Farewell from Jasmine ♥️

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The Strong Girls Club has existed for a year now. That's about the same amount of time I've been a member. When the founder, Kayla, contacted me and asked if I would like to become an admin, I was ecstatic. I had been following the SGC for about a month at the time, and I loved it.

I loved the advice that was posted. I loved the solidarity. I loved the tough topics tackled; I loved the fun chapters. I still do.

When Kayla stepped down from her role as leader and owner of SGC last December, I was sad to see her go, but I was prepared to take on my new role as a co-owner along with Tay and Gigi.

Life hits you like a train when you least expect it, at times, which can make you unprepared in ways you had not anticipated.

I had a bout of depression beginning in January. No matter how much I wanted to do the things I wanted to do... I couldn't. I struggled to even complete basic tasks. I fought tooth and nail to keep going. Procrastination and executive dysfunction became my constant companions.

Pain became another companion of mine. My joints became stiff and aching with cold weather, humidity, use, and hardly anything at all. Especially in my hands.
I've recently learned that I have a condition called hyper-mobility syndrome (which means that I'm technically double-jointed, even though I don't have as large of a range of motion as some people). It doesn't cause pain for everyone who has it, but pain is not uncommon.

I also start college in August. I've decided that I'm going to try to go for a degree in diagnostic sonography (ultrasound tech) in order to have some stability as I pursue my career in writing and go for my English degree.

Before I leave SGC, I have some advice (hopefully good advice) to impart.

1. Try not to put off things that contribute to the pursuit of your dreams. You never know when something will come up to prevent you from doing them. Life is short.

2. Don't hold back your creativity. Don't limit yourself where you don't have to.

3.You don't have to answer to small-minded people who try to make you just as small-minded as they are, or people who try to shoot down your dreams.

4. Do things that help you reach your goals, even if they're  uncomfortable or scary.

5. When life knocks you back several feet after you made one significant step, take more steps. Don't remain stagnant just because of it.

That's all I have! Stay strong! 💖♥️💖♥️💖♥️💖


Jasmine ( jcdwriter )

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