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[Angie woked up and she got her formal outfit on and she looked to see no MK]

Angie: Oh it's been a week well next episode; Bad Weather, well lets see if Pigsy gonna be mad at MK.

[Angie ran downstairs to see Pigsy in a angry mood]

Angie: Hey boss, let me guess MK isn't here?

Pigsy: Yeah plus I've been waitting for that kid for a few hours I'm gonna check on him, but you can do whatever you want.

Angie: Thank you Pigsy!

[Angie ran off the the Weather Station and gets into her swin suit and she tied her hair up]

Angie: Perfect!! Now time to take a nice break because I need that break.

[Angie smiled as Yin and Yang got their sun glasses on as the trio entered]

Intercom: Welcome to the Weather Station, where you'll notice it's another beautiful day. Here at the Weather Station, we control the city's weather to bring you a perfect day every day.

Angie: Okay Yin, Yang time to chill in the pool plus helps you both with your swimming! (They get into the pool and Yin and Yang were swimming around as Angie was sitting on the edge of the pool looking at her cute pets swimming around) Haha go you Yin, you got this Yang!

[Angie chuckled enjoying the fun until. . .]

Red Son: Well great to see you, Star girl.

Angie: Oh you, sup Red like that nickname?

Red Son: Eh not bad but call me Redson.

Angie: You got it Redson! So trying to get your dad to rule the world? (She saw Redson shocked but he nodded) Well everybody left but not me, Yin and Yang so let me guess your gonna hold me captured?

Red Son: Yes and also yoink! (Then he grabbed Angie's necklace and he chuckled) Plus this necklace is more powerful then that staff but with them together my father will be unstoppable! So thanks for keeping it safe.

Angie: HEY GIVE THAT BACK RED! (Angie tryed to attack but then a bull clone pinned her as the other got Yin and Yang and gave them to Redson) Hey!

Redson: Sorry not sorry Star girl but I needed that necklace. And the two creatures, will become my new pets.


Red Son: Whatever now time to tell everyone. (He started to broadcasts his message to the city) Citizens. It is I, Red Son. I have taken control of the Weather Station, captured the Star girl, stole her necklace plus her pets and will harness the very power of nature to return my father to his former glory. This message is more of a courtesy really. (He pushes a lever, causing a storm to appear and rain, flooding the Great Wall.) When I'm finished, my father will once more dominate the world! And then- Oh look! A lightning button. And Star girl before we end this what you gonna say?



MK + Mei: Oh yeah!

Pigsy: What do you mean 'Oh yeah'? This ain't an 'oh yeah' moment! And also Angie is captured with that demon stole her necklace and Yin and Yang?!

MK: Chill out, Pigsy. I'm invincible, remember? If he wants to tussle with the champ, then I say bring it! Plus I'll be Angie's hero.

Mei: Yeah! 'Cause he's a superhero, yo! The Red Baby is gonna get M.K.O'd and MK has a crush on Angie since they first met!

MK: Mei?! (He blushed as Mei chuckled as Tang smirked) I like her as a friend okay!

Pigsy: Uh, you got a lot to learn, kid. Don't just dive head first in the danger- Wait, what did I just say?

MK: (Laughs.) Totally invincible!


Redson: Soo how long they coming?

Angie: In 3. . . 2. . . 1. . .

MK: Not so fast, Red Son!

Angie: Ah right on time! (She chuckled as MK blushed hearing her chucking) Hey guys!

Red Son: Noodle Boy! I thought I smelt some garbage! Turns out I was right! (Laughs.)

MK: You're laughing now, but...I'm invincible! So yeah, you're basically toast. Prepare to get M.K.O'd or free Angie and give her back her necklace and Yin and Yang!

Mei: Yeah, MK! You show him who's boss- (The Golden Staff slams into her head.)

Angie: Ouch.

Pigsy: (Screams) Jeez, watch what'cha doing!

MK: (Screams) Sorry, Mei!

[MK nearly hits Pigsy and Tang. The Golden Staff hits Sandy.]

Sandy: Oh, my chakra!

Tang + Angie: Oh, no! You've killed him!

Mei: Eh, he's a big guy. He'll be fine.

Red Son: You dorks done beating each other up yet?

MK: Yes, and you're next on my list! (He throws the Golden Staff at Red Son. The staff flags behind him and extends, jabbing him. He's thrown out of the Weather Station and he screams.)

Red Son: I guess the garbage takes itself out now! (he laughs.)

