1-800- 273-8255 | Remember this part 2 ~ The founder

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If you recall, in my previous "remember this" post, I gave a boatload of advice on life lessons.

For this one, I would like to focus more on mental and physical illness, self harm, body image, and a few other serious topics.

I will be using the song 1-800 by Logic to correlate with a lot of my advice on this post.

Without any further ado, here is remember this part two.

I been on the low
I been taking my time
I feel like I'm out of my mind
It feel like my life ain't mine

Depression is strong, but so are you.

It takes so much strength to wake up every single day bogged down by the heaviness, emptiness, numbness, loneliness, and hopelessness, depression brings.

Depression is most certainly one of the worst things in life to ever deal with.

No passion, no zeal, no hope, no desire, no happiness, the list goes on.

Your priorities, appetite, sleep, your every action, and your every breath becomes controlled by this monster.

Every day is a battle and if you cannot fight sometimes that's okay.

Just please remember,

Recovery is possible, and there is always healing even when your mind tells you otherwise.

If it's possible for you to seek help, please do.

And if you can't seem to find any help, or the help you have received has no effect,

Please believe me when I say, no pain can last forever, and where there's a will there IS a way, even if you haven't found it yet.

Try everything until something works.

The fact of the matter is people have HEALED and RECOVERED from depression, so so can you.

Sometimes it is through medication, sometimes it is through simply changing your diet , so your mind is in the right place.

I strongly suggest researching the Candida diet for your body AND mind, if you have not tried it as a possible road to recovery, as it has successfully helped others recover before.

The Candida diet, exercise, and therapy are my main suggestions to try, especially if medication has not worked for you.

You can reach the other side somehow.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday somehow you will cross over and break through.

I been on the low
I been taking my time
I feel like I'm out of my mind
It feel like my life ain't mine

Anxiety is another one of the worst things in life to deal with.

With all anxiety, I strongly suggest therapy, the candida diet I mentioned earlier,breathing exercises, meditation, and positive affirmations.

Anxiety is insufferable, but I believe there is healing for everything in one way or another.

So, take it day by day, don't be hard on yourself, and keep fighting until you win.

Screw the stigma

People that contribute to the stigma concerning mental illness, often simply do not understand what they're even talking about.

Same with sexual abuse, and domestic violence,

Because if they did, they would know that sufferers of these horrible things shouldn't be told what they should have done differently, why they could have prevented it, not to be so negative, etc.

Usually it isn't necessarily that people saying these things are pure evil, it is that they don't understand.

It takes experience to empathize.

But that's just it,

You should NOT judge a pain you have never endured.

But since they haven't endured it, therefore they do not understand, let's not believe any statements of ignorance.

I want you to realize that NO ONE gets to tell you how to feel concerning your suffering or invalidate your pain.

Mental illness is not a choice.

And abuse is never the fault of the victim.


So, please do not belittle, shrink, and stigmatize yourself.

Let's not be afraid to speak up, get help, get better.

And let's educate people about mental illness, sexual abuse, domestic violence.

I never had a place to call my own
I never had a home
Ain't nobody callin' my phone

But maybe that isn't always so easy.

Are the people invalidating or even causing your pain living with you?

If so, the message I gave previously still stands, but I realize it must be way more difficult when you don't even have family to lean on.

Concerning mental illness, I suggest possibly talking to a school counselor or looking into online therapy.

Concerning abuse and violence,

Please do not ever keep abuse a secret.

Even if the abuse isn't happening to you.

I know speaking up is terrifying, but it terrifies me imagining you or anyone else suffering in silence.

There is a way out, I promise,

There are so many help organizations out there for sexual abuse, and numbers you can call,

You can go right online and look up safe ways to get out of this or help someone you know suffering out.

Of course, the online world is just as dangerous, if not more.

So, do remember to also stay safe online, there are predators out there even on Wattpad, please be careful who you're talking to, never give out personal information, and something feels or seems wrong TRUST your instincts.

Stay safe.

It's holding on, though the road's long
And seeing light in the darkest things

Loss and suffering of loved ones are two more of the worst things in life to deal with.

There is no quick remedy for grief and suffering, although we all wish there could be.

Grief is a process.

Suffering is a part of life.

All I can really say is hold on.

Because suffering can not last forever, and darkness can not overcome light.

Beautiful things can happen even in and from pain and suffering.

My pain is why SGC came to be after all.

And when you stare at your reflection
Finally knowing who it is
I know that you'll thank God you did

It isn't easy living in a society like this.

It isn't easy seeing perfect looking people on social media with seemingly perfect lives.

A couple of days ago I saw a Youtube video showcasing multiple people that got plastic surgery so they could look like celebrities, and it broke my heart for them.

I wish we could get ourselves to realize social media is NOT usually an accurate portrayal of someone's life.

So, stop wishing you were someone else.

You will never be them, and you don't have to.

So many Youtubers and celebrities have opened up about mental illness, their own struggles and even suicide, and that should be proof to us that NO ONE has a perfect life.

Maybe instead of wishing you had someone else's looks, body,or materials you should focus on how to make YOURSELF happy, and be YOUR best you.

Not a copy of someone else.

Body image issues can lead to eating disorders, (although not all eating disorders stem from body image issues.),

And self hatred can lead to self self harm, (all self harm is also not always stemmed from self hatred.)

Please, do not spend your entire life hating yourself.

And if you already deal with an eating disorder, or self harm, please FOCUS on recovery.

Make a healthy body your body goal.

I know how it feels to despise every part of yourself, and I know how it feels to care more about how you look than your health.

But you can't live your entire life like this.

So, seek help, and find a way out.

If you step onto the road of recovery, in time you can become your healthiest and happiest, YOU.

Pain don't hurt the same, I know
The lane I travel feels alone
But I'm moving 'til my legs give out
And I see my tears melt in the snow

Even though, I've never met anyone that has dealt with the same chronic pain, as I do, I have met quite a few people on this website dealing with physical illnesses, including some of my best friends.

Physical illnesses suck so much, especially debilitating ones.

Each day is a struggle, I know.

But try to remember that we do live in a world where so many new things are being discovered any day.

Just because no cure has been found yet doesn't mean one does not exist.

I've heard stories of seemingly impossible healings come true.

Things can get better,with God, anything is possible including healing.

But I don't wanna cry
I don't wanna cry anymore
I wanna feel alive
I don't even wanna die anymore
Oh I don't wanna
I don't wanna
I don't even wanna die anymore

The last part of this song always brings tears to my eyes.

The person on the phone with the suicide hotline finds the will to live again, and that is my prayer for every single of you dealing with suicidal thoughts.

You were given this life because you are MEANT to live it, you have a purpose, you have value, and you DO matter.

You may think no one cares, but this club is proof that people care about you and want you to be alive.

The fact you have survived everything you have gone through is proof you have what it takes to reach the other side.

And if we keep going, one day we will be able to sing that final chorus in truth too.

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