeved hands.

"Beck...I...I don't want to break Jade's trust like that. You and her make a great couple together, not me and you, or me and Jade. I'm sorry..." I look down at the floor, but Beck takes his hands and interlocks them with mine.

"Look at me, Y/N." He instructs me, and I slowly look up at him. "I know that you think this is wrong of my to just kiss you. I understand that. I will always love Jade because I never stopped loving her. I just think that our fight from before was just a ridiculous set back."

"Beck, Jade needs you, she's in my dorm room, probably listening to my vinyl records and crying herself to sleep right about now. I can't kiss a friend's ex-boyfriend, knowing that she desperately wants you back." After I tell him this, he nods his head before giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"I can't, not just yet. Soon..." He answers honestly, and I leave the RV right after and haul a cab back to my dorm room.

(Time Skip, brought to you by Beck kissing the top of Y/N's head before a jealous Jade does the same but on his nose, causing the pansexual boy to blush a dark red.)

Once I arrive at my dorm room, I can hear the faint sound of John Mayer's voice on the record player. I then see Jade, snuggled up in my bed covers and fast asleep. As I slowly walk over to her, my mind flashes back to when Beck had kissed me, but I shake it out of my head.

"Don't leave me, please..." Jade mutters as her hand grabs onto my long-sleeve shirt, causing me to turn to her and see that her eyes are bloodshot, half-open, and looking at me, pleading for me to stay with her.

"I'm here, Jade. I just talked with Beck as well." As I inform her of the news, her head slowly perks up.

"What did he say...?" She asks, but I hesitate for a second or two.

"He's not ready to take you back just yet." I tell her the news, and she starts to cry in tearless sadness. She leans over to me and engulfs me in a hug, not wanting to let go. I set us down on my bed and let the record play until the last song before the needle automatically lifts up. Once that is done, I can hear her steady breathing and feel her breath on my neck, meaning that she has fallen asleep. I turn off the lights to my room and go to sleep as well, but at the back of my mind, there lingers the kiss...

(Time Skip to a few days later)

I close my locker door shut as I adjust my guitar bag on my shoulder before Robbie comes along with Rex in his hand.

"Hey, Y/N. How're you?" Robbie says with a small smile on his face.

"I'm doing fine, Robbie. How are you and Rex?"

"Doin' good, thanks for asking." Rex answers for the both of them, and I merely smile.

"So what brings you over to me?" I asks them as I slowly head to my next class.

"We were just here to tell you that Cat told us, that Tori told her that Beck and Jade are back together." I slow my walk to a halt, turning my head towards them.

"Really, that's great. I'm really happy that they're back together." I tell them with an almost fake smile. When he told me the news, my heart felt a little pang for a second. I should be happy that my two close friends are dating again, but all I feel is...I don't know what it is.

"Anyways, I gotta get to my next class. See you guys later." I wave them goodbye before I leave them, but what I don't know is that Robbie was looking at me with a face that many could describe as disappointment, at what, I am not quite sure myself.


Y/N L/N: I am happy that my two close friends are back together again. I was so scared when they broke up the first time, so this is basically a miracle a work.

Mood: Overjoyed

A/N: Hi everyone, this is probably my longest chapter for me, but I managed to do it in the span of a few hours. Anyway, leave a vote and comment if you liked this chapter, thank you so much for reading, and I will see you all in the next chapter. BYE!

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