bad days | Annie

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You know those days where you're so moody and tired and have no idea why you feel this way?

I've been having a string of bad days lately, but I got out of my slump. So I decided to write about things that helped me and can help you too!

1. Listen to your favorite song or album that always brings a smile to your face.

One album that has helped me get through a lot of stuff, as cheesy as it may sound, is Sweetener by Ariana Grande. That album, as I see it, is about healing and moving on from things.

2. Reread your favorite book.

It's always comforting to come back to a book that was there for you during a hard time and make you laugh, even when you thought you couldn't. What better time is there to reread a good book to cheer yourself up?

3. Go outside.

Whether it's a walk or run, being outside in the fresh air is a good way to clear your mind and focus on other things. It's actually been proven that seeing sunshine every day makes your mood better.

4. Hang out with your family.

As odd as it may seem, I've tried this tactic before and it always works. My family always manages to distract me and forget about what I was thinking about before.

5. Watch your favorite tv show or movie.

This usually helps me feel less moody and happier. Something about rewatching episodes of Fuller House always makes me feel happy!

6. Take a nap.

For me, taking a nap and restarting the day with a different mindset helps me get more things done. I also just love the warm feeling I get when I wake up after a nap and I'm just happy because I got enough sleep. Does anyone else love that feeling?

7. Make a bucket list.

Is there something you've always wanted to do or a place you've always wanted to go? Then write these things down on your bucket list and plan for them to happen someday!

I also make to do lists because it's easier for me to do little things each day instead of one big task. It helps me organize my thoughts too.

You know, it's worth getting through the bad days to experience the good days that will come. It's hard to overcome the bad days sometimes, but you can do it!

After all, whatever is making you down will make you stronger because we're not given a bigger burden than we can beat in life. You are strong, and you will get through this.

But what if you still want to stay in bed all day?

Well, you can read in bed or watch a show while lying in your bed! But it's pointless to just stare at the ceiling all day, wondering what to do with yourself and what the point in life is.

If you just get up, and go through your day on step at a time, you may find getting through bad days isn't always so bad.

For instance, the first half of my day was horrible. But in the afternoon, things got better and I had more energy.

Things will get better. It just takes time for the good things to be visible in your life.

And bad days are bound to happen to anyone. They can catch you off guard and change the direction of your day.

But that's okay!

What's the point of life is there weren't surprises and twists and turns.

Life is exciting, but sometimes it can be tiring and make you exhausted. It's about holding on during those times and having hope that things will work out the way they were meant too.

I hope that you're doing well and that you're staying safe during this time. Have an amazing day and thank you for reading! Stay strong!

♡ Annie

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