Angie: MK! Okay Yin, Yang get my necklace. (Yin and Yang nodded and got onto the desk and Yin grabbed it with their mouth and gave it to Angie, who's now free) Yes! (She puts it on, and she transformed into her monkey form and opened a portel) See you later Red! (Then She, Yin and Yang goes into the portel)

Red Son: WHAT?! Ugh, well until she and the Noodle boy comes, I guess I can captured you four.

[MK crashes into the road, causing a giant crater. He groans as Angie picked him up.]

MK: Huh? Angie?

Angie: The one and only.

Monkey King: How you doing there, bud?

Angie: Oh hey Monkey King!

MK: Monkey King! Great! Now that you're here, we can go fly up there and smash that-

Monkey King: No, no, no, no, no. In case you forgot, I'm retired. You're supposed to be taking care of the bad guys. Besides, you're invincible! Right? Plus Angie has the portel thingy.

Angie: Yeah. c'mon MK...

MK: Well, yeah I mean, I am invincible, but, you know. Every time I try to do anything I just gunk everything up. Something's wrong. (Monkey King gets on his shoulders as Angie chuckled.) Hey, what are you doing?

Monkey King: Oh yeah, you're right. Oh, this is bad. Something's really wrong.

MK: (Gasps) What is it? What's wrong?

Monkey King: It's you, dummy.

MK: What?

Monkey King: In order to have full control of your powers, you need self-confidence.

MK: I got self-confidence!

[As Angie watches she started to get vision again]

Angie: Ah- ugh stupid visions keep getting into me...

MK: Hey Angie, open your portel thingy Monkey King gave help me control my powers but...

Angie: You're not invincible.

MK: Yep!

[Angie rolls her eyes and opened the portel and MK gets in with Yin and Yang before Angie came in she looked at Monkey King before she smiled and got in]

Red Son: (laughs) Peasants.

MK: Oh, Red Son! (he comes in with Angie, Yin and Yang from Angie's portel) Let's settle this for real. We won't let you get away with this.

Angie: Yeah!

Red Son: (cackles) You both are back to beat yourself up some more?

MK: Hey. I'll have you know I can control my powers now. Only downside is I'm not invincible anymore, so I could die.

Pigsy: What?!

MK: Forgot I said that We got this. 

MK + Angie: Here comes Monkie Kid and Star Warrior!

[Red Son charges with a bunch of Bull Clones]

MK: (Screams) We totally don't got this! (he and Angie runs away as the Bull Clones rain from the sky)

[Red Son than charges at the duo and they fight for a bit. Red Son then throws MK into the Weather Station as he grabbed Angie wrist.]

Angie: HEY!

MK: (he looks up to see a bunch of Bull Clones charging at him) How am I supposed to fight all of them? (then he saw Red Son holding Angie wrist that kinda made him mad) Oh no he didn't touch my Angie! (he then activates his Golden Eyes of Truth) Oh! It's that weird Gold Vision thingy. (he looks up and sees the lighting and gets an idea) That's it! Oh! (he piled on by the clones)

Red Son: (he lands on top of the bull clone pile) Not so tough without all your Monkey King powers, are you?! Now time to give me that necklace- Huh? (The staff grows taller, striking all the Bull Clones and pushing Red Son high into the sky as MK grabbed Angie bridal style and placed her down.)

MK + Angie: Oh, look! A lighting button. (They both pushes a button on the console)

[Lightning strikes down, electrocuting the bull clones. MK and Angie hides behind the console as the strike finishes.]

Red Son: (hits the ground) You may have won this round but... you're still garbage! (he disappears in a fire tornado)

Angie: (She smirked) See you later Red! Have a nice flaming trip!!

MK: Haha good one, now let's get this place back to normal (he then switches everything on the console back to normal, it becomes sunny again) And that should do it. (MK looks at Angie and the two fist bumpped)

MK + Angie: Pound it!

Mei: MK! Angie (she then slams herself into MK and Angie, Sandy follows) Aw, you really did limit your power.

MK: Yeah. Just till I learn to control them better.

Pigsy: And... how are you gonna do that?

MK: Practice, practice, practice. (he bumps himself in the head with his staff)

Angie: Ouch!

[Mei, Pigsy, Sandy and Tang all laugh as Angie got one vision.]

Angie: AH!! (Then everyone looked at Angie and MK came up to her and he took off his jacket and puts it on Angie) O-oh thanks MK...

MK: It's okay, I think you need to get some rest...

[MK helps Angie up as Yin and Yang got back into the necklace to rest]

Angie thought: Soon Lady Bone Demon will come, I won't let Wukong be possessed by her I know what I have to do...

[Angie sighed as she walked with the gang]



Next: Duplicatnation


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