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HI everyone - I would like to remain anonymous for this chapter for many reasons.. But today I just want to be as open and honest as I can and I don't want others to look at me in a different light after I share what I'm about to.

Kayla, the head admin over SGC shared a chapter about self harm & one that I believe many of us need. Especially myself.. I self harmed for a year a half. Thinking that somehow some way it would help ease my pain that increased by the daily.

I felt like I was in a prison, chained by so many things but the main thing really was my depression. I hate talking about it - I detest people that think that would never happen to them. Because sometimes, life hits us in the most unexpected way. I struggled so horribly with my thoughts and what the devil was saying to me trying to get me to die.

But one night, I went a service at a church that I deeply admire and that preacher said that

"Even though those around you don't see your chains, Jesus sees them and he wants to break them for you."

I practically ran to the altar, fell on my face and asked for something, anything from Jesus.

As I was standing there waiting for an answer from him.. A lady who I consider my second mom, came to me and said she had a word of the Lord for me.. Talk about shook. She began to tell me what God said and as she was saying all of it two things came to mind..

"HEALING" At that exact moment all of the anxiety, depression, self harm urges, and suicidal thoughts were GONE. Healed from the my head to my toes because I believed GOD earnestly for my healing.

Do you know what would've happened had I not laid it down right then? I would probably be in a pretty bad state of mind. I might not even be here. But that, my friend is Jesus. He heals us when we least expect it. Keep believing

J E S  U S

For your healing and IT WILL COME!!

The second word was that he called me to missions. Isn't that amazing? Jesus is so good. I've been praying for my calling since I was a little girl and he finally revealed it to me!

God is so faithful.

Please know, that no matter what you do.. how far you run.. Jesus is always always just one prayer away.

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