Thertemis forever and quest to the prince

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Started on 20-12-2021 11PM (It's my mom's birthday.) AN- I will be changing the point of views a lot.

Artemis P.O.V.-

"Please dad. Listen to me. Please" Artemis was begging to her father to remove her maiden oath. Zeus did not like Theo at all, but seeing her daughter begging to him so hard, Zeus finally gave in.

"Okay, you have my blessings." 

Artemis smiles at her father. To others, they would think Zeus did not like family drama. In real, he did care for his children. 

"I, Zeus, King of the Gods remove the oath of maidenhood from my daughter Phoebus Artemis." Thunder rumbled, and Artemis felt a part of her going away from her.

She ignored the part, and flashed from the throne room to her hunt.

What she saw shocked her to the brim. (Guess what)

Percy's P.O.V. his narration-

"Uh- Why exactly are you bowing?" Percy asked. 

Odin rose and looked at Percy shocked.

"Y-You don't know?" Percy shook his head bewildered beyond his beliefs. 

"The Norse have always respected the Greek. The Greeks are older, and receive more prayers, so naturally they are stronger. We had an alliance with them long ago, before we believed that they faded. Your stories have been known to few of us Asgardians too." 

"My what?"

"Stories. All the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The heroes of Olympus. We believed them to be just stories to now."

This was a lot of information to hold. "Now, what were you saying about the alliance and the Wizards?"

That was a LOT to explain, that included often exclamations and remarks from Odin.

Artemis P.O.V.-

A long string of stars arranged from the tips of each tents. The place was beautifully designed. A large moon shaped cake on a stool, and a banner with the words 'I love you, Artemis'. 

Behind the decorations were standing Theo and the entire hunt. 

Once Artemis was out of her shock she jumped on Theo's arms. Theo kissed Artemis, and soon the happy couple started making out. The rest of the hunt quickly moved away from the sight.

Artemis was happy there in Theo's arms. That's all she wanted. Yet she felt something missing. (AN- Don't dare kill me.)

Harry's P.O.V.-

Few days had passed since the wizards/witches left Hogwarts. Dumbledore's excuse of Percy/Peter having an important family event had almost worked.

Key word- Almost. 

Harry knew that something was being hidden by Dumbledore. Something vital. A part of Harry trusted Peter(the name's gonna be a confusion in this book), since he knew that Peter like him was an orphan. Parents dead. The rest of the part was telling Harry that Peter was not to be trusted. 

To Harry, Peter was always the gloomy, hiding from view, bad-history kid. Too much like Harry. A friend like Peter would have been great.

Artemis P.O.V.-

"You ready?" Theo's melodious voice called. Artemis nodded her head, looking at the man before her lovingly. Theo was simply a charm. 

"I love you Theo so so so much." she murmured under her breath, but it was caught by Theo who smirked slightly. Yet he did not say anything. 





The couple ran at top speed, down the hill, to see who reaches first.

In exactly 79 seconds, Artemis had covered the entire mile, while Theo took 87. 

The spent the remaining day on a picnic date. Unaware to Artemis, Theo had a silver ring behind his hands, waiting to be given at the right time. 

(I seriously need a safety guard now.)

Percy's P.O.V.-

2 hours. Exactly two hours were needed by Percy to explain everything that happened in the last 2 years to Odin.

"So, basically you are saying that a war will be targeting upon the wizarding war, and you need an alliance with us, to help you in the war, while you will help us in any other war that falls upon us?"

Percy nodded.

"Well, I would like an re-alliance between us, but I fear what might think. You will have to gain our trust for this. I am sorry but that's a necessity." 

"I understand. The Romans actually declared a war on Greek the first time they met." he grumbled the last parts under his breath, but Odin caught it anyway.


"Percy only please."

"Percy, I have an of-" Odin was cut off yet once again, but this time with a gatekeeper running towards him.

"My- My- My lord, t-they a-a-are go-going to at-attack u-us. T-twelve t-thousand. T-t-to-tomorrow d-dawn. E-Eil-eil-" The man dropped dead on the carpet. Blood all around him. 3 red arrows sticking out of his back. One arrow at his head. 

"He will re-live." Odin said answering my silent question. His eye was red, showing rage and fear. 

He added under his breath.

"We won't have the same fate."

Camp Half Blood 3rd person's P.O.V.-

The prince's need finally arises
The myth worlds' final hold
The ravens' last call to be heard
Prince shall defeat the foretold

The rescuer's shelter in the castle
The protector who saves in the tragic
The hunts' quest to the match
From the French school of Magic

"Jase, call for the hunters"

"On the way, Nico."

"Leo, get the Athena cabin to the job."

"Of course King Nico."


"Sorry Neeks."

That was what happened at Camp Half Blood when Rachel sprouted out the prophecy. The quest had started. The quest to find the Prince of the Seas. And the hunters where a part of this.

Nico's P.O.V.-

Nico slumped on his bed. He closed his eyes, and hoping for a nice dreamless night

Well, he was wrong. 

Two men dressed in all black were sitting on opposite sides of a square table. Nico looked closer and noticed that the table had a map drawn, with pieces. One was a lar

"Two enemies. Only two." One of them said.

"The boy who lived won't last long. Tom will take care of him. Our only aim is The Sea prince." The other one said.

"The rest of the seven?"

"We wait, and then-"

"My lord?"

"Kill them."

Short chapter. I know. 

Please bear with me. 

1037 words

By ~PerseusJSonOfSea~

